Dating Men

Does Annie translate to Jocasta in Greek?

I think almost anything could come to mean 'Jocasta' if you really wanted it to. hehehe (Although, since I already know that 'Ann' means 'grace', you're going to have me running off to a English-Greek dictionary to see what the word is in that language.*sigh*:rolleyes:)

Does it help 'round here? I could prolly fake it, if necessary...(well, unless someone actually reminded me of my mother. My acting isn't as good as it used to be. :rolleyes:) hehehe


your age?

I think almost anything could come to mean 'Jocasta' if you really wanted it to. hehehe (Although, since I already know that 'Ann' means 'grace', you're going to have me running off to a English-Greek dictionary to see what the word is in that language.*sigh*:rolleyes:)


anddddddddd I was born on a Sunday as in sundays child is happy n blithe n good and GAY!
I forget it was something to do with Ann meaning grace which of course in the rhyme is really Tuesdays child is full of grace .... don't mind me I waffle on blonde you know don't hold it against me ... on the other hand it's worth a try ....
I forget it was something to do with Ann meaning grace which of course in the rhyme is really Tuesdays child is full of grace .... don't mind me I waffle on blonde you know don't hold it against me ... on the other hand it's worth a try ....

(Please insert all comments related to being challenged by lack of hair pigment on this line only)​
I best put up my pic in my AV again and you might change your mind lol I am 58 sunshine

Well, no motherin option for me then...although it might be possible, me being 43 just doesn't make it all that probable...hehehe plus there's the whole being the wrong gender thing and all *sigh*:rolleyes::rose:

I'm not gay!! that was a dig at Safe Bet who is .... well lesbian anyway!

Ohhh...*whoosh* sorry, my own blonde roots must be showing (I have really dark brown hair, but was born blonde and you can still see the stray strand if you look for them hehehe) 'cause that went, like, right over my head...

But, that being the case...*looking over the rim of my glasses* Mind if I sit by you and be a serious flirt? *wink*:rose:

Now we have a couple of issues to address here being blonde I am allowed to make blonde remarks those who aren't can't but as you seem to be an honorary blonde (I was born with long black hair by the way and it all fell out and grew in blonde!) I may let you get away with it or it depends how you feel about being spanked?! The other thing is I usually go for the older man but having had my fingers burnt on here in that department and also what woman doesn't like being flirted with .......... please carry on!
these days...

what is a man...really...I can say...I find them...baggage...just venting:cattail: