Do you answer all your feedback?

I respond to all of my feedback. There hasn't been too much, so I haven't been overwhelmed with it.

All you have to say is "thanks for your feedback", or "I appreciate your comments." It lets the reader know the writers are real and the stories are not just cut out of book and pasted up on the internet.

I think it's funny that most of the readers think you are writing a true story. Yah, like we all have this much sex going on in our lives, hah!

Why would we write? I mean, we're not doing this because we're supremely satisfied with our sex lives and wish to preserve them for posterity! :D
feed back

I have always made it a habit to respond to feedback if the person includes their e-mail addr. Some stories don't get any feedback when posted but several months later I suddenly get a batch. Ya never know.

Dom Woolf