
Natural mostly, I'm a sucker for a clean shaven pussy.. call me ummmm a sucker or licker..

Guys: neatly trimmed or au natural?
woods.. LOL the ocean can be a bit fishy..

same back to you.. LOL um, have we dominated this thread or is it just me?
ha!!! fishy.

And yes, we pretty much own it at this point. Friends! Come out and play! Anyone? Bueller?

Smell of the woods for sure.

Smell of...you guessed it...fire? or fresh chocolate chip cookies?
Fire, chocolate chip cookie smell goes straight to the waistline

Library or own the books?
Lol.I'm not the only virtual calorie counter, I see.

Own the books...own my own library! haha.

Live in a city or in the country?
Oh tough one again..

I love the city for city things.. I love the country for lack of crowds..

Going with Edge of the City.

Brick and Mortar or Online.. for sexy toys.
Online, definitely. Discretion is the better part of valor!

Sex with toys and one partner, or no toys and multiple partners?
Sex toys and a partner

So, toywise..

many and varied, or tried and true?

LMAOO at the 300 sex questions crack
I know, I pretty much find myself hilarious.

I would have to go with...steady collection of tried and true, but open to many. Same back to you.
Many and Varied I believe in taking time to figure what works best.

Alone and you: use a blow up doll, of just make do with a toy and your imagination?
Ohhh tough...I'm going to have to go with table by a hair.

Sleep cuddles up or sprawled out alone?