Dominance - need or gift

NemoAlia said:
I'm with Ebonyfire on this one. Although I think it's disappointing when a lover does something just because s/he knows you'll enjoy it (see Chicklet's thread for a discussion of this subject), it's still nice to be willing to try things that wouldn't otherwise catch your attention -- especially for the sake of your lover. Still, if learning how to dominate doesn't make you realize your deep, internal love for the sport, it's probably not worth pursuing. After all, "It don't mean a thing if it ain't got that schwung!"

(I learned the word "schwung" today. Am I using it anywhere near correctly?)

I also agree with Zip that describing dominance as an innate characteristic is probably closer to accurate than describing it as a need. However, until scientists have solved -- once and for all -- that 'nature v. nurture' debate, I have a feeling that this thread will have to go unresolved.

Schwing, I think, but schwung is hung!