
Shadowsdream said:
Well live and learn....in all My years I have never heard Domme pronounced any way but Dom....

Arghhhhhhh I better buy that damn book cym!

See, this gives me hope, Shadow. Perhaps the scene will bend to the rules of reason on this one, and we can get everyone to pronounce it like it freaking should be? ;)
Well, i never heard it pronounced as Dom-may either, until recently, up here in my San Francisco neck of the woods. I guessed it was a recently evolved linguistic innovation, something coming from the more militantly lesbian side 'o things perhaps - a further distancing of themselves from the male dominants, maybe - but i wasn't sure.

All i know for sure is that, recently (since i got back here last December) most of the people i've had the chance to talk to in a way that might have included this word as a necessary part of the conversation, pronounced it in that way. Are they wrong? I don't know. Makes me feel funny to say it like that but if it's prevailing custom in these parts, then i'll bend to it. I don't like to offend people with thier own self-chosen titles, you know?

So feel free to pronounce it as you think it should be pronounced. Here in the SF Bay area, domme = dom-may when it's spoken.

And now i'm off to a local munch, an event at which there may be several dommes in attendence. I'll ask them about this issue, okay?
tmi = too much information

top = dominant only during sexual expression

bottom = submissive only during sexual expression

~I am glad no one irl refers to me as a dom-may~
I asked at my munch.
There were a surprising variety of answers.

Some said it comes from the French pronunciation of the word, that the word is originally French anyway and so that may be why some pronounce it that way.

Others said it's regional. It's "dom" on the east coast, and dom-may out here, and still others said it is dom-may but it's a whole different pronunciation of dom-may, one with a very French accent (which i cannot hear or say properly - get R in here, she's fluent in French). We had some first-timers in there today who have spent time in the Los Angeles area scene and they said it's dom-may down there, too.


There's no definitive answer on this one, it seems, girls and boys and bois. Maybe this is some kinda trend beginning here on the west coast or maybe it's a localized custom? I don't know.

Personally, i like the honorific "Lady" when referring to a female dominant, but that's just me.
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But cym.. I'm north of Boston. It can't be too localized, can it?
LOL...and after much debate over how to say "domme" do we have an answer? Yes........either personal pref or regional demand....LOL

OMG this is a great thread.....I love it.

Forgot to add, Skally, Great link I like that.

Ok here's one for you experienced types. I know kinda what this is in a nut shell but would really love a fuller explanation (I can't believe I just said that...lol).

Question: Please define Switch.

People say DomMAY in Michigan too. i think it come from too many people calling themselves that on the internet without knowing even how to fucking say it, forget about knowing what it meant!
Used to allways be just pronounced Dom. Also nobody says Domina anymore, so I like to say that sometimes, cause you know Im contrary.
"A switch is somebody who's both Sadist and masochist."

Or someone who's both dominant and submissive.

Swirl: A vanilla who enjoys some 'kinky sex'.
Shadowsdream said:
Well live and learn....in all My years I have never heard Domme pronounced any way but Dom....


I've heard both and perfer Dom.

Had a discussion with one of my sub friends who was an English major and she says Dom but it's been a few years and I forgot her reasoning. Maybe it's an east coast thing.
edge training = taking the submissive to the edge or orgasm over and over again

denial = denying orgasm...possibly after edge training
to domme or not to domme

... actually ...
dom-may is how domme would be pronounced in German. In French, you definitly wouldn't hear the -me. There might be a slight hint of an after-sound (like you weren't finished when you opened your mouth), but definitely no -may sound.
sweet spot- The area around the plus sign + formed by the crack and buttock crease. An effective and safe target for flogging/caning type play.
WriterDom said:
sweet spot- The area around the plus sign + formed by the crack and buttock crease. An effective and safe target for flogging/caning type play.

That's a good one WD....I'll have to tell Master that spot he loves so much has a name....lol

Re: to domme or not to domme

SexySusan said:
... actually ...
dom-may is how domme would be pronounced in German. In French, you definitly wouldn't hear the -me. There might be a slight hint of an after-sound (like you weren't finished when you opened your mouth), but definitely no -may sound.

I would think "phonetically" speaking you are right about the German pronounciation, though I have never heard it being pronounced any other way than Dom but with a female title to it (you know, the stuff the english language doesn't have, as in der - die - das oinstead of only the "the")

Actually to me thinking about Domme as Dom-may in a German language context is HORRIBLE (I guess I am way to "englishized" *lol*) - specially where I come from in the "slang" we use there it would way too much sound like "the dumb one" ...

*supresses a slight shiver and figures she'd rather stay with Ma'am , just in case*
Re: Re: to domme or not to domme

Hecate said:

I would think "phonetically" speaking you are right about the German pronounciation, though I have never heard it being pronounced any other way than Dom but with a female title to it (you know, the stuff the english language doesn't have, as in der - die - das oinstead of only the "the")

Actually to me thinking about Domme as Dom-may in a German language context is HORRIBLE (I guess I am way to "englishized" *lol*) - specially where I come from in the "slang" we use there it would way too much sound like "the dumb one" ...

*supresses a slight shiver and figures she'd rather stay with Ma'am , just in case*

Yes, of course I was speaking phonetically. I'd never heard the term "domme" before I came here. In German, it would be "Domina", no?

Especially because of the mentioned closeness to "Dumme".

"Die Dom[me]" sounds pretty stupid, too, don't you think?

Cym, in French, it would have to be spelled "dommé" or "dommée" to make the "e" heard.
If it hasn't been suggested yet....

...this helpful thread should be distilled into an FAQ to be appended to the Sticky.

Re: If it hasn't been suggested yet....

Lancecastor said:
...this helpful thread should be distilled into an FAQ to be appended to the Sticky.


Thank you Lance....what a nice compliment to all here.

Ok being the novice that I am, and not afraid of embarassing myself by asking questions, I have another one. Again, I have a small, very small understanding of this and need a more clear definition....

Question: What is a munch?
