Damn, Hate being shy

Thanks for your concern siren. I will definately phone the Doc today and see whats up. I have no pain in my legs at all. It is all in my lower right side. I am sure I have just pulled something, but damn, I didn't realize pulled muscles could hurt so bad. I do remember though, my hubbie just turned the wrong way once on the tractor...and into that evening, he could hardly walk. I had to take him to the hospital for a shot of Demerol before he could move. So, I really should not be surprized it hurts so much. I guess though, you really cannot comprehend the pain until it happens to you. So far, I am moving not too bad, but it's early yet. I found yesterday, I got worse as the day progressed, but that is normal anyhow. Anyhow, I shall check back in later...

Hugs Katerina
Kat, I hope the massage helped!! If it didnt, you definitely need to get it checked out from a doctor or chiropractor. Speaking from experience, dont wait to long because the pain will usually just get worse. I feel for ya sweetness, and I hope you get to feeling better.
Katerina said:
I have no pain in my legs at all. It is all in my lower right side. I am sure I have just pulled something, but damn, I didn't realize pulled muscles could hurt so bad.

Twenty years ago, I pinched the sciatic nerve on the right side. (About three fingers away from the spine and about even with the top of the hip.) It produced the same sort of symptoms you've described.

The pain is probably caused by muscle spasms, rather than the muscle itself. It's much like a 'charlie horse' cramp in the calf.

I certainly hope that your doctor can give you a definitive diagnosis and correct what is wrong. I have been plagued by lower back pain and back spasms ever since I pinched that nerve. If your doctor just prescribes stretching exercises, and/or muscle relaxers, get a second opinion. I'm convinced that if the US military medical coverage would pay for chiropractic services, I wouldn't have the problems I do now. Unfortunately, they didn't at the time I injured my back, and it's too late for chiropractic to do much good.

One thing I've found that helps is bananas. Bananas are rich in something that the nervous system and muscles need to control cramps and spasms. (pottasium I think.) Whatever it is that bananas have, it certainly reduces the intensity of the recurrent spasms I've had.

If nothing else, bananas are good for you, even if they don't get rid of the pain.
Originally posted by Weird Harold If your doctor just prescribes stretching exercises, and/or muscle relaxers, get a second opinion. I'm convinced that if the US military medical coverage would pay for chiropractic services, I wouldn't have the problems I do now. Unfortunately, they didn't at the time I injured my back, and it's too late for chiropractic to do much good.

Harold, do NOT get me started on the military medical system! Or even the military in general! Bunch of (horrible, profane words here. use your imagination)! And how about if the doctor simply asks you questions about how you hurt your back, and will not physically examine you? Fucking quacks! AACK!!! I simply can't go on. It's too maddening! <runs away screaming about the military>
Tell me about it April!! Luckily I only have one more year!! Oops! I only have to keep my mouth shout for another 365 days, then I can tell them all to go and @!#$#!%^&%#@$!#@@#!$%
Dear Sweet Kat, how can you possibly believe you're shy. Maybe you have not yet totally relaxed and given in to your feelings, but thats not being shy..*S* You really are a sensual and erotic lady who really knows how to turn guys on, and my only suggestion is let me do the same for you, how about a few hot emails..LOL, only trouble is I would at the moemnt get more pleasure than you probably out of them and that aint fair, *S* .. give me a chance to whisper in your ear. all private, close up and personal. luv Andy..hugs and kisses too
I am here guys!

Helloooo? Can i get in on this discussion? *LOL* OK to start, thanks Gatorboy for your concern regarding my well being. That is so sweet of you. By the way, please do say hi anytime. Concerning my lower back, I have been to massage today, and it did help somewhat. I am also on anti-inflammatories and pain killers. Who needs Sirens happy pills now? I am still very sore mind you, but I guess in a few days time things will feel better. I did pull muscles after all and they just take time to heal...

