does anyone write first person opposite sex?

I have written from both sides

I have written from both sides. I am very influenced by Pauline Réage's novel, Story of O. Of course, a male writer can give the female POV what he wants it to be to make a story.
I am writing my first story called "tick tock" as a first person female. Does anyone else write like this?;)
Yes. I sometimes drift between the two. I have even been accused of being a woman writing under a man's name
I am working on one right now. Don't know if it will into Romance or Group. It involves three individuals, but it is love and romance far more than group.
Usually I write in first person from the male POV (write what you know, eh?), but for the two female POV stories I've tried (Millie's Kayak Camping Adventure and Speechless) I switched to 3rd person, specifically to provide some distance. It seems to have worked.

Dunno if I could get away with writing female POV in first person.
I did it once, mostly just to see if I could. In order to get the right "voice," I pictured a female friend who I know quite well, and imagined she was telling the story instead of me. It seems to have worked, as I got mostly positive comments, and juuuuuust missed the red H.
Yes I have written a few from first person female perspective. Some from second person female perspective and one from third. I am male but I haven't ever actually written a story from the male perspective, that would bore me.

My stories are either me writing up fantasies of friends and playmates or aimed at appealing to women on the same kink wavelength. I could give two hoots if other men like them. I'm shallow that way :)
I recently tried to write a story first person male. I stopped about 1000 words in and changed it. It was hard and just felt unnatural. I have written 2 lesbian stories but they were about first times and with me being bisexual I felt they came off realistically.