dom/me's devotion

RoughPlay said:
Hi Bunny

I found what you said very interesting. A lot of it would not have
occurred to me because I'm too independently minded. However when I
read your words it makes perfect sense to me and I can see the appeal
for both parties. I think that if you remove the sex and the BDSM parts
from your description then it describes a fairly ideal child/parent
relationship. In the right context this is a very powerful and positive

i have often thought about the parent/child implications in my relationships, but oddly enough, i'm not lacking in the father department. my dad and i have always been close (he's my only family since my mom died when i was nine after spending years systimatically abusing me) and i've never felt like he lacked anything as a parent. but still, i do seek many of the same qualities in a lover. so i'm strange, who isnt! :p

I'm glad you have someone who is fulfilling your ideal relationship.
I hope this continues to go well. Incidentally how old is he ?

He's 30 and i'm 20, so there's a perfect 10 year gap between us. our birthdays are even close. i was lucky enough to have Him as my english prof my first semester here, and a slowly growing friendship eventually blossomed into what we have now.

So you do astronomy lab. You are full of pleasant surprises. What else
do you study at college ?

well, i study a lot of languages mostly. french, german, italian, and japanese. i took a lot of art classes until i discovered that the art program here is little more than a joke. i'm only taking astronomy because it's a general requirment for graduating. i've been here three years and i'm still undecided as to a major. it's going to take me a while to graduate, but i'm having a good time here and am in no rush to leave!
bunny bondage said:
i have often thought about the parent/child implications in my relationships,
I'm sorry to hear your mom abused you. No one should have to
experience this. I notice its quite common for people posting on
the BDSM discussion board to have been abused as a child. I wonder
to what extent this is coincidence or to what extent child abuse
results in BDSM in later life.

Have you talked to someone about what happened to you ?
If not would you like to ?

I think its fairly normal for a woman to seek parental qualities in
a lover whether she's had a good parents or not. If she's had good
parents then its reasonable for her to want more of a good thing. If
she's not had good parents then its reasonable for her to want to
find parental qualities in her lover. Alternatively maybe logic
doesn't apply to any of this and things just are as they are.

I'm six years older than my wife which is just right for me. I prefer
relating to women who are younger than me. It feels more comfortable.

I think its great that you've with your English prof. I use to fancy
my English teacher at school though not as much as I use to fancy my
chemistry teacher. Student/teacher situations are great territory for
fantasy and role playing. Most men want to spank naughty adult school
girls. I certainly do. Even whip them if they've been particularly bad.

I'm a science, maths and engineering person though I'd like to be more
people orientated from now on. My wife has a linguist background and
speaks several languages.

Is there anything else that you particularly like about your English
prof or your relationship with him ?

As regards you being able to "cum from words alone". I'm speechless!
i just wrote a bit of a paragraph over in another thread about cumming from His words. and of course, i simply LOVE the idea of dating my prof. i know, it's silly novelty, but i'm just hooked on the idea! and yes, this was one of the factors in my initial attraction to Him. of course, it goes far beyond that now, but the first day of class, i sat in the back on a stack of chairs and fantasized about Him, and i'm sure this was in part due to the fact that He was my stern teacher. it was my first day at college, and i had been late, so i was scolded quite harshly and OMG i was SO turned on! of course, i never thought i'd have the chance to actually tell Him about it and then act it out! and naturally, our relationship has grown far beyond a schoolgirl's daydreams, and i found out that He's really a caring, nurturing, kind, giving, sweet, good-hearted, wonderful man with all kinds of fantastic qualities, a good soul, a bright mind, a firm hand, and of course, He's a WONDERFUL lover. we're having so much fun learning each other and the specifics of each other's needs and desires. i'm so lucky to have His love and have the opportunity to express my own love to Him. He's taken on the responsibility of educating me in the things He feels are important, and He wishes to guide me using His mistakes as lessons to me. He encourages me in my art and intellectual journies, and i really know that He wants what's best for me as a person. of course, the bdsm aspects are ever-present in all aspects of our lives, as the D/s parts of our personalities are key to who we are. it's just the way we relate to one another, and frankly, i wouldn't want anything else. ok, i've ranted for WAY too long now (see what you did! :p) so i'll quit.

