Disabling the new author page redesign

Is it just me, or have the Author biographies disappeared with the new interface? If there's a link I'm missing, please point it out! -- DaveK7
I'm not a fan of the new layout either. It seems really unintuitive compared to the old layout. I get they want to make the site more user friendly to mobile users, but they should not alienate those of us who still use our computer for the site. I hope the site admin see the glut of displeasure from visitors over the new layout, and see that maybe making such a radical change was not a good idea.
I'm not a fan of the new layout either. It seems really unintuitive compared to the old layout. I get they want to make the site more user friendly to mobile users, but they should not alienate those of us who still use our computer for the site. I hope the site admin see the glut of displeasure from visitors over the new layout, and see that maybe making such a radical change was not a good idea.
funny you mention making it more user friendly to mobile users: the new layout gives me server errors on all mobile browsers and I'm forced to use the m.literotica url to access author profiles
I have two stories that appear twice, once in series (correctly) and again as standalone. For example

Pointed this out when feedback first requested. At the time the old works list had the same error but I fixed that by deleting the two rogue entries. Can't do that now.
Is it just me, or have the Author biographies disappeared with the new interface? If there's a link I'm missing, please point it out! -- DaveK7

If you're on a Favorites page or a Works page, look for the "About" link near the top of the page. It's below the author's name and Stories/Following/Followers counts, and above the "Stories by" or "Favorite Authors" headline.
I have nearly 3K stories collected over 20 years and I liked to just randomly flick through the page and read a story. Or have an idea for the type of story I want to read and flick through the page. That is no longer possible. The new format means that I will spend significantly less time on Literotica than I did in the past. There is a competition across all entertainment platforms and media for our viewing time and our ability to stay locked into whatever activity.
The new layout isn't that great.
Reading through an authors work alphabetically takes ages, scroll, scroll keep on scrolling, load more, scroll some more, it used to just work, now not so much
New layout is OK for stories with a ton of chapters since you can shrink them.. But horrible for anything else. Please make an option to choose this or the original layout.

It's terrible on mobile, each story takes up more room.. Went from a page full of stories to only 7 at a time.


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Yeah, I just found out, and have the new design, I guess they don't want us to peruse larger authors since that is now too much of a pain.
Before I could see maybe 40 stories at a time on my screen, now I can see 10, and with less ability to keep track of things since it's a cluttered mess.

The lack of columns to separate things as well as each row taking a crazy amount of space, is the main cause.
It is a significant downgrade on PC, where I mainly read stories, something 'mobile friendly' have no interest for me.

They should give a classic option like Reddit did, and keep it permanently as an option for those with screens larger than their hand.
I'm not a fan of the new layout. It takes up much more if my screen space, and it won't load all of an author's stories at once. The usability of the site has gone way down.
I think the new design just went global. Please for the love of god allow people to choose between the old and new design just like you have with the classic storypage. This new one makes browsing through stories and favorites list infinitely more cumbersome. Really disappointed.
I completely agree. Adding my comment in the hopes that someone ... anyone ... from lit is influenced by us, their readers
Doesn't look like it's active yet, but there's a new "Show All" button at the bottom of the favorites pages in addition to "show more"

It will be a longer scroll once that's active because the story cards are more than one line, but people will be able to use the browser find function again.
Doesn't look like it's active yet, but there's a new "Show All" button at the bottom of the favorites pages in addition to "show more"

It will be a longer scroll once that's active because the story cards are more than one line, but people will be able to use the browser find function again.
Honestly it would be nice to have the old one or the new one be an opt-in selection in the options for users who are signed in.

For me personally, the redesign is way too big considering how much I read on mobile, whereas lists of author stories before was an ideal size for the font and everything else. So I hope something like that can be done at the minimal, even if the redesign is here to stay. Kind of like old.reddit.com for those of us who are don't use nor like modern styles.