
perdita said:

Ah, how I wish I really were a Venetian lady (even a Venetian tart would do ;) ).

Perdita :rose:

Isn't that statement redundant? I thought in Venecia the tarts were required to be ladies.
OldnotDead said:
Isn't that statement redundant? I thought in Venecia the tarts were required to be ladies.
Viejo, you're thinking of courtesans; tarts are tarts anywhere I believe, but if I had to be one I'd choose Venezia as my home; or perhaps I should say if it required being a tart I'd do it to live in Venice. Certainly to have been a Venetian courtesan would have been a privilege.

[When I went to Venice, I discovered that my dream had become — incredibly but quite simply — my address. –Marcel Proust

With thanks to the person who sent me this quote. You know who you are.

My first time alone in Venice, ten dream like days, I found it nearly impossible to read. At first I would sit outside a cafe, or in a lovely campo (square), and simply stare whilst holding my book. Eventually I didn't bother taking out my book. I would sit drinking the best espresso in my experience, smoke, and stare. (I love smoking in Venice unlike anywhere else; also had the best ever hot chocolate there.)

When I told a poet friend about this he said the only author he ever managed to read in Venice was Proust, that he could be immersed in Temps perdu, look up, and see no difference.

Thank you for posting the quote, Gauche.

Perdu :rose:
Unfortunately I now have no choice but to quote the line where I first heard mention of Du Temps Perdu.

(In the post office, man is argueing about the need for a fish licence)

CLERK: You must be a loony.

PRALINE: I am not a loony. Why should I be tarred with the epithet 'loony' merely because I have a pet halibut? I've heard tell that Sir Gerald Nabarro has a pet prawn called Simon - you wouldn't call him a loony! Furthermore Dawn Palethorpe, the lady showjumper, had a clam called Stafford, after the late chancellor. Alan Bullock has two pikes, both called Chris, and Marcel Proust had an 'addock! So if you're calling the author of 'A la recherche de temps perdu' a loony, I shall have to ask you to step outside!

gauchecritic said:
Marcel Proust had an 'addock!
I am so larfing out loud. Fuck! Fucking brilliant.


p.s. I may have a tee made with that phrase stamped on it, it'll fit well in my lit-tee collection, including one that reads, "Practice random acts of Hamlet".
perdita said:
I am so larfing out loud. Fuck! Fucking brilliant.


p.s. I may have a tee made with that phrase stamped on it, it'll fit well in my lit-tee collection, including one that reads, "Practice random acts of Hamlet".
Oh, hell. There you go encouraging him. Now it'll take weeks to get the Gauche-unit housebroken again. Sigh.

Resigned Rumple
Rumple Foreskin said:
Oh, hell. There you go encouraging him.
Gee, Rumply, I had no idea about your behind-the-scenes life with Gauche. You have my sympathy and apology.

However, in my defense I think I can say he 'seduced' me, i.e., anyone mentions Venice and I become uncontrollably effusive. Then he goes and puts Proust in the picture. What's a girl to do? (I ask rhetorically).



Edited to correct verb tense.
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perdita said:
Ah, how I wish I really were a Venetian lady (even a Venetian tart would do ;) )

Apparently I'm a tart, just not a Venician one. I'd much rather be a cream bun, but never mind.

And I find putting little things like "Flames will be used to keep my house warm" on peices to be pretty effective - bullies don't like it when you laugh at them. (Or get them life sentances, but that's another story)
perdita said:
Gee, Rumply, I had no idea about your behind-the-scenes life with Gauche. You have my sympathy and apology.

However, in my defense I think I can say he 'seduced' me, i.e., anyone mentions Venice and I became uncontrollably effusive. Then he goes and puts Proust in the picture. What's a girl to do? (I ask rhetorically).


Your "defense" reminded me of an episode from M*A*S*H where Hawkeye and company taught Radar how to seduce a very intellectual nurse he had a crush on. The gist of it was to read her a poem or two (I believe it was something by Byron that mentioned "slacking" his desires) and if she began talking about classical music, all he had to say was, "Ah, Bach." Naturally, it worked and he got "slacked."

Rumply, I am larfing even harder now (good thing Gauche is asleep).

Bless you, viejito.

Perdita :D
oggbashan said:

There are a few people who will vote a story down because it is competing with theirs, there are others who will vote down any story that gets an E or an H perhaps because they are jealous.

Stories tend to get high scores when first posted, get hit by the voting Blue Meanies and then drop dramatically to even out over the longer term. If a story has over 50 votes and is still over 4 or better still over 4.5 then you should be satisfied that it was reasonably popular.

Og (first use of colour in a post from me)

Hey there Og... you couldn't be more right my friend. Been there, seen that.

Richard you get what you get, whether your work is great or shit. There is no way on gods green acre that you can change the way the readers, or writers will vote or why. If you're consistently getting 4's... be happy.