Do You Forgive Me For....

...for hating and being jealous of her at the same time
...for thinking she's a bitch for the way she treats you
...for being so angry right now I could scream
...for trying so hard to 'do the right thing'
Not a let down. In the words of an actor off my favourite stargate episode, if at first you dont succeed, try, try, try...try, again.

its a good thing you're cute in a kilt winks

You really think so My Lady? Then maybe there is hope yet for the lost and lonely :rose:
Forgive me for telling Yeishia that is a bloody stupid notion. Try Try and try again rarely works in matters of the heart.

Will you forgive me MSA for being the eternal optimist:rose:
putting you on ignore?

Actually I really don't care if you forgive me or not, I'm just wanting to up my post count lol
Do you forgive me for fucking your wife senseless, you cheating, abusive asshole? She's calling me Papi now, and it's all your fault.
Do you forgive me for being more succesful than you even though being a chef is not my field at all but you let this opportunity pass and told other people that you never wanted to work with me on the first place?

Actually, I don't care if you do, sucker.


A Mexican couple live across from me. The woman's name is Angelina, and she sometimes helps me with gardening and keeping the common area between our buildings neat. Her husband is verbally abusive to her, and parades right in front of her face with other women. A real choice asshole.

He went over the top this past week by bringing over some other woman and making Ang fix food for them, really rubbing it in. She came to my house and asked my advice, and I told her she should leave him. She said she can't, that it's related to their families in Mexico, she just can't leave him, etc. I said I didn't see a lot of other options beyond dealing with it or getting revenge.

She chose revenge. She came on to me, and I do find her quite appetizing, so it was difficult to resist, but I told her she'd better really consider it before she decided on that route.

She came over the next night in a calculated move. Her husband had been out all day watching football at a bar, so she spent the whole day making herself look good. Fresh manicure and pedicure, full makeup, flirty sundress, tawdry shoes, the works. She also brought over a bottle of one of my preferred bourbons. As I said, she had calculated it.

Well, I knew what time it was. She wanted it, I wanted it, neither of us gives a fuck about her husband, so we nailed each other. And have been off and on for a few days now. Anyway, she's all light as a bird and shit, happy and frolicky and feeling her oats and dressing all sexy. He thinks she's making some all-out effort to please him so he'll stop cheating. In reality, she has been coming her ass off in my bed whenever we're both in and he's gone.

Ordinarily, I wouldn't fuck someone over like this, but he's an unrepentant asswad. Lots of that lately. :)

So there are the details, FF.