Easy Pussy, irrestistable?

wooohooooo DCL and in my thread too!! (feels all impressed n stuff)IF you look on averages from the time u registered till now I'd say you are not posting quite as much as some of the others who have been on a 5th of the time u got haha
No but when you dont get much it is hard to resist esp in my current situation

Da chef
If it is to easy, I'll pass right on by. I don't want something that everyone else has already had. I've had some tell me "Go with me I'm a sure f...". Sure, what the heck do you think I am woman... I'd rather be with someone that wasn't such a sure f... Thats just who I am "Can't change it, wouldn't want to". Pussys Pussy, some will say. Its kind of like the price of OATS, If you want OATS that have already been through the horse, "THEY ARE A LITTLE CHEAPER".
I tend to be quite selective with my meals. I don't like to eat from a dirty plate.

I hate that word, soulmate. It wasn't what I meant.

Really great sex requires trust and vulnerablility. No woman (or man for that matter) is going to reveal that little thing that drives them crazy if they don't trust you. Without those little things, sex is routine. Maybe satisfying that time, but still routine. It's more difficult to trust an easy stranger. Not impossible, but more difficult.

If you had great sex with your friend, there was trust and a willingness to be vulnerable. Commitment is a matter of choice. It's usually appreciated, but not always.

Sometimes a hot dog is exactly the trick. I don't want steak at a ballgame.

But usually, I'll choose a juice runnin' down your chin, perfectly prepared, steak to a hot dog. It takes longer to prepare that steak, too.

Now tell me, which one costs more? And which one is more satisfying? And which one is BETTER for you??
Actually.....a low fat hot dog is much better for ya than a Juicy( read fat) steak....mucho cholesterol....

Perhaps good sex for you may require opening up your innermost self....that is intimacy, which like I said can make sex fantastic....but the physical act is what I was referring too....and let me clarify...I have had fantastic sex with women I had just met...no strings just two people who knew what they wanted and what they were doing...No demands....I can enjoy sex without intimacy...and intimacy doesn't always involve sex...A woman who enjoys her sexuality in my opinion shouldn't be labeled a "hoe"..

Those who look at women as something that "evreybody else has had" are in that respect objectifying them more than those who chase them...It can't be "worn out"...I know I have tried at times;)
The Mind of Men

I think some people really don't know how the man's mind works. Most men rather a woman who feels comfortable talking about sex. Judging by the site you're at right now Savage Kitten, you probably feel comfortable talking about sex, but men may not know that. There are loads of women who you can't talk about sex with. The men at your work probably don't know how you feel, and if you just loosen up and flirt with them a little, it'll help out, because if you are more beautiful, they'll respond.
seems to me Savage K, that you neither want to emulate the easy pussy girls nor would you much want any of their conquests... which is one of the aspects of your nature which marks you as a discerning and individual person. Be thankful - we all are!

That said, as has been observed, if you want a bit for yourself you are going to have to put out. Most guys don't need NO for an answer - they'll sniff around where a YES looks a better bet! So if you are signalling NO to a guy you want to signal YES to ... well, you'll be left in the DIY department!

Or do I detect that you'd quite like to know you are WANTED but don't need to translate that into being HAD each time? In which case, your insecurity is still as NOTHING compared to that of your work colleagues .... [and besides THAT - ya know we all love ya!]

There's a bigger question being begged [sic] here ... traditionally, I agree, guys were expected to be easy lays and girls to be highly selective. We all know the anthropological and socialogical reasons for this ... Felix has a 4,000 word essay on the stocks right now ... [sorrytl copiuldn't resist]

But supposedly the sexual revolutions of the past 35 years have evened things up. So while this board not only "boasts" guys who shun easy pussy, I'm detecting there are women here who like to partake of easy cock ... But: under what circumstances? Is it that for a woman too, often a good night out equals ten beers, a curry and a fuck? Or is it in fact nmore complex?
Felix has a 4,000 word essay on the stocks right now ...

I was going to let this thread pass, but since I have been invoked, I will offer a few thoughts.

