Come out of hiding thread

I still have shopping to do. All I've purchased so far is a little tree and some decorations!

Nice! Yeah, I bought a tiny tree, too... But I should have bought tiny ornaments for it. Because I can put like, one normal ornament on it, and it'll often tip over due to the uneven weight distribution. So now I just have a tiny naked Christmas tree. I guess I can just put a bunch of my earrings on it as tiny ornaments.
Nice! Yeah, I bought a tiny tree, too... But I should have bought tiny ornaments for it. Because I can put like, one normal ornament on it, and it'll often tip over due to the uneven weight distribution. So now I just have a tiny naked Christmas tree. I guess I can just put a bunch of my earrings on it as tiny ornaments.

LOL. I made sure yo get tiny ornaments, but the lights look huge! And there's only a bow on top.

I still think of it as my Charlie Brown Christmas tree! It's in the middle of the coffee table, and the only boxes around are the ones I still haven't unpacked!
Nice! Yeah, I bought a tiny tree, too... But I should have bought tiny ornaments for it. Because I can put like, one normal ornament on it, and it'll often tip over due to the uneven weight distribution. So now I just have a tiny naked Christmas tree. I guess I can just put a bunch of my earrings on it as tiny ornaments.

Awww that sounds so cute :)
Why not bake some tiny, little tree cookies? And string popcorn?

tiny popcorn? I could easily do some tiny cookies but miniature popcorn seems like a large (or little) undertaking. I've given up, I'll just use my earrings as ornaments next year. It's naked-tree this year.
For me, I feel welcome here but I tend to just lurk mainly. Most threads are asking for advice and being new to BDSM I am not one to throw my 2 cents in unless I think it might actually be useful information. Plus with 2 children and a wife to take care of I often find myself with little time to log on to the forums .
I just wander through every now and then and try to check up on a few peeps. :cattail: But so many of the peeps I used to hang with have wandered off too, so I see fewer and fewer familiar names! So if you've been awol like me, say come say "Hey!" and tell us how you're doing.:cattail:

ETA: I've been a member for 14 years? WTELF!?!?!