Editor request for gay male stories


Thanks for the responses, mina-san. I'll send some PMs and hope to throw another submission into the mix soon!

Got to say, I'm proud of this one. Too bad if you don't read gay porn, but it's hot, it's witty, and no bullshit "My twelve-inch-cock" or "her nipples distended out a full inch from her chest".
... I submitted my editor's profile a couple of days ago but haven't heard anything back yet and am unsure how long the average approval process takes. ...
Well ... I've been waiting since early 2008 to register a name change, so don't hold your breath.
Got to say, I'm proud of this one. Too bad if you don't read gay porn, but it's hot, it's witty, and no bullshit "My twelve-inch-cock" or "her nipples distended out a full inch from her chest".

Good on you CS! I've had a few of those moments myself, not in GM, but times when I figured I was so very, very fortunate for having an opportunity to edit a real work of art one would have otherwise missed. They are treasures, rewards for the efforts we provide.

There's nothing better.
Shit yeah. Shame was, wasn't really anything for me to do. I think he ended up deciding to reposition a clause further towards the beginning of a paragraph, but that's about it.

I honestly felt cheated.