Damn its HOT!


Yeeeeup, I'm fast and smooth, like..


Something really fast and smooth.


See what happens when you get heat exhaustion? Fucking Bruiser.
Siren, fuck me it aint rained all day. Theres only one way you're going to find out if I'm big Stevie or little Stevie.
Endlessly said:
but it's been so goddamned hot here in Big Sky Country that whenever I'm not at work and the 'rents aren't around, (which is 90% of my day) I'm naked.
Thank you Endlessly. When winter hits I know what to think about to keep myself warm. ;)

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :cool: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
*Nice, mild summer here, if you care to know*
I'm not religious but, Thank you God for Holding Back the Waters!

*jumps into my Le Baron and hopes to hell I can make it to Montana before the rain clouds*
Another very hot night. Another trip through the sprinklers, and another bolt behind the tree.

If this keeps up, I'll have to buy a bathing suit.

Good night.
you guys think you have it bad? its -10 here in the winter
its 96 here in the summer. and inbetween its eather Friggin cold or its Friggin hot.
*Is clad in a towel soaked with ice-cold water*

I think I've figured out how to beat the heat, foks.. *sighs contentedly*
Um, I say this with utmost respect for most on this thread. Don't you guys have air conditioning?
We've had a pretty cool summer here in Lost Wages. It hasn't gotten over 110 more than three or four times so far this summer.

I personally don't mind the heat, but you can definitely keep the humidity. I fact the warmer it is in July here, the better I like it. I've decided I'm not going to die until I'm older than the high temprature on my birthday. (Record high 117F, average 107.)

I've done 99F and pea-soup fog, I'll stick with the dry heat (106F today) and complain about the 15% humidity.
Creamy, here in the Green Mountains, it's in the mid-sixties with a cool breeze blowing. Almost sweater weather.

You're welcome anytime.
It sounds lovely, but then I'd have to give up my midnight runs through the sprinklers, flashing the walking fiends and passing cars . . . .

On the other hand, I did trip over the tree root last night and got a cool mud bath by accident.

This requires some thought. ;-)
As a fellow Texan, I can vouch for the temp. Just wanted to say that. Barely able to wear anything at all, it is SO f#$#ing hot!

[Edited by Jade on 07-21-2000 at 11:36 AM]
CreamyLady said:
It sounds lovely, but then I'd have to give up my midnight runs through the sprinklers, flashing the walking fiends and passing cars . . . .

On the other hand, I did trip over the tree root last night and got a cool mud bath by accident.

This requires some thought. ;-)

Mud we got. People we don't. There's probably fewer people in the whole state than you had at your last block party. Sprinklers we don't got. Here we let God do our watering for us. So, a flasher is someone who's lucky enough to find a walking fiend or passing motorist. The rest of them we just call Nudists.


Mosquitoes we got. In abundance. Maybe you might want to keep the sweater on.
April, we can't afford it. And in Montana, even though it gets hotter than hell, it's more pragmatic to save your cash for the astronomical heating bills in the winter.

Translated means I'll give sexual favors to anyone who buys me an AC. :D
Stevie you are working it baby

Settle down now there Siren, Thumper will be along soon.

And it is raining here too.