Though I will spare you the full treatise, I do think that there is a strong component of biological programming to this debate. People will rightly attempt to assess the relative contributions of nature versus nurture, but as unappealing as some may find it, the impact of our primal nature is inescapable.

One element of this is the differentiated reproductive strategies of evolutionarily successful males and females. Females have only few high-cost opportunities to have children, but they are guaranteed to be the mother; as a result, they invest a great deal in ensuring that their children reach maturity. Males, on the other hand, can father essentially unlimited numbers of children with no real cost, but have far less assurance that a given child bears their genes; consequently, males are inclined to fare widely sexually, and to devote fewer resources to their offspring. This is more game theory than biology, but the end result is the same.

There is also a sociological aspect to the genetics. Humans are primates, and like other primates exhibit social behaviors characteristic of our order. For example, among primates there is a strong correlation between size and sexual relationship. Smaller primates tend to be highly promiscuous, lacking jealousy, and indifferent to parentage when supporting offspring. Large primates (such as gorillas) are generally tightly hierarchical about male dominance (and hence reproductive opportunities) and lethally jealous of infidelities. Humans are a bit more than mid-sized monkeys, which would seem to dictate our being mostly (but incompletely) monogamous with significant but manageable potential for jealousy. Sound familiar? There are other parallel factors, such as species with high birth rates being correspondingly less concerned with parentage, but the trends converge to a similar outcome.

Perhaps unsurprisingly, species with greater size disparities between males and females also evince distinct social patterns. This is particularly true of carnivores (and to a lesser extent of omnivores), because a successful meat-provider has far greater impact on the diet of its family than the more linearly productive and self-sufficient herbivore; human evolution and social order reflect this in myriad ways. It is interesting, however, to consider the potential for conflict with these instincts as physical strength diminishes in economic significance. Perhaps men have more than Gloria Steinum on their minds as they grapple with a changing masculine identity, and women are not merely oppressed and neurotic as they strive to balance work and family.

Still, we are surely more than the sum of our animal parts. If a woman enjoys sex without a committed relationship, is she any stranger than a man wanting to share intimacy with only one partner? Are not both simply points on the continuum of human desire; indeed, do we ourselves not shift from one perspective to another at different times? If men are more likely to fall at one end of the spectrum and women the other, is it really so hard to understand? Why must any two individuals be the same, much less two sexes?

To put this is a slightly more colloquial fashion, let me quote a song:

If you can't be
with the one you love
love the one you're with.

To some, that is sensible advice; to others, abhorrent. In the end, though, the eagles and the doves sort it out.

Humans are primates, and like other primates exhibit social behaviors characteristic of our order. For example, among primates there is a strong correlation between size and sexual relationship.

This is true, and another of the physical attributes thought to correlate with sexual monogamy/promiscuity among primates is (you'll love this)... testicle size. Chimps, despite being one of the smaller apes, have the biggest balls. This makes evolutionary sense if you know that they're also the most promiscuous, with females often having hundreds of partners.

In order for any particular male to maximize his chances of reproducing, he therefore has to increase his chances of fertilizing a female by producing more sperm than his rivals. Hence bigger balls to make more...

Gorillas, on the other hand have teeny-tiny pea-sized testes, presumably because they remain monogamous and therefore have no real need for "biguns".

Humans (DCL's package notwithsanding) are in between, and if the correlation to behavior stands up, we can conclude that "human nature" puts us somewhere in between absolute monogamy and indiscriminate rutting...

but we already knew that, didn't we? ;)
Golden I think you missed out the one I find the most interesting,the MAYBE's.The NO's are ok you know where you stand on the issue,the YES's the same;but the MAYBE's are the ones that I would rather enjoy finding out about.

SK isn't this the catagory that you fit into?

Ezzy (who me?)
maybe- yes... tease-no

I think I understand what you are saying Ezzy.. and I agree with ya... I try not to put out a YES or a NO message... .but rather a MAYBE.. as in... "If you really are interested then you'll put a lil more effort into and MAYBE we can take it to a sexual level"

I love to 'tease' as in flirt but i am definitely NOT a 'cock tease'

I have realised one thing lately about myself... if i see something i want... then i just need to be bold and go after it... i think thats the trait that i am envious of those other girls... they see a man they want and they know what to do and how to do it in order to get him

maybe there's hope for me yet huh? anyone willin to give some trainin lessons?? hehe
Felix said:

I was going to let this thread pass, but since I have been invoked, I will offer a few thoughts.