Weird Harold, thank-you for your words of wisdom, you truly are a wonder...I feel you have an infinite gift of knowledge to share... Thanks April for stopping by and joining in...Hugs Kat :)
Im glad to hear you are feeling a little better, and that its just a pulled muscle and nothing more serious. Just promise to take it easy until it gets better.

Andy Andy...Whoa boy, settle down *LOL* I know you like my stories, but but..hot e-mails? Out of the question babe *LOL* You can whisper in my ear, but hmmm...be good...

Hugs Kat

Hey, thanks gator. It's nice to hear back from you so soon. I do hope to feel better in the next few days, and be back to my old self. Hope to see you again....Hugs Kat :)
April said:
And how about if the doctor simply asks you questions about how you hurt your back, and will not physically examine you? Fucking quacks!

If you're married to an active service member, that would put you at about mid-twenties?

Strange, I don't remember any of the nurses being in diapers when I first went in about my back!

Maybe you're an Air Force Brat and were in for your shots or something.

If you don't start about military doctors, I won't either. <G>
Sorry, Katerina. I can play nice, honest! Hope your back starts feeling better soon. Have you tried Aleve? Always works for me.

Harold, I wish I was in the mid-20's! Try early 30's. Sorry about that tirade about military doctors. I know they're not all like that. I had a dermatologist who was a fantastic doctor. I looked forward to the appointments because he had a great attitude toward his patients, and would explain things as often as it took. It didn't hurt that he was cute, too! LOL
Thats Better

You're forgiven April, this time......Just don't let it happen again. *LOL* J/K...Sheesh...I am really very easy going, trust me. My back is feeling alot better thanks. I went for massage and started on some meds which has helped considerably. At least I can walk now...Thank God.

So, I think this shy thread has really helped me, as I feel so much better about posting now. I do not feel like such a stranger anymore. I would love to hear from all of you in time, I wonder if that is too much to ask? Hehehe...Perhaps, Perhaps not... Have a nice day. Katerina
"Coffee, Tea, or...." Hmmm I'll take the or....

Hey there Katgirl, sorry, I just couldn't resist...hehehe

*grabbing chair kicking up feet*
Okay really now, I think I'll take, as Jean-Luc would say, "Tea, Earl Grey, Hot"

*slipping into reminicing old timer voice*
Katerina shy??? I should say not, just had a little trouble in the past with her trust factor being degraded a bit by unsavory types...Once you get the girl talking, she's a right Chatty Katty...will talk your ear off...and stories, woohee doggies, this gal can make your dry parts wet and your wet parts dry...or something like that anyway...very erotic little demon there, all wrapped up in one of them sweet little angelic packages...truly my kinda gal *wink*

*kicking chair back on two legs* Okay KitKat, maybe I should shut up for a bit now and just sip my tea eh? Wouldn't want your friendly neighborhood Havocman to give away too many of your secrets now would we? *smile*

Seriously though, anyone who hasn't read this fine fine lady's stories, please take a moment now to go hunting through the Romance section for her works...trust me they are definitely worth the search, on descriptive voice alone...and I happen to know that there is more to come, and she just keeps getting better at her craft...

Thanks for asking me to come over for a drink KittyKat...*hugs and a kiss to you*

Havoc :cool:
Your too kind

Well Havoc, so glad you stopped by... again...I have been so lucky to have you vist both my threads this fine morning. Hmmmm, should have been in bed, but it was too much fun on my busy night thread. Started out at night but became morning much too fast. This place is downright addicting. Egads and I have only just begun.

Hey Havoc, thanks for your high praise regarding my stories and the kind of person I am. That really means alot to me, you're the best you know. I am so glad I can see you online now, this way I can keep track of you better. So you had best watch out, you never know when I will catch ya!

Glad I shared my newest story with you Havoc,it's nice sharing isn't it? I just hope I can post it on Literotica really soon. Best get my thinking cap on again....*Sigh* I am so close to completion too... Glad you stopped by for tea, please do come again my friend....Hugs Katerina :)
So quiet

Hmmmm, so quiet today. I am no longer shy, so please do stop by and say hi...Promise you won't be disappointed.

Hugs Katerina :)