This is the ULTIMATE “Story Feedback” thread.
The purpose of this thread is to identify and honor those authors who entered a LITEROTICA “Special Contest” and who had their story signaled out by the vast LITEROTICA reading public.
In the past many readers have complained that the OFFICIAL LITEROTICA awards do not truly reflect the will of the people, that instead they’ve become the playthings of the elitists of AHland, a group that continually expresses their disdain for the average men and women who flock to this site every day to read our stories.
And so the ASSOCIATION of INDEPENDAT READERS was born. In each contest the stories that receives the “MOST VIEWS”, the “MOST VOTES”, the “MOST COMMENTS” and has the “HIGHEST RATING” will each receive an ASSOCIATION of INDEPENDENT READERS (AIR) award. It'll be our readers direct feedback, not some backroom politicking, that will decide these winners!
Going forward AIR hopes to present these awards at the end of every special contest in 2010 and with the help and financial backing of ScouriesWorld we envision holding an annual awards gala in Miami Beach every February (probably in conjunction with the annual 1000+ VOTES CLUB meeting and the ScouriesWorld Winter Seminars.
We of course welcome feedback (on this thread and to the winners directly) from LITEROTICA'S reading public.
This is the ULTIMATE “Story Feedback” thread.
The purpose of this thread is to identify and honor those authors who entered a LITEROTICA “Special Contest” and who had their story signaled out by the vast LITEROTICA reading public.
In the past many readers have complained that the OFFICIAL LITEROTICA awards do not truly reflect the will of the people, that instead they’ve become the playthings of the elitists of AHland, a group that continually expresses their disdain for the average men and women who flock to this site every day to read our stories.
And so the ASSOCIATION of INDEPENDAT READERS was born. In each contest the stories that receives the “MOST VIEWS”, the “MOST VOTES”, the “MOST COMMENTS” and has the “HIGHEST RATING” will each receive an ASSOCIATION of INDEPENDENT READERS (AIR) award. It'll be our readers direct feedback, not some backroom politicking, that will decide these winners!
Going forward AIR hopes to present these awards at the end of every special contest in 2010 and with the help and financial backing of ScouriesWorld we envision holding an annual awards gala in Miami Beach every February (probably in conjunction with the annual 1000+ VOTES CLUB meeting and the ScouriesWorld Winter Seminars.
We of course welcome feedback (on this thread and to the winners directly) from LITEROTICA'S reading public.
Association of Independent Readers
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