Well thank you Felix.. I am greatly honored that you graced my thread *bows humbly* Your wisdom and knowledge surpasses anything i have been privileged to before this date

*winks* SK~
Travellers in the wind-swept land of sarcasm should bear in mind the local saying, "A nod's as good as a wink to a blind horse."

Fortunately, this is one horse who will gladly exchange apples for apples.
I come into a thread a few days late only to find that it has gone from "easy pussy" (which I don't have a whole lot to say about) to the testicle size of primates (which I have even less to say about. Damn, guys, take it easy on us grad students! *LOL*

What I came all this way to ramble about was the part of this thread that dealt with wearing skimpier clothes. Perhaps for some people that might work (read: easy pussy) but my daddy always told me (and he's never been wrong) that the best way to attract a man was to wear clothes tight enough to show that you are a woman and loose enough to show you are a lady.

I could be wrong.....but I doubt it.
SimplySouthern said:
...my daddy always told me (and he's never been wrong) that the best way to attract a man was to wear clothes tight enough to show that you are a woman and loose enough to show you are a lady.

I could be wrong.....but I doubt it.

I think your Daddy is a wise man. That is certainly a way of dressing that catches my eye.

Of course tube tops with no bra that are two sizes too small catch my eye too. <G>
Oliver Clozoff said:

In order for any particular male to maximize his chances of reproducing,

Anyone familiar with the barnacle and its penis?????
HAHA, not THERE is an animal with some "maximized" chances!!

And balls... no wonder about those hamsters!
Jade said:
Anyone familiar with the barnacle and its penis?????

*sheepishly* Well, actually, now that you mention it... hehe

The barnacle has the largest penis relative to its body size (this is the kinda stuff I retain from freshman zoology. Scared? ;))

Since it's sessile (attached to rocks, piers, boat hulls, etc.) the male can't quite "pick up chicks" like the rest of us, so he lets his super-dong go to them (forget how many times longer than its body it is... astronomical, though).

I've tried working this tidbit of genital trivia into my conversations with women, but for some reason it hasn't worked yet (e.g. "hey there, lovely, wanna try a man who's hung like a barnacle?").

When I finally meet that hot marine biology grad student, she's gonna swoon. ;)
LMAO...kinda like me trying to pick up men with my law school knowledge. One of these days I'm gonna meet a man who likes a woman who knows some big ol' Latin words.

*Say "voir dire" while you scream out my name baby...I love it...gets me so hot*
I have traveled down that road of being easy pussy, myself. And it's really not a fun one. Low self esteem, low self worth will cause one to go down that path. Yes, I love sex. But over the years, I have learned that it's not the best way to go about things. :) I was going to say more, but I'm entirely too long-winded as it is.

Southern Sweetie> smart women are DEFINITELY a turn on. *wink wink*
*donning her smart girl glasses*

You want I should use all my big words on ya?

Actually, the four letter kind are my favorite. *wink*
SimplySouthern said:
One of these days I'm gonna meet a man who likes a woman who knows some big ol' Latin words.

You dun met him, woman. ;)

I once played on a rec basketball team with some law school guys and the name of our team was "sic uterus" (after the latin law term "sic utero(utera?)".

If you know what it means, Southie, you get special Dr. Clozoff points you can redeem for special "services" later. hehe
Siren said:
SS-- RES IPSA LOCUTOR...my sweet.. :)

Oh, how I DO love it when you talk dirty! Reminds me of reading about J.C.'s Gallic campaign as a schoolboy... "veni, vidi, vici, fucki" (or sumpin' like dat. I don't 'member so good).

As for your exam, I think I can "fit you in" to my busy schedule, but I've got this pesky cherry that I feel's just ABOUT to pop... ;)

Any takers?