Confessions: What are yours?

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ICT windows 8 is the worst product Microsoft has come up with yet. Sometimes I want to through this damn laptop across the room after dealing with it.

ICT I am not surprised.

Their history with Windows is Bad Product followed by Good Product

Windows 95 - bad
Windows 98 - Good
Windows 2000 - bad
Windows XP - Good
Windows Vista - bad
Windows 7 - Good
Windows 8 - bad

I suggest installing Windows 7, and then waiting for Windows 9, or whatever the next version will be called.
Ok then. Life is to short to harp on the little things. Take the bull by the nuts squeeze and make him
Run like hell. I have an insatiable craving for the smell of a woman. Her hair, the scent rising from her sex, her neck. Mmmm ok now I need to get laid!
ICT windows 8 is the worst product Microsoft has come up with yet. Sometimes I want to through this damn laptop across the room after dealing with it.

ICT I like Windows 8 -- I have it on both a laptop and a tablet.

IACT both are touch screens.

IFCT if the laptop were not a touch screen, it would have likely gone sailing across the room by now. Windows 8 is designed for touch screens. The only time I ever tried to use it exclusively with just a laptop touchpad, I was beyond frustrated with it.
ICT I laughed at that... ^

IACT there are few people on this board I would want to know in person- Jesters one of them. :rose:

LOL.....yeah, wasn't feeling too great there for a few moments, but as stated, I knew it was just the pup's way of saying hi/didn't know what he/she was doing.

ICT I feel the same way. I mean about knowing TD in person....not me. I know enough about me. And if I didn't that'd be cause for alarm there, I think.
ICT- I feel like a serious piece of shit today and I've already made it half way through my bottle of wine, wishing I had a back up bottle. :(
ICT- life is going in so many directions at once and I don't know which road I'm going to choose.
ICT last night was... wow. It thrilled, scared, pained, embarassed, and excited me beyond my beliefs.
ICT sometimes I wish I could follow my father's example and just run away from all my problems.

IACT I think an ugly battle is about to start up amongst some of my family members and that I want to be nowhere near it, but know I'll get drug into the middle of it.
the only way out is thru it............random mutterings from the framework of my brain...
ICT I like this new work set-up
ICT I should be writing while the reports are running
ICT I am in total smart-ass mood right now...
IACT it's more of "toss-it-all-off" type mood, with a smart-assed tension to it.
IFCT I don't expect anyone but me to understand me.
I sat and listened to all the new audio submissions today on Lit. I got turned on by quite a few of them!
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