*edited to add: that other paragraph is in "kinky self love" (i hadda go look it up!)
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bunny bondage said:
i just wrote a bit of a paragraph over in another thread about cumming from His words. and of course, i simply LOVE the idea of dating my prof.
I read your cumming from His words post. I love reading stuff like
that plus all the posts on this thread. I could never work any of
this out for myself. The only way for me to find out is if you or
another women tells me by writing down her thoughts and feelings.

Well your English prof does sound perfect for you. That's quite a
college education you're getting. Will you be wearing white to the
wedding (smile) ?
RoughPlay said:
Will you be wearing white to the
wedding (smile) ?

lol! actually, we both hold the same opinions on the institution of marriage in that is a basically out-dated concept. not that i have anything at all against married people or marriage itself, i just don't see the need for it in my life. i think i'm just too casual to hold such a formal affair! don't get me wrong, if hopping aboard the matrimony pony is right for some couples, then more power to them. as for a future with Him, well, that's still undetermined. i mean sure, we're having the best time right now, but there's no obligations for anything down the road, and our relationship is very laid-back with no pressures for things like that. and frankly, i much prefer this kind of relaxed situation.
You go girl!

bunny bondage said:
lol! actually, we both hold the same opinions on the institution of marriage in that is a basically out-dated concept. not that i have anything at all against married people or marriage itself, i just don't see the need for it in my life. i think i'm just too casual to hold such a formal affair! don't get me wrong, if hopping aboard the matrimony pony is right for some couples, then more power to them. as for a future with Him, well, that's still undetermined. i mean sure, we're having the best time right now, but there's no obligations for anything down the road, and our relationship is very laid-back with no pressures for things like that. and frankly, i much prefer this kind of relaxed situation.

You are young, and have plenty of time to be "tied down". I have never understood why folks run to the altar.

bunny bondage said:
lol! actually, we both hold the same opinions on the institution of marriage in that is a basically out-dated concept.
Only kidding Bunny.

Infact I'm very against people getting married before they are
ready for it as its fairly obvious its likely to end in tears. I
do however think marriage is a good thing for a well matched couple
who are both mature and experienced enough to know what they really

The thought that I'm living in an "out-dated concept" is very amusing
to me. The next time I'm driving my horse and buggy to Sunday church I
will reflect on this.

I feel more safe and secure married than I think I would if I were not
married. This may not sound all that exciting and exhilarating but I'm
not twenty any more. I realise that at one level marriage is only a
piece of paper of little significance but at another level its a sign
of commitment that does matter.

> our relationship is very laid-back with no pressures for things like
> that. and frankly, i much prefer this kind of relaxed situation.

I think that's fine for the next ten years or so, however do you think
you might ever want a more formal arrangement during your thirties
particularly as regards children ?
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RoughPlay said:

I feel more safe and secure married than I think I would if I were not
married. This may not sound all that exciting and exhilarating but I'm
not twenty any more. I realise that at one level marriage is only a
piece of paper of little significance but at another level its a sign
of commitment that does matter.

I have never found marriage a particularly interesting institution.

RoughPlay said:

I think that's fine for the next ten years or so, however do you think
you might ever want a more formal arrangement during your thirties
particularly as regards children ?

i'm not mommy material. i do not want children. ever. don't get me wrong, i LOVE kids, and i watch my friends' children whenever i can. it is, in fact, this experience that solidified my decision to never have any. i know, i'm only twenty, and i'm constantly told by my father that my opinion will change. but i doubt it, and for now, i'm resolute in my no-kids rule.
bunny bondage said:
i'm not mommy material. i do not want children. ever. don't get me wrong, i LOVE kids, and i watch my friends' children whenever i can. it is, in fact, this experience that solidified my decision to never have any. i know, i'm only twenty, and i'm constantly told by my father that my opinion will change. but i doubt it, and for now, i'm resolute in my no-kids rule.

I totally understand. That is why I had one. Then I inherited one. I did not get pregnant until I was 29. I was the oldest first time mother in the hospital where I had her. LOL
Ebonyfire said:
I totally understand. That is why I had one. Then I inherited one. I did not get pregnant until I was 29. I was the oldest first time mother in the hospital where I had her. LOL

better to wait until you're ready rather than rush into such an important role - and i'm sure you're a great mom! ^_^
bunny bondage said:
better to wait until you're ready rather than rush into such an important role - and i'm sure you're a great mom! ^_^

She and I had that "I hate Mother" phase. She didn't understand until she gave birth herself. She called me up and thanked me!