Does it exist?

Love? Definitely exists. Problem is, in a long relationship you need to develop what the greeks called companionate love; that's the one DL refers to.

How do you find it? Well with Mrs G lust was definitely the first motive force; then we got married because while I am not sure if you can forecast a thing is for EVER, you can certainly in Laurel's words conclude you met Mr or Ms Right Now. 21 years later it's still right for now.... Early clues? Well, from the early days the relationahip was a wonderful when we were NOT having sex... you know, just easy and relaxed driving, or with friends, or walking home at night, or going shopping ... and then years later when you are standing there amid the blood and shit as she produces a child and the tears of joy are pouring down your face... you know love is for real.


sorry for success story Sammy jo ... main thing for you to be aware of is, all your mates here are thinking: "don't worry if you're good enough for him ... just hope he's good enough for you!"
Laurel Wrote: "...the enjoyment of eating that mousse is the lovely appearance of the dessert, the creamy texture on your tongue, and the bittersweet smell as you ..." jeez, Laurel, help! [tryin' to get the gobs of cum off the keyboard after reading your description ....]
hullo_nurse's letter in this discussion (back about 12 postings) maybe the most important words posted on this web site. I also have seen this and it is a learning experience about love, people and emotions.
Thank you hullo_nurse; your words are very eloquent and with great truth.
