Curated Lists are becoming a thing

Showing what lists a story is on would probably be a resource intensive query. I doubt they're storing that information on the story, which means to come up with that information, it would have to check every single list. That's way too many resources for what would likely be a little-used feature.

Even if it was stored on the story, initiated when people click the "add to list" button, it would still require more coding on the lists function to remove that metadata when someone removes a story from their list. Feels like a bridge too far. The effort/reward equation doesn't balance. Not enough people would use such a feature to make it worth the effort to code it. ( Especially when there are still so many more important/useful features still in progress )

ETA: Now that I think about it, there probably is some data stored on the story, but I'd wager it's a simple numerical ticker. Otherwise, pulling the number of lists a story is on would be just as intensive as what would be required for the feature. That also means there's already code in place to modify that information in the story's metadata.

It just depends on how much information is in that story metadata. If for some reason it's all there, then implementing something like that would be low effort. I just doubt it's more than the #.
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Showing what lists a story is on would probably be a resource intensive query. I doubt they're storing that information on the story, which means to come up with that information, it would have to check every single list.
Database Design 101 is to store a many-to-many relationship like this in a separate table with an index on both IDs (story and list). The “intensive query” is then the simplest possible two-step join, the likes of which database engines are optimized to handle because it’s just so common. (Your followers / people you follow are almost certainly stored in the same way).

Note that such a query is also symmetrical to a query that shows stories on a list and Lit is doing is this perfectly well already.
Is the list function malfunctioning? I just looked at THBGato's lists and they are all the same. "Rivals to lesbian lovers" says 6 stories, but it is the same list of lots of stories.
EDIT: apparently works if you refresh the page before clicking on a new list.
Yes, you're right. It's a pain. There is definitely a glitch.
Several stories from that list are no longer available. Rules broken?

Well... let me see...

"Mom's a Ballbuster" is pretty self-explanatory, I think.
"Sometimes love hurts" was about a mother getting off on smothering her child (not with kisses).
"Three mother pact" was about three mothers mutilating their children's genitalia (after eight pages of highly descriptive rape).
"Love vs. Superheroes" was the dismemberment story.

The others seem to still be available.
Well... let me see...

"Mom's a Ballbuster" is pretty self-explanatory, I think.
"Sometimes love hurts" was about a mother getting off on smothering her child (not with kisses).
"Three mother pact" was about three mothers mutilating their children's genitalia (after eight pages of highly descriptive rape).
"Love vs. Superheroes" was the dismemberment story.

The others seem to still be available.
My understanding (and I could be wrong) s that the submission processes used to be less stringent, and more stuff was allowed. Also, I thought I heard that Lit absorbed another, more hardcore site at some point, although I didn't pay a lot of attention to the ins and outs of the site back then. I was really surprised that Love vs. Superheroes made it through the process, though, since that's a very recent one.
I don't recall anything about them absorbing another site, but in the early days, the site did host an "Extreme" category that contained stuff that isn't allowed today (leaving aside violations that get missed). It's still available in internet archives, of course. I forget exactly when they abandoned that content, but I want to say it was a few years after they started up... early 2000s sometime.
I don't recall anything about them absorbing another site, but in the early days, the site did host an "Extreme" category that contained stuff that isn't allowed today (leaving aside violations that get missed). It's still available in internet archives, of course. I forget exactly when they abandoned that content, but I want to say it was a few years after they started up... early 2000s sometime.
I think that got split off into another site which doesn't seem to have lasted very long. From the archives, there was a LOT of stuff on early Lit which wouldn't pass muster now.