Dog or Cat Person?

I have a Dom cat and a sub cat. Nothing against dogs, they're just a lot more trouble.
Deffinitly Dogs for me.

I used to raise Chows and at one time had 3 Alpha females (Dommes) whew that was less than a fun time. At one point they got so bad I had to keep them VISUALLY seperated.
Chows are the ones with the purple tongues, right?

My Kane will chase anything that runs, but back down from anything that doesn't. I swear, he'd run from bunny rabbits if they chased him. :D
Yup they have the purple tounges and some weird attitudes. Where most dogs will grovel at your feet a Chow ask's whats in it for me? They are "almost" catlike in their attitudes at times.
What an odd question!

I have a cat, I love cats, and I collect TONS of pictures of cats, but if I were to change into the animal I am most like tempermentally, it would definitely be an eager, loyal, loving, klutzy doggie...who subbed to the family cat, lol.

She looks like a cat to me:
Re: The Sandia Tangent

Lancecastor said:
There is a strong correlation between cat lovers buying Prego and dog lovers buying Ragu.
Does Prego=sub ?
Does Ragu= dom?

Did you just make that factoid up? Actually, it's one of those things that sounds way too strange not to be true.

I make my own sauce from scratch...but it's based on a recipie my master makes me use. A very weird recipie at that: his spaghetti sauce has _bacon_ in it! In terms of sex, I guess that would make me an anarchist's assistant?

Below: A Prego Sauce User? Looks so to me. At least, she doesn't look like she's on the Ragu. (I know, I know, I should be shot for that.)
Minout said:
Cats. Definately cats. Dogs make me nervous. I just don't trust anything that needs to be around me that much.


I would have to say cat for me all the way. LOL I feel the same way Minout. Dogs make me nervous because I was bit in the face by one (my very own dog) when I was 10. I like dogs and all but it they get near my face I get really nervous, unless the dogs like a 100 years old then I am ok.
Cats rule, dogs drool.

Sub. Confirmed cat person. Master is an equally avid dog lover, so chalk up one more to prove your theory, Sandia. However, one of my three cats is a Domme--she has no claws (NOT my doing!) and the other female outweighs her by quite a few pounds, but DommeKitty still kicks her around. Go figure.

Happy Day!

Happiness is spooning with a purring kitten.