Desert Island Books

Well, if I only get three books, I am with NeoApril on this one..... survival will have to come before entertainment so I say

1) an outdoor survival guide, (fire building, knot tye stuff, first aid, girl/boy scout stuff)

2) The Complete Book of Herbs by Michael Castleman (is that his last name.. love the book)

3) Grey's Anatomy OR A HUGE Encyclopedia (biggest they make in one book

Well, those are my answers.....

Anyone read Zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance.... want opinions if ya have, it made me want to go on a road trip!!!

BTW.... no offense to anyone but if you picked "sets" of books as one of your choices, I think that is cheating!!

Originally posted by shylady:
well i will probably get laughed at but i would take anything written by Nora Roberts.
I love to read her books!

I like her too... have you read Carnal Innocence yet? I was so proud of myself... I figured out who the killer was!

1."The Dune Series" by Frank Herbert
2."The Quantum Self" by Danah Zohar
3."Shadows of the Mind" by Roger Penrose

Earthgoddess, can I borrow your copy of Calvin and Hobbes when your not using it? That way its not really cheating... :D

[This message has been edited by magic merlin (edited 06-07-2000).]
Ok since I'm not allowed to take a series I suppose I'd have to choose:

David Eddings' Belgarath the Sorcerer, one that I read over and over and never get bored with.

The Tao te ching.

Brewers Dictionary of Phrase and Fable.

There are so many more I love all my books and would probably spend a lot of time crying at the ones I had lost.
I would take "Conversations with God" by Neale Walsch. It's a three volume set, so if it counted as three books, I would only take volume 1.

I would take "The Celestine Prophesy" by James Redfield.

I would also take a collection of short erotic stories. There is such a book, in a white dust jacket, about 3/4 inch thick. Now I have to go back to B. Dalton or to get the name and author. What I read while standing up in the aisle was wonderful, and I was going to buy it eventually...
Sure Merlin I am very Susie Derkin like and am happy to share with your stuffed tiger-maybe he'll let you read it after he's done...will you throw some of the Dune books my way,once you are finished of course-Iam going to Borders to get them forpool books...since you reminded me that I haven't read them in eons...
Originally posted by ghost:

I would also take a collection of short erotic stories. There is such a book, in a white dust jacket, about 3/4 inch thick.

Was it 'The Mammoth Book Of Erotica'? (edited by Maxim Jakubowski)? That's got a white dust jacket and stories by Kathy Acker, Clive Barker, Leonard Cohen, Anne Rice, Robert Silverberg, Samuel R. Delany and bits of 'The Butcher' by Alina Reyes.

GOLDEN - so, Proust, eh? Is that to help you remember times past?
The Tao te ching, Cyra? Is that Chuang Tzu?

Actually, can I exchange my James Joyce novel for 'The Tao Of Physics' by Fritjof Capra? Modern science and Eastern religions explained in one handy paperback.
Originally posted by roger simian:
GOLDEN - so, Proust, eh? Is that to help you remember times past?

... "temps perdu", roger - "time lost" not "time past" ...

though agree with the Anna Karenina vote as well .... it's a great book with so many layers; have you been watching the new TV version? (guess you lot not in the UK will have to wait for Masterpiece Theatre or equivalent to buy it) - fabulous to see for the first time Anna portrayed as a 30-something with the odd wrinkle and squishy bit - much more sexy than the usual Hollywood treatment. so a vote for complete Tolstoy maybe?
Originally posted by golden:
... "temps perdu", roger - "time lost" not "time past" ...

In Remembrance Of Times Lost or Times Past. Same difference. What I want to know is how old Marcel can make a story about a tea-cake last several bulky volumes.

Ah, well - that's the French for you: utterly obssessed with their food.

have you been watching the new TV version? (guess you lot not in the UK will have to wait for Masterpiece Theatre or equivalent to buy it) - fabulous to see for the first time Anna portrayed as a 30-something with the odd wrinkle and squishy bit - much more sexy than the usual Hollywood treatment.

Much more true to the book, as well. Having Anna as some sweet young thang sort of ruins the whole point, makes it less clear why she'd be pushed to having the affair in the first place. Haven't seen any movie version, but since you recommend that one I'll look for it.

so a vote for complete Tolstoy maybe?

Now THAT would be a rather bulky thing to carry around! But it'd definitely keep you entertained for years and years...

Ah, well - that's the French for you: utterly obssessed with their food.

LOL! Don't get me started on the French... The whole recent French Government Internet debacle has left a nasty taste in my mouth. I don't support racism, but I certainly don't support censorship either... Sorry, off topic...
Tao te ching, Lao Tzu. If I could find a book that contained every aspect of ancient philosophy (the really intriguing questions such as why are we here or is there a god) I would change my number two but this book is a peaceful book. One I wish I could live my life by but can't.
"song of solomon" - toni morrison...even though ive read it 10 times i still dont get all the symbolism maybe on a desert island ill have time to analyze all of it.
"symposium" - plato...umm..because i love it.
"goode's world atlas" -its the best one i have and maybe i could figure out where i was and get out of there...
One I would most definately not like to get stuck on a desert island with is Descartes. I absolutely loathe him.
CYRA - Descartes: "I think therefore I am."

Lao Tzu's version would probably just be: "I am."

:) I wonder if I've just made up a Taoist joke.

Laurel - what have the French Government been up to? Ah, sorry - you didn't want to get started on that.
sorry Rog, catty of me; but it's a struggle y'know sometimes in the shadow of your wit and erudition .... love!
Oh, go on! Stop messing about! :eek:

Looks like we're both insomniacs, Golden. 3.34 am.

God, I promised myself I wouldn't get caught up in the general board again today.

So, anyway - what's going on down London Town way? My new band played its first gig at the Bull & Gate about a month ago. Do you ever go to gigs down there?
Does a box set count as one book or many? Cause if I can grab some box sets I would in like Flynn.