Curiousity: looks?

Re: Looks are important.....

BrightFlower said:
So if you are one of those pretty boys...I'm afraid I have no use for you. Other than that, I need to know what your MIND looks like. That's what I need to be captivated by.

I'm definetly no pretty boy (cute ass aside)

But as for my mind, it looks kinda like THIS:

The pic link seems to have quit, I will try & fix it...
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Re: Looks are important.....

BrightFlower said:
So if you are one of those pretty boys...I'm afraid I have no use for you. Other than that, I need to know what your MIND looks like. That's what I need to be captivated by.

The mind is such a turn on, intellect the most powerful aphrodesiac.


For me its not the looks that matter as much as the passion. If they can make the passion rise in me and make me feel special and loved and sexy and fill my soul thats what i care about.

Wonderful...... I would write what my viewpoint is, except that you have done which case it would be redundant.

Give me your beauty and we can play a chord.. Give me your soul and mind, and together we will compose our own symphony........
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I've had Doms that had varying looks.. and 'nilla boyfriends that have had varying looks for that matter...

However.. now that I have Him, it seems I actually have a 'type'. When I see men who look like Him, my head turns.. I appreciate the height, the chiseled, but soft face, the long hair, the muscle tone...

*happy sigh*
I'm more attracted to women than to men as of late, and while certain looks attract me, the looks have little power as to what holds me. It is the power of personality that enchants me with a person, and that will always be what attracts me the most.

Since this post IS about looks however, I'll share what turns me on and attracts my eye. I don't like thin women much. Perhaps this stems from the fact that I am not thin myself so am more comfortable with my "type", but if I can see ribs, it is simply not attractive to me at all. I like a body with curves and valleys and flesh. I love dark skin, dark hair....I have rarely seen a blonde woman I think is attractive. I don't go for the "cute young" look much....I have a very low tolerance for sweet, cutesy young attitudes, and that carries over into not being attracted to that type of physical look either.

I love body art, tattoos....I love natural looks, not a lot of makeup. I'm not a fan of facial piercings.

For men....I'm oddly much less picky. Big or small, dark or blonde, muscled or really doesn't matter, attitude is much more likely to attract me to a man than looks are. I much prefer older men and a darker featured man will catch my notice more easily than a lighter featured. I don't like mustaches, never seen a mustache I find attractive, but I do like beards and goatees if kept neat. However, sexually, their attitude is going to be what attracts me more so than their looks. I need someone who thinks with their brain, not their cock, and is willing to get to know me, WANTS to get to know me, before they start coming on to me.

For either sex, cleanliness is a must. Noone has a perfect body (although some's inperfections are less noticable than others). However, no one outside of a medical condition or whatnot has an excuse for not keeping their body neat and clean. If that isn't a priority to them, then they are not the type of person I would be attracted to in any way anyhow.
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Looks matter only in so much that they fuel a reaction... create a connection for me... are part of the attraction...

I never thought about how good looking a man was... or a woman either... although I have seen both who were beautiful to look at and empty when it came to talk...

I do like a large man... sorry no very short Dom for me... just a perference... I like the feeling of being overpowered by a man... and because I am not so tiny myself, I want someone larger than I am...

In women, I can honestly say that it just doesn't matter... but I do have a perference for large breasts and big nipples and cute asses... they don't have to be small... those asses I mean... I just like then ripe and rounded... all the better to bite and spank...
cellis said:
I do like a large man... sorry no very short Dom for me... just a perference...

Hmmm... perforating Doms? Too kinky for me!
cellis said:
I never thought I would hear you say anything was too kinky for you!!!

In reality? I definately have boundaries. Definately. Rape (as in role-playing it) and blood would be two of them.
As far as looks go... I would be lying if I said that certain body types do not attract me at all. I prefer my men tall and bulky. I really am not at all attracted to skinny men... I want a guy who can make me feel small, and protected, and maybe just a little scared. He doesn't need to be muscle bound or anything... just in rather good condition and big :D

As for women, I like women with curves, long hair, and expressive features. I have a friend who, though I have no real sexual feeling for, is probably the most attractive woman I have ever met in my life.

She is not perfect... she is a little overweight, and her face is not really pretty in the way that you might usually define it... but her personality is such that it was literally YEARS after I met her before I noticed any of these things (she had to point them out to me)... to me, she has always been stunningly beautiful, because her vivaciousness blazes from her every feature.

