Curiousity: What faith do you follow?

she said she dont believe in balance.. how can this be??
when its proven in science..
that every action has a reaction?

James G 5 said:
Ok, I admit it, I am lost & didn't follow this at all.......
Not to steal Chicklet's thunder

I got she meant balance between people. Some have, some don't. As for nature I think the words I'm looking for are invasive species.
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ammre said:
What faith/ religious affiliation/belief structure/motto of life do you follow?

I was raised catholic but i'd lable myself as an agnostic living like a catholic. Catholistism has become almost a tradition for me.. i love my church, i love the people who go there, i love the warmth i feel during midnight mass and the children i see on the aster sunday mass... i just don't agree with all the doctrine of the church. I pray and i try to be a "good" person. I tend to live by: "Do unto others as you would have you done unto yourself" and i figure i get bonus points if i help take up other people's burdens.. maybe the help will come back to me in the end.

so what do you believe.. and if you don't believe than what rules do you live by?

I grew up Catholic as well, and as a child was very much taken in by the tradition of it all...

Then I started asking questions, and much didn't make sense to me.

Now I'm a Catholic turned Pagan :D

Nature worshiper... heh

And I'd never have it any other way.
ammre said:
What faith/ religious affiliation/belief structure/motto of life do you follow?

I was raised catholic but i'd lable myself as an agnostic living like a catholic. Catholistism has become almost a tradition for me.. i love my church, i love the people who go there, i love the warmth i feel during midnight mass and the children i see on the aster sunday mass... i just don't agree with all the doctrine of the church. I pray and i try to be a "good" person. I tend to live by: "Do unto others as you would have you done unto yourself" and i figure i get bonus points if i help take up other people's burdens.. maybe the help will come back to me in the end.

so what do you believe.. and if you don't believe than what rules do you live by?
Another Catholic girl... Eight years of Catholic grade school, uniforms, disagreeable nuns. My true blessing came in the form of a public high school that was rated in the top 10 in our state. My parents knew this was the best choice, and didn't insist on Catholic education for the sake of it being a Catholic school. This didn't change their own beliefs, both remained devout.

Personally, I struggle with the concept of needing and worshipping an unseen deity to make my life complete. I believe that most people are capable of running their own lives successfully without organized religion if they put their mind to it, and believe in themselves. Life is a learning experience, and I've learned far more from life than I have from organized religion.

However, I never argue religion. I have many friends that attend church to this day, they all have my utmost respect.

Emme :rose:
I am mostly scientific-minded. I believe in Darwinism and the Big Bang Theory. However, as far as a way of life, I tend to follow Hinduism.
then explain to me how disabilities exist???
if "Dwarwinism" was as it is???

I shouldnt be alive granted if it wasnt for medical science but still
fact that what I have is genetic..
passed on..
in theory to dwarwinism then I shouldnt even have been born
since this condition should have been wedded out long ago.

JoseIsWild said:
I am mostly scientific-minded. I believe in Darwinism and the Big Bang Theory. However, as far as a way of life, I tend to follow Hinduism.
Pixie Mischief said:
then explain to me how disabilities exist???
if "Dwarwinism" was as it is???

I shouldnt be alive granted if it wasnt for medical science but still
fact that what I have is genetic..
passed on..
in theory to dwarwinism then I shouldnt even have been born
since this condition should have been wedded out long ago.

Because other species adapt to their environment and let only the strong survive.....and even in a strong, healthy population abberations in genetics will occur
In the "wild" they would die out
But humans adapt their environment to themSELVES and unlike other animals (except some whales & dolphins) protect the sick & weak
So conditions like yours exist and are even passed on
And hopefully eventually one day we will beat them :D
yes but this is not something that has happened.
pased on and on and on and on.
obviously we are not the strongest people on earth.
if the theory was right..
then everyone with it would have died 300 or even more ago and so couldnt pass it on.
400 years ago.. I would be dead..
and most people who have this.. would be to...
then in theory is the strongest survive..
I dont see how this could be.

James G 5 said:
Because other species adapt to their environment and let only the strong survive.....and even in a strong, healthy population abberations in genetics will occur
In the "wild" they would die out
But humans adapt their environment to themSELVES and unlike other animals (except some whales & dolphins) protect the sick & weak
So conditions like yours exist and are even passed on
And hopefully eventually one day we will beat them :D
Pixie Mischief said:
yes but this is not something that has happened.
pased on and on and on and on.
obviously we are not the strongest people on earth.
if the theory was right..
then everyone with it would have died 300 or even more ago and so couldnt pass it on.
400 years ago.. I would be dead..
and most people who have this.. would be to...
then in theory is the strongest survive..
I dont see how this could be.

genetic conditions like yours are recessive, rarely passed on, and can arise in existing populations due to negative cellular mutation :D
WRONG.. well my condition anyways.
It is Autosomal Dominant.
much easier to pass on.
granted there are "Spontaneous" mutations.
but most families who dont have it as sever that they cant have kids and dont die young..
they usualy trace the disorder back over a hundred years.

my family MAYBE one of the very rare recessive cases. our history of this disorder is very... WEIRD
1% of my condition or even less is recessive. So geneticians say anyway.
very often in families.. a great grand parent who had it..
will have 2 kids.. one will have it.. and it will have 2 kids or so..
one of those kids will have it. and so on.

