Do you write your best stuff....

i slap on my six gun-

steely stare at that hombre in the shadows-

"town aint big enough for the both of us Pard"


Old Muse fakes dead

and I blow the smoke out of the barrel and

ride outa town.
When I am way down, I can't focus on much, reading or writing, making sense, or thinking, just taking care of the household being more than enough.
Thank god that only happens about 3 or 4 times a year.
After the mood starts lifting and I can start seeing positive again, and focus, with more energy, I can start writing but hate my own dark poems, hate looking at them.
Its when I am relaxed and peaceful my mind can wander that I write okay stuff

I think
Tristesse said:
I used to get frustrated when I'd wake up in the middle oh the night with an idea. I'd scribble it down on a pad on my bedside table but - more often than not - I couldn't read it the next day. So..................

I bought a nifty little mini tape recorder and dictate it. It's voice activated so I don't even have to turn it on!

I don't trust that sleepytime stuff, lol. I usually hear music when I dream--sorta like a weird soundtrack. Once I dreamed I was writing a very beautiful piece of music. Even as I was dreaming I was thinking, god this is great. I'm gonna record when I wake up. I woke up. It was a Buffalo Springfield song...
eagleyez said:
i slap on my six gun-

steely stare at that hombre in the shadows-

"town aint big enough for the both of us Pard"


Old Muse fakes dead

and I blow the smoke out of the barrel and

ride outa town.

This is what comes of watching too much El Dorado. :p
Tristesse said:
....when you're hurt'n? Or does happy make you productive?

Personally it doesn't seem to make much difference but I've noticed that there are flurries of angst-ridden poems now and then.

I just wondered.

Unfortunately I always wrote and write my best (literarly) stuff when my mood is bad, expecially when I deeply miss someone, and more i am hurted by the situation more things rage in my head and then i am able to put them down on paper. I guess it is a sort of a defensive thing....usually to write down some lines about my feelings makes me feel better for a while... but this means my better works are often dark and sad. I have written very few things i can say good that came from happy those moments i just love to enjoy them and no need of writing...

For me it was like this at 18 and it is now after more than 20 years....
i fear it won't change :(
I just write when I feel inspired either it be a poem or a story. Sometimes I'm sad sometimes happy.

Its all in the inspiring mind.
I write when the passion moves me, be it happy, sad, wicked or funny....but, I have noticed I tend to write more late at night.