Did she really cheat on me?

Do you manage her cell phone account? If so, you can bring up her call history to see what numbers she called and when. There are reverse phone book websites that can tell you the names associated with the numbers. If she's meeting a lover during these trips, she is likely calling or texting him ahead of time and when she arrives.
Smart cheaters call their lovers through a cell phone app where there is no record of it However there is still value in checking phone logs as the cheater will make other innocent calls to other people or places
Call logs not only give you the number called but where and when a call was made from her phone and where and when a call was received. This is important in that if she says she was in one town and you know she was in another (at a very late hour) and there was no reason to be driving past that town, then this is a strong indication of infidelity..The only way to truly find out is wait for the perfect scenario for her to cheat and hire a private investigator to surveil her and provide you the dreaded yellow envelope.
Smart cheaters call their lovers through a cell phone app where there is no record of it However there is still value in checking phone logs as the cheater will make other innocent calls to other people or places
Call logs not only give you the number called but where and when a call was made from her phone and where and when a call was received. This is important in that if she says she was in one town and you know she was in another (at a very late hour) and there was no reason to be driving past that town, then this is a strong indication of infidelity..The only way to truly find out is wait for the perfect scenario for her to cheat and hire a private investigator to surveil her and provide you the dreaded yellow envelope.
She has been travelling out a lot, so I am not sure anymore. Plus I have now started of cheating myself, lol