*Raises eyebrow*
since when do you study genetics? :p

James G 5 said:
genetic conditions like yours are recessive, rarely passed on, and can arise in existing populations due to negative cellular mutation :D
Take into consideration the fact that many people that would have died otherwise have been protected (depending on the society, social status, wealth of family, etc.) pretty much since modern civilization began, and you'll realize that there is a much greater chance of running into people with genetic mutations than in any other species on earth.

Humans, as a species, has been protecting itself for centuries. It doesn't matter if it's by building walls, advancing medicine, or going to space - it's all done in the name of protection. (Or so they'd have us think. i say it's all a conspiracy. ;) ) As James said, this is done primarily by changing the environment to our needs. When the environment changes there's no need for the weakest to die out. This more or less goes against the basic law of nature that states the strong will overtake the weak. When that happens, it allows mutations and disabilities to become worse and to be passed on. In that regard, the human race has overcome nature.
entitled said:
Take into consideration the fact that many people that would have died otherwise have been protected (depending on the society, social status, wealth of family, etc.) pretty much since modern civilization began, and you'll realize that there is a much greater chance of running into people with genetic mutations than in any other species on earth.

Humans, as a species, has been protecting itself for centuries. It doesn't matter if it's by building walls, advancing medicine, or going to space - it's all done in the name of protection. (Or so they'd have us think. i say it's all a conspiracy. ;) ) As James said, this is done primarily by changing the environment to our needs. When the environment changes there's no need for the weakest to die out. This more or less goes against the basic law of nature that states the strong will overtake the weak. When that happens, it allows mutations and disabilities to become worse and to be passed on. In that regard, the human race has overcome nature.

Yeah LOL
I have a deep friendship with Jesus and can't imagine daily life without Him by my side.

I was a missionary both overseas and at home, in the States, for 20 years with what some considered a controversial cult but was really just a bunch of dedicated missionaries.

I occasionally attend a church service for the joy of sharing spiritual time with others, but only when I can find the more meditative type gatherings (sermons and canned prayers are not my cup of tea). I think taking communion can be one of the most deeply submissive rituals ever.

- justina
I believe in the church of God but not in the church created by man using God as a backdrop. I'd like to think that God is a constant with all religons. We all have a direct hotline with God, but it's the petty people that label themselves to be the one and only true believers of God that muck it up for us. We don't need a building or some guy in a stuffy house frock to be the link to God; we just need to talk honsetly & truthfully with God. I think that once we're done here on this mortal plane, regardless of what religon we are... we all go to the same wonderful place.

So long after I'm six feet under I plan on hanging out with Jews, Presbyterians, Lutherans, Hindus, Catholics, Baptists, Muslims, the whole array...!

That's my two bit opinion.
Oh, and as to the original question, i am a pagan. i was born and raised a Catholic, but when i started questioning things it caused a lot of... um... tension in the home. It was about that time i realized that Christianity was missing half the of the equation. Add Goddess and end up with the whole. ;)
PinkOrchid said:
I am deeply religious, entirely UNdogmatic.

Science can NEVER prove or disprove the existence of God. Great thinkers as far back as Aristotle and Aquinas have tried and failed. The proof of god is not in a scientific experiment nor a mathematical proof nor a logical argument. It is in the faith that resides in the heart of one individual.

Absolutely. Faith proves or disproves God(s) existence.

I have no faith.

Someone once told me the reason he is "religious" is because he feels it is better to be safe than sorry. Does he think he will not be found out? One can feign a love for God to his fellow man, but to a God itself? That is doubtful.

I have so many thoughts on the subject of religion. It is something I ponder on a regular basis, actually. I will never be satisfied with my thoughts.

When asked of my religion, I simply state that I have none. I do not believe in the Christian God. I am against Christianity simply for what man has done to butcher it. The bible is a watered down collection of stories I wish no young child to be subjected to. I think that if we were all completely void of any religious influence, we'd be in better shape. Religion, to me, elicits fear. And what comes from fear but hysteria. And quite frankly, I've enough hysteria in my current situation that the possibility of whether or not I shall burn in "hell" for not having been baptized at birth is something I'm just not in the mood to entertain.

What I'm trying to say is...I don't need faith or religion. I need a job. ::sigh::
