Dominating an Alpha Male/Female - Challenge or Goal?

Anna Sue, Master is right after all...I do have a sadistic side. I so want to watch you demonstrate the realities to Soda!!:)

Catalina :D
from Catalina :
Anna Sue, Master is right after all...I do have a sadistic side. I so want to watch you demonstrate the realities to Soda!!

Sure watch lean back, have fun and enjoy...:)
Afterwards he for sure don't want see me again.

Anna Sue:rose:
<nods her agreement>

He is cruisin' for a bruisin' !!!

<smiles evilly>
alpha? beta?

i must admit my limit of understanding the terms.....
but if you say, alpha is a strong willed determined bullheaded man/woman/......i guess then being an "A" type personality macho is equal to alpha then.....wanting my own way......

but then,.....i am also,.......a willing slave,,,,,a willing alpha.

or at least as i see this...for all intent and purpose,..i have always been strong willed high spirited type of man.....
never would ever buckle under to anyone.....including bosses.....i have told-off many over the years.......and walked away laughing....

what i can not sem to grasp here....someone says, that they find pleasures of a sort of having an alpha around?
i kinda wish someone could try to explain how they enjoy that?
i do not back-sass my Ma'am......but i always make sure She knows how i feel about any one topic........i do speak up.
granted, yes, of course, i enjoy being Hers,........
yes i guess i am an alpha,......a type "A" personna....
but since "I" am not into s/m activities....i have-to, ask, what pleasure would there be, with a slave like me, that bends to Her will,....but never has involvement in any ''playroom'' activities?

if this is too hard to answer......i'm sorry. my curiousity.

owned by Ms Ann