Do you get jealous?

I liked his first three or four books, especially Red Storm Rising which was based on a naval wargame that I used to play. You have to give the guy some credit, he almost single-handedly invented the "technothriller" genre ...

But anymore it's TC Inc., he's got teams of writers churning out badly-written books that only sell because his name's on them. The last two "written" by him were so bad I couldn't even get past the first hundred pages ... and that's saying something, because I'll read anything.
raphy said:
This is probably a bad time to confess that I rather like the Jack Ryan novels....
Long, long sigh...


(But you're still my special fella :rolleyes: )
raphy said:
This is probably a bad time to confess that I rather like the Jack Ryan novels....
You know, I was just about to say a few last kind words to Colly over on the Halloween Contest board for her asking Gauche if he's from Chicago, and now here you pull this stunt.

Raphy, it's been, well, let's see, what about, a real experience knowing you. Of course, you and Colly could have done worse, you could have used the male form of da Flicka's name or you could have asked MG how long until your story got posted or if she was a Dodger fan. But now, sorry to say, you may have done pee'd in the whiskey. Courage.

RIP (Rumple In Prayer)
Well, I stopped reading him after the one where Jack Ryan got made president...... Although that was more due to lack of time.. But it does sound like I stopped at just about the right time.
Maybe not jealous, but definitely in awe of. Every time I run through The Great Gatsby I have to stop and gape at the sheer beauty of Fitzgerald's language (ah, the enchanted green light; ah, the criminal in the car). But not jealous, because I actually believe (rightly or otherwise) that, if I wanted, I could do the same thing.

...Though I haven't really tried it yet. We'll see.
Originally posted by Seattle Zack
When I read something with cardboard characters, a predictable lame plot, strained unbelievable dialogue, and no real talent for description --- yet this person got a publishing contract?
Yeah, that's another formative part of every writer's life, I think--looking at something that was published and saying, "I could write better than this. Hell, I am writing better than this!" I mean, we must have SOME sense that we can achieve, ne?
I only get actually jealous of songwriters. I don't have the necessary commitment to learn how to play a musical instrument (right hand part of Feur Elise(sp) and C, F and G on a guitar) and neither can I write lyrical poetry.

Any talent I have is towards writing (though I don't put in enough effort there either) and I think my writing is as good as anyones. But that is mainly down to age and experience.

I have been known to think "I wish I could write like that", but then I remind myself that I started writing - certainly in the erotica field - because I said to myself, I can do better than that.

Whether I can or not is a moot point.

Alex De Kok said:
I have been known to think "I wish I could write like that", but then I remind myself that I started writing - certainly in the erotica field - because I said to myself, I can do better than that.

Whether I can or not is a moot point.


I agree with Alex. Some of the erotica I was reading on Yahoo was so bad I knew I could do better. At least I could spell.

However I am jealous of many authors here on Literotica as well as published classics.

If I could write short stories as good as Rudyard Kipling or Somerset Maugham I'd die happy.

If I could produce the immediacy that some Literotica authors manage with their "stroke" stories I'd be satisfied. I'm not strong on flying starts. I need a long lead into a story like a heavy airplane needs a long runway to take off. Some people can start their stories like planes catapulted from a carrier.

I often feel a sort of admiring envy when a certain passage strikes me, a "damn, that's nice, that's good, wish I'd thought of it" sort of thing.

Nope, I never get jealous when I read someone who writes well or who is getting great reviews, loves, kudos, and all that. I prefer the term "newfound resolve." Has a nicer ring to it.

That said, the last time I read a Sabledrake piece I was fully loaded with "newfound resolve."

Thanks, KM! I'll have you know that I was hoping, as I wrote "Emma," that you wouldn't find it 'vicious' ;)

Chicklet said:
Do you get jealous when you read a story and think "Damn, why can't I write like that?"

I do.

Just wondering if anyone else has author's envy.

I got jealous just reading your profile, sweetie.
Chicklet said:
Do you get jealous when you read a story and think "Damn, why can't I write like that?"

I do.

Just wondering if anyone else has author's envy.

every time I read your stories