Curved Cock

I am relatively new here but i have a burning question. What do the women of lit think of curved cocks? I have been self conscious of mine. Just wondering.

My Mrs. and I have observed that a lot of extra large specimens (cocks) curve. Haven't noticed it much with more average sized ones.
I am relatively new here but i have a burning question. What do the women of lit think of curved cocks? I have been self conscious of mine. Just wondering.

My boyfriend has a curved cock, it's the first if ever had and I love it. It feels amazing.
Depending on the position, it could really hit some pleasure achieved from the reverse-cowgirl

reverse cowgirl is great (as long as the lady doesn't lean forward too far!!), but is there some spot i don't know about that the curve enables a cock to reach??
reverse cowgirl is great (as long as the lady doesn't lean forward too far!!), but is there some spot i don't know about that the curve enables a cock to reach??
It's always tough to describe why/how it feels the way it does in rev-cowgirl, but being on top it allows me to move to what feels good, and it has been my experience that a curved cock usually feels REALLY good.

Trim nails smooth first.
As a simple experiment slip one finger in then bend it up as you work it in and out. Now do the same with the same finger turned around bent down.
Notice how it rubs the upper or lower wall. Imagine 6 to 8" of that.

Curved right

Sort of like a Florida driver. You can only make right turns and fuck right handed women.

Sorry I didn't notice you live in Florida.
It's always tough to describe why/how it feels the way it does in rev-cowgirl, but being on top it allows me to move to what feels good, and it has been my experience that a curved cock usually feels REALLY good.

works for me, thanks
my hubbies cock was curved down, and being taken from behind with a cock that is already at the right angle is tremendous!
my hubbies cock was curved down, and being taken from behind with a cock that is already at the right angle is tremendous!
You are so lucky(and happy I'll bet;)...My hubby's leans left, so we have to "work the angles" a bit, but girth definitely helps!
This thread is really interesting. I don't have much experience with different men, but the second one I was with had a curved penis (upwards) which surprised me because I always thought they were more or less the same. I'm not sure I noticed much if any of a difference in sex but I will certainly be more aware next time after reading all the comments.!
I agree with many of the others that have posted... curved up or down can reach certain places better but any cock will do just fine if the man knows how to use it.
A curved cock can add some nice pleasures. Different curves make for different pleasures!May I ask how your cock is curved? Is it curved up, or curved down, or curved to one side or the other?

This is why so many women love missionary with me. I usually end up in a death hug before all is said and done with my arms shaking from trying to support both of us.
The curve up or down is nature. All good.

The curve left or right generally but not always comes from the dominant hand when masturbating. Right handed, it curves left and vice versa. Penis size has very little to do with it. Age and frequency jerking off contribute. If the curve is severe in any direction, it is probably medical.
If curvature was from masturbation then mine would be in a figure '8'
The curve up or down is nature. All good.

The curve left or right generally but not always comes from the dominant hand when masturbating. Right handed, it curves left and vice versa. Penis size has very little to do with it. Age and frequency jerking off contribute. If the curve is severe in any direction, it is probably medical.

Interesting! Could force applied with siad dominant hand have a factor in this? I'm right handed and lean right. What was your control? How many different specimens were used while you were collecting this data?
Interesting! Could force applied with siad dominant hand have a factor in this? I'm right handed and lean right. What was your control? How many different specimens were used while you were collecting this data?

I'm right handed and my dick bends to the left from the force of the the four fingers on the left of my dick. Just normal, straight forward jerking off.

The only specimen was mine. Do you use a different technique?

Believe me, I am not a scientist. Just personal experience and observation. Lol. I don't mean for this thread to degenerate.