Confessions: What Are Yours?

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ICT I found out the truth about something that I kind of knew already.
IACT I am not surprised that I am NOT crying my eyes out.
IFCT I wonder does that mean that my heart has finally realized what my mind has been saying all along?
IAFCT does that mean I am one step closer to true happiness?
ICT if I could I would have hair removal done on my face and my nether regions. I HATE shaving and I HATE the way it makes me skin feel when the hair grows back.

Besides, I look terrible with a beard and my GF is considerably more into things when she doesn't get hair in her teeth...
ICT I've looked into the facial hair removal too, so annoying how quick it comes back. Laser is plausible depending on hair color. Damn pricey though and touch risky
ICT.. My emotions are all over the place this week.
IACT..I wish I could be happy all day.
IFCT.. Next week it will be okay.
ICT my job is truly the very last thing I want to be doing right now and what I do want to be doing isn't going to take place
ICT that I have my first day off since September tomorrow, and I feel it will be wasted if I don't go wild with action from dawn until I collapse...

ICT that my needs for tomorrow probably won't be met, alas...
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