
I'll take the hug, T, and with interesting quickness, too.

Thanks to all of you for your smiles and warmth. Risia, Muff, and most definitely Nessus were all long overdue for such public accolades and i'm overjoyed for all of them. All who participated in this thing, in whatever capacity, should probably feel honored to be in the same room (so to speak) as any of those three in terms of writing contests. For some of us in the thing, it was a stroke of, well, something - luck? Serendipitious effect? Whim of the gods? Anyway, it was shocking in a seriously oh-my-god kinda way. I'm glad as hell i wasn't in a category with any of them; i would have had to vote against myself.

Again - thank you all for your smiles and kind words. You're good eggs.

I'm going back into invisible, i'm-on-vacation mode now. R and i will get together (or try to) one more time before i leave. She's a good one, that R. She's just like you think she is - but more and better and smarter and stronger. I like her, that R chickie.

See you again sometime on Monday or Tuesday. Adios...