Did you know...

I was there earlier today, and found out my Luscious buddy Luce has succumbed to the dark side and became a Mod as well, so we have all our bases covered, if we need to boot 10 or 20 people to make room for us. :D
Lauren Hynde said:
I was there earlier today, and found out my Luscious buddy Luce has succumbed to the dark side and became a Mod as well, so we have all our bases covered, if we need to boot 10 or 20 people to make room for us. :D

Hmm, how evil--wish I had friends like that around more often. hehehe I've not been able to pierce the "too-many-people-online" barrier for ages. I guess now I have more of a reason to try and do so. <g>

Although, I'll have to be more circumspect about who I flirt with/hit on and how. hehehe :devil:

Oh, and another option might be what some of the folks in the AH have been doing--set up a thread to announce when they're looking for others to join in, and then opening a conference on Yahoo Messenger and inviting all interested folks in.
Remec said:
Hmm, how evil--wish I had friends like that around more often. hehehe I've not been able to pierce the "too-many-people-online" barrier for ages. I guess now I have more of a reason to try and do so. <g>

Although, I'll have to be more circumspect about who I flirt with/hit on and how. hehehe :devil:

Oh, and another option might be what some of the folks in the AH have been doing--set up a thread to announce when they're looking for others to join in, and then opening a conference on Yahoo Messenger and inviting all interested folks in.

If you use F5 or refresh it doesn't take so long to get in. Well, sometimes it does, so I go write something instead.
BooMerengue said:
lol, Ange! I don't know how good a security guard I'd be. All the old jerks now have new nics. But they're still there. But I am pretty adept at embarassing some of them into going away.

On occasion LIt Chat does a sweep to clean out those who have logged in and then walked away. I don't think they say thats why they do it, but it does happen. Crown is still around; maybe y'all can arrange for him to boot everyone at a certain time so all the poetic types can get in at once.

I didn't know the Literary Salon was your baby. Its a good room, but I've inadvertently made an enemy who hangs in there. I rarely go to Chat anymore, and one night I went in and immediately got 4 uninvited PM's, 2 of which were the "my dick is really hard and needs YOU" variety. I wasn't even in the door, so you know me! lol I outed the losers in the room, and this chick got all in my face about manners etc. I couldn't help but laugh, and now she won't speak to me. Which I suppose is a good thing if she's so touchy.

I only use Woman when I'm meeting old friends. I use other nics for madness and mayhem! Like '867 5309'! I clearly stated NO PM's in my comments but none the less, here they came! Some were nice so I ignored them, but 3 (this was over 2 days) wanted to have phone sex. So I obliged by giving them the Sheriff's number, where my daughter was working. They'd come back and bitch and say "Thats not funny". and I said "Well, now I got your number, dumbass, and I'm gonna call YOU!" All weekend I laughed as I pictured them running over the kids and the dog to get the phone before their wife did!

Let me know when you're going in to poeticize the place and I'll meet you. And you, too, Champ! Lauren? Do I know you in there? And I will definitely make a place for maude-the-broad! Ohhh... with that nic she will do very well in Chat!!

I had to get a new nic, so I used ~Angeline~. My profile says something like I'm a writer. I don't want to cyber with you. Go away." And I *still* got a few gross and annoying private messages. On the up side, I got to see Always Awake. :)
Angeline said:
I had to get a new nic, so I used ~Angeline~. My profile says something like I'm a writer. I don't want to cyber with you. Go away." And I *still* got a few gross and annoying private messages. On the up side, I got to see Always Awake. :)

You know AA is a CM now, right? So is SpaceWrangler. sheeeesh....
BooMerengue said:
You know AA is a CM now, right? So is SpaceWrangler. sheeeesh....

Yep--I saw AA in his mod persona. Luce and Space Wrangler too, eh? What's this world coming to?

Guess who I talked to on Yahoo this morning? Remember my buddy from England? :D

He's doin great. Twas a delight to hear from him.