DoggyStyle Gallery Vol. 2

When the neighbor's daughter always seems to drop by....needing something and finally confesses that she just wants the D.
Apparently, Kelly never did want to stop our little trysts, and us being brother and sister was just our dirty little secret. What people didn't know was none of their fucking business. Only our spouses needed to be told and ahead of time. The rest could stick their noses out.
My new girlfriend swore that she would bring my ex-wife to heel, and I dared her to do it, so now, well, she's opted to share her with me as our slut. My ex seems happy as a clam about it, too. We're all much happier, in fact.
Now there's an interesting story idea. I'm gonna write that down. Maybe the new GF is the exes former best friend, who was disgusted by her friend for ruining a perfect relationship with a really decent guy.
Now there's an interesting story idea. I'm gonna write that down. Maybe the new GF is the exes former best friend, who was disgusted by her friend for ruining a perfect relationship with a really decent guy.
Sounds fascinating, in fact. I like the potential there.