Deadlines Approaching

:D WOW we are getting some great submissions! A wide range of styles, form, free verse and a full spectrum of experience levels! I am very excited!

Please send em in while it is still Feb. 1 somewhere in the world. If you have not yet, please do, off the cuff, to make me (anna) feel better about my eh hem yet to be written love poem for the exhibition heat. I am praying for inspiration.... and quick!
Sappho and Eros said:
:D WOW we are getting some great submissions! A wide range of styles, form, free verse and a full spectrum of experience levels! I am very excited!

Please send em in while it is still Feb. 1 somewhere in the world. If you have not yet, please do, off the cuff, to make me (anna) feel better about my eh hem yet to be written love poem for the exhibition heat. I am praying for inspiration.... and quick!

Moi? Extemporaneous? Never!