Crapola in the U S of A

From what I've been reading, I'll have to agree with Tath (if you don't mind me calling you that) delete these horrible and cruel remarks. I can't believe what a pussy he or she is. "It" must be really bored or something!
Daisy May said:
From what I've been reading, I'll have to agree with Tath (if you don't mind me calling you that) delete these horrible and cruel remarks. I can't believe what a pussy he or she is. "It" must be really bored or something!

I've been called a lot worse
trust me

and I love a woman who says " pussy"

Tathagata said:
I've been called a lot worse
trust me

and I love a woman who says " pussy"

What if they say it in that Sean Connery accent? "Pooshay"
poo shay

What's this thread about, again? You can't be shaved without what?
Re: Re: Re: poo shay

flyguy69 said:
Why do I expect your bathroom mirror is always steamed up?

Oh, darling, it is!! (because there are 8 people living here! LOL)
sigh... I don't want to read all the posts. So, what's this about shaving with a helper and Sean Connery? Can I get him as my helper?
I was going to say something about the troll but I have to jump in and try to fight for my right to Sean Connery. Old guys with sexy accents rock!

(Like the av Fly, very nice! lol)
WickedEve said:
sigh... I don't want to read all the posts. So, what's this about shaving with a helper and Sean Connery? Can I get him as my helper?
I'd offer to help, Eve, but I just looked at your av and realized I'm going color blind. I'd probably lather your butt and trim your bangs.
Tathagata said:
you're on my favotites list
; )
I think he said he likes your tits, Daisy May. Or he likes you in tights. It's hard to read the monkey mind.
flyguy69 said:
How in the hell did you get an av so fast?! It took me 10 months!

I've always been a bit slow, though!

lol, remember Chris O'Leigh? She had one in like two days. Just super fact on the reply I guess.
Tathagata said:
it's a wonder she had time to read all her pervy email

Maybe that is what annoyed her about the perv mail - it kept her from her posting.
HomerPindar said:
Maybe that is what annoyed her about the perv mail - it kept her from her posting.

...or maybe there wasn't enough of it?? hmm??

People in the KNOW here go to the Playground and play the 1 word response games and get 100 really fast... but how would a newbie know that?? hmm??

i'm just saying*

attributed to the monkey who talks!*
Tathagata said:
it's a wonder she had time to read all her pervy email

What's the deal with the pervy email? Did she blow up or something? I think I missed that whole thing entirely, one day all was cool in Lit world and the next Chris is gone and everyone's talking about pervy emails....why don't I ever get pervy emails? It's cause I'm pregnant isn't it....bunch a pregnant