She is funny, and alive, and basically a wonderful person, and that is what makes her beautiful. I am not the only one who thinks that way, either. Anyone I know who has met her always has a comment to make about how pretty she is, or how attractive.
I agree with you. I have met some people who didn't fit my idea of attractive at all (since I don't really follow mainstream ideas of what is attractive) but their personality was such that you couldn't get enough of them...and you didn't notice the flaws, only the things that make them beautiful...I might only notice the beautiful expressive eyes in a rather plain face, for example, and that makes them beautiful to me. There is a call for beauty, I don't deny it, its everywhere, everyone wants to be beautiful, the ywant to be with someone who is beautiful...but some of the most beautiful people I have ever met I would have never considered beautiful if I didn't know them... On the same token, I have met some beautiful people that I loathe. I remember in college, this beautiful boy...not exactly my type, but he had spiky blond hair, a perfect body, lots of piercings, he was just amazing to look at...then I started talking to him and realized how shallow he was, and everytime I saw him after that, he would get measurabley less attractive to me...until all I could see were his flaws...
Beauty and Self Image........

I have always said, as I tolerated a shallow , beautiful person(and his may sound impertinent) that God made them beautiful because he didnt give them that ability to bore into a person and become part of them,and reach that core of trust and truth, fright and insecurity,lust and rejection that is there in us all, just waiting for the person/trigger to draw us out, and in at the same time , bore in and settle comfortably in my core..And allow the same freedom to me, and in like measure.
I do love to look at Brittany Spears(Great sloppy, Madonna!), but Im certain that one "Like, its just SOoo, like cool,ya know(snap of bubble gum)" ........Cmon , thats not where I want My Lady to touch me-Brittany can be found by every guy---- Look on the sole of your shoe--
I want to be touched on another soul.......and some other places too!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Kind of reverse discrimination there. A person is more than just looks, and "beautiful people" can also be beautiful people!

I think physical attraction is important, but we all have different criteria for what we judge attractive. Which is good! Physical "beauty" need not be what we find physically attractive.

Add to that all of the other criteria that we judge people to be attractive by, and it almost always becomes something we have to judge on a case-by-case basis. Which again is good, because we are all individuals, as are the people we meet.
good point, one thing that everyone seems to be quickly forgotten by teh world at large is that there is no one standard of matter how many stick figure barbies and muscle bound kens the media throws in our faces, it still doesn't appeal to everyone...certianly not me. for example, if you threw someone in a room to be judged on attractiveness by a random panel...some people would find the person enchanting, while others would be blase it all depends on the factors that are too numerous to that is just on the physical...
and it makes me feel terrible, when I see a guy who doesn't have a rippling physique, or a women who doesn't fit the standard model mold feel bad about themselves bacuse they feel like they aren't attractive, because of this immpossible stadard of beauty that is thrown in our faces. I have worked as a counselor, and have seen the utter destruction wrought on ppl (a lot of women) who didn't fit the mold for a supermodel either in face or body (or thought they didn't) and so they dehumanized themselves basically, because they thought they were to hideous to even go outside! It is so sad because everyone is beautiful...everyone is in the image of the gods...sometimes you have to dig a little cause its not so obvious, but it is there...and now I am done with my little Wiccan rant...
I think looks do a point. But I'm also a firm believer that looks do not come from the outside, but rather the inside. I prefer to look upon men and women who have complete confidence in themselves as this shows through in their face, their eyes, their body, their movements.

Of course that does not mean that I do not notice looks just like everyone else does, it only means I don't place as high a value on the physical as the "spiritual" for lack of a better word.
As is typical of my male instinct I am driven by physical attraction, but there must be real substance there behind the curves that brought me or I get very bored quickly.

Also as others have said, I do not appreciate the stereotypical qualifications of beauty. I prefer shorter women with a little meat on them, than the 6 foot blondes who look like they're starving.

For shorter girls (5'1" max) with natural bodies (there are supposed to be hips on girls! Damn whoever came up with fashionable dieting!) I have a chubby... but about all I have for Barbie wanna-bes is a much needed cup-cake.
This is a wonderful thread........

so challenging to the mind and knocks at the door of my "conventional" ideas , driven by insecurity,that I have held for so long. And I come here to be challenged, as I am a seeker.

Kind of reverse discrimination there. A person is more than just looks, and "beautiful people" can also be beautiful people!

Thank you, I stand corrected. That was shallow of me. I do know, for instance, a man about my age(50s) who is a virtual Adonis-I am a poor judge of male beauty, but Steve is handsome, even to a straight male. However, he has NEVER tried to promote himself, and has been even more than friendly, in fact going out of his way to assist me with gym exercises. Navy Seal, tough as nails,and not shallow, and doesnt use his obvious stunning good looks which could be used by a self-centered person for gain.
I love big men,huge men. But back on earth... I need musculature. Arms/shoulders/hands are my thing. My partner needs to be a little taller than me ( no huge call as I am 5'3") Some body mass, not scrawny or geeky. A man who has that "been there. done that." worldly wise look.