Earth Day Challenge

lol Well don't feel bad. I haven't seen me for ages either! I borrowed a Netbook so maybe I'll be back for a much longer stay. Hope so cuz I'm rusty and dusty and word dry. Need to find a saloon that serves up challenges and ideas to whet my parched muse.
I hope to get back to all these nice poems soon.
Planned to today, but too many fires to put out ...
Lots of nice poems for this challenge.
I've started to take a closer look.
I think the 2 cleverest poems are

Sonnet on the Big Hole
in Clumsy Tetrameter
and Loose Rhyme

Ah, xenocrysts! Earth's kidney stones,
Excreted by Mom E. in tubes
Of kimberlite, like renal moans
From the center of her globe.

The large ones shatter into Hope
Or "cull"minate in smaller bits
Whose facets flash their smaller scope
In glitzy things and bracelets,

And, of course, engagement rings.
DeBeers will thank you for your trade,
Avoiding conflict diamonds.
Their staid cartel remains quite safe.

I pine for her, and think I know
Why Mother Earth's a virago.

The links were a nice touch, although I didn't need them for background in my case. Did you know that diamonds aren't stable at earth's surface, gradually turning into graphite? (Very gradual, so 'diamonds are forever' is applicable in our time frame).

I also got a kick out of
Oh whit a sleekit horrible beastie
roils awe the bosom of the land,
nae whit ye dae or how ye feastie
aw hae ye turn the deadly hand.

Begone ye slimy masses boakin
awae ye filth and dirty air,
all the bairns they are a chokin
we want nae of ye any mair.

Yin or twa, ach whit the hell,
nae matter whit the hell ye dae
for awe ye rantin hear ma tell
a'body's gonnae hae tae pay .
and think I got most of it.

More later
Hope to have more commentary tomorrow.
Too tired now, with a lot of yard work today (and a lot of bed play last night).
Plus, watched "When Love is not Enough" tonight - Lois Wilson story, She was the wife of Bill Wilson, cofounder or AA, and founder of Al-Anon. Seemed to be a reasonable representation, and I've never really seen it from her side (probably out there, but I've focused on AA, since thats where my recovery lies), but just Bill's story.
I think this was the sweetest poem here:
Shoulder length curls gleaming gold
as he bent to an Iris singing
"One for my Eemy and one for me.
not to eat but to love for pretty."

Then he dug a bitty hole for the
cherry pit to grow a tree for me
and let the minnow go to grow
bigger bigger.

We dozed under the willow
watching bees buzz and laughed
and the grass was blankysoft.
This was our day with The Mother.

A blessed day and good.

Not the Earth Day but a day just as good. My 3 yr old love and me.

And I had to do some research for
HMS Success Discovers Darling Fault, Scarp, People

Darling Scarp and escarpment,
agile aboriginal original,
fortuitous fortified,
colonial corridor,
rainbow serpent
struck sea
conquest by
Probably well known to our Aussie friends, but new to me - I've mostly looked into North and South America, Europe and Asia, with Australia and Antarctica most unknown, and just a bit of Africa from Kevin (Dr. Burke to you). A lot more here than the fault, but I had to check it out!