I like the idea that using the 3rd person voice gives you many more options for character development, but at the same time I've been going in the other direction. I used the 3rd person for my first two stories then switched to 1st for a couple and found it quite freeing to speak in that voice. What it lacked in freedom to expose what's going on in everyone's head I thought it picked up in the ability to let the reader into this one character in a very direct and intimate way. It also helped force me to use dialog to provide insight into the other characters.
It's good of you to give some support for 1st person characterisation. It obviously works well in some stories, but not in others. This was the first time I've tried 1st person, and the general agreement seems to be I picked the wrong kind of story for it. I'm going to take the whole thing away, pick out a lot of bones and have a go at doing it a different way.
The best of luck with your own stories.