Cum here often sailor .. can i buy you a drink?

Well, this guy didn't even ask for my number, but 15 years later it's still the only line I remember: "Excuse me, but I just have to tell are the most beautiful woman I've ever seen."

There isn't a woman alive who won't feel a little flutter with that one.
Everytime that you walk in the room ..

... wow .. Delaine .. i love that line .. obviously used on you 15 years ago .. does that mean you ended up with the fellow then?

.. i can't remember the first thing my b/f said to me when we first met *i couldn't take my eyes off of him though when he walked into the room* .. but i do remember this .. instead of asking for my phone # .. he wrote his down on a matchbook cover and gave it to me .. now i think that is much cooler for men to do when they meet a woman ..

that way the woman isn't put on the spot right away trying to decide whether she wants a call from you or not (and she will probably say no in that case because she is undecided)...

better that she goes home with your phone number and gets to think about it for a while .. gets to think bout you .. hey if you made any kind of impression on her .. you can bet you will get that call. :)

rosie dear .. w'as up? first you use the same pick up line on Miss Scarlett as you did with me .. then i pointed out to you how pissed off i was bout it .. and now you are ignoring me .. well ..

and Miss Latina .. even though you were married, luv, he only asked for a dance .. if it was me .. i would have kept my mouth shut bout the hubby ... i mean he sounded so damn cute. :)

Bushy dear .. i think what you mean to say is that she had an orgasm .. not that she fainted .. right? and it does sound like it took a lot of work on your part .. that's what i like in a man .. a sex trooper .. an orgasm to be had at any cost ..
Well Isabella, it kind of went like this. She came and we were cuddling, and about 5 minutes afterwards she was out like a light. Honestly, I didn't think I had it in me. :D
Sorry, never managed the bar scene.

Once, when I was doing a short rotation in a hospital for my degree, I went up to a nursing student I was attracted to and just asked her out for a date.

She said, "I don't know you."

"I don't know you either, but I'd like to," was my quick reply. I didn't even know where that came from.

We went out on a date and stole a fake, 5 foot ficus from an office. Now that was a strange relationship.

I've used the following...

You notice a cute guy across the bar. You make your way over to him, keeping eye contact the whole time. As you get closer, lean in towards his ear, take a little lick and whisper, "Mange-moi."

If said in the right tone and just slightly breathless, you'll have the desired result.
Yes ma'am, my grandparents are wonderful old Cajun-French speaking folks and as I was a bookish lad, my grandpere used to call me "un mangeur de livres", literally "an eater of books", or what we call a "bookworm".

I've always loved that expression.

Now, my dear, "que, desirez vous, manger?"
Thank god you blinked first. I was afraid I was going to have to take out my old grammar books. I can speak it , read it, but it takes me forever to write it.
.. but a lot of us are familiar with the french lyrics to the ultimate pick up line disco song lol ..

voulez-vous couchez avec moi .. ce soir?

and Miss Latina .. even though you were married, luv, he only asked for a dance .. if it was me .. i would have kept my mouth shut bout the hubby ... i mean he sounded so damn cute

You are so right, girlfriend! Darn it all to smell!

*smacks self*

I shoulda had a V-8.
LL a gorgeous guy walks up to you in a crowded bar in a night on the town with your girlfriends... and you couldn't take him up on the offer!

Oh babe I worry so much sometimes!

Da Chef
Yah, Cheffy...

My husband smacked me upside my head, too, and said..."He was SOOOOOO cute, Latina!!!...What the HELL were you thinking!?"

Ahh well...guess I'm hopeless.
you hopeless dear? never!
*handing you a V-8 with a double shot of vodka and a twist*

You're too good to me, Isabella. *hug*

So ya wanna go dancing??? *hehehe*

Voolay voo partay all-lay... Ahh whatever! LOL
LL your hubby probably wanted him... makes it even worse when you don't pick up his guys for him!