Describe receiving clitoral teasing


Really Really Experienced
May 29, 2016
Women, please describe the experience of being teased by clitoral stimulation that edges release but denies it for a prolonged period. In particular, teasing by gentle, tender, rhythmic manipulation. Does it have a tortuous quality to it? If so, how would you describe it? What techniques would make it worse, without involving pain in any way?
So, is there even a thing that we could honestly and accurately call "clitoral teasing" in which the proximity to climax and its prolonged denial, attributed solely to carefully managed stimulation of the clitoris, is cause for the subject's increasing distress and frustration?

I would like the views of several women on this question.
Hey there HoT, unfortunately these forums get some posts from guys who are just trying to get jerk-off fodder from women. Your post could be taken that way, which might be why you haven't had any responses.
Come on, ladies. Stop beating around the bush and come tell the OP how you like to... beat around the bush. :rolleyes:
I enjoy stories about the tickle-torture of cute, petite, nubile women by older men"

are you feeling old these days?