Emulation, not imitation..what is the difference?

Maria2394 said:
:heart: thaks you all, are so supportive. I guess th ereal problem is that I dont really know myself yet. I have spent so much time caring for my family I forgot to look for myself.

I posted a few poems, now deletd, but angeline said they were reminiscent of neruda. I had no idea who he was, so I looked him up and fell in love with his voice.

It is indeed a compliment to be likened to so many wonderfully talented people. I just wanted people to maybe help me identify me, but I do realize now that is impossible.

Angeline, your Lester Young analogy is perfect. Now I see how many people were affected by him, and then after him, by Elvis, the beatles, Pink Floyd. ( love them!!)

Ohh...I just wish I cuoold get my range into focus, Liar. I was having a conversation with someone earlier about a disorder related to autism, which I had only heard of on the tele, and shes a doll, helped me rationlize it down to acceptable facts. I needed that.

Your assimilation connection reminded me of the Borg on Star Trek. You will be assimilated, there is no escape!. I have tried so long, esp when I was a kid, to be different!! thats my problem, I need to conform and go with the flow, let the words out.

I'll just be glad when my little garden isnt dead and gray.

Speaking of ...
"echoes of ... maybe even Whitman in it to me. "
Angeline once told me I echoed Whitman

Slim Whitman told me he was pissed

Maria, there is nothing new that is readable, that isn't going to remind some one of...
Recognise this:

The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want
He makes me down to lie
Through pastures green he leadeth me the silent waters by
With bright knifes he releaseth my soul
He maketh me to hang on hooks in high places
He converteth me to lamb cutlets
For lo, he hath great power, and great hunger
When cometh the day we lowly ones
Though quiet reflection, and great dedication
master the art of karate
Lo, we shall rise up
And then we'll make the buggers eyes water

Sounds like, what two things? True it was a deliberate play.

But suppose I said you remind me of Marianne Moore, with all the garden and toad poems you write, it would because I was thinking of "imaginary gardens with real toads in them" her famous line, nothing more.

You have a unique style, even if you extend your range, by doing a bit of, whatever you call it, it is incorporated (like Liar said).

BTW that was a true comment (editted) on something that had a Dylan Thomas title used as a line suitably trashed down to my level.

Focus on just writting, and editting.

I been getting long winded lately, I hate to see my fave's get upset, even if it shouldn't bother them.

Tell you what, I'll go emulate one of yours, someone will say "hey this sounds like Maria2394" you'll feel both honored and offended, and I'll just laugh, 'cause I fooled you once before, and I really am Slim Whitman.
twelveoone said:
Speaking of ...
"echoes of ... maybe even Whitman in it to me. "
Angeline once told me I echoed Whitman

Slim Whitman told me he was pissed

Maria, there is nothing new that is readable, that isn't going to remind some one of...
Recognise this:

The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want
He makes me down to lie
Through pastures green he leadeth me the silent waters by
With bright knifes he releaseth my soul
He maketh me to hang on hooks in high places
He converteth me to lamb cutlets
For lo, he hath great power, and great hunger
When cometh the day we lowly ones
Though quiet reflection, and great dedication
master the art of karate
Lo, we shall rise up
And then we'll make the buggers eyes water

Sounds like, what two things? True it was a deliberate play.

sounds like the Lords Prayer and the background voice in the song, Shheep by Pink floyd :)

But suppose I said you remind me of Marianne Moore, with all the garden and toad poems you write, it would because I was thinking of "imaginary gardens with real toads in them" her famous line, nothing more.

You have a unique style, even if you extend your range, by doing a bit of, whatever you call it, it is incorporated (like Liar said).

BTW that was a true comment (editted) on something that had a Dylan Thomas title used as a line suitably trashed down to my level.

Focus on just writting, and editting.

I been getting long winded lately, I hate to see my fave's get upset, even if it shouldn't bother them.

Tell you what, I'll go emulate one of yours, someone will say "hey this sounds like Maria2394" you'll feel both honored and offended, and I'll just laugh, 'cause I fooled you once before, and I really am Slim Whitman.

You, my Dear 1201, are adorable. So thoughtful!! :heart:

I am starting a list. Adding to that list is Marianne Moore. Dangit, I thought I was the only one writing toad poems!!! lol, plus I havent read enough, in this life, obviously :D

the thing is, a couple of people here thought those poems woudl make a good childrens book. I wasnt sure, hmmm, then Anna left a comment on my poem, Prediction. said she wants froggy pajamas. I do too. :)

So I started a story, it is still in its infancy, but its about the future with no frogs, no toads, and how that came to be, and I will use those poems as a way to make the child in the story understand the value of nature. And everry time the little girl learns a poem, her plain white jamas magically get a frog, it just happens. ( hey, its a story, anything can happen ;)

The idea might sound silly, but I giggle everytime I read what Ive done so far. Just waiting on the warmth to wake up my amphibian inspiration from beneath a foot of black pond water.

thanks 1201, hehe :heart:
Maria2394 said:
. . .
I am starting a list. Adding to that list is Marianne Moore. Dangit, I thought I was the only one writing toad poems!!! lol, plus I havent read enough, in this life, obviously :D

the thing is, a couple of people here thought those poems woudl make a good childrens book. I wasnt sure, hmmm, then Anna left a comment on my poem, Prediction. said she wants froggy pajamas. I do too. :)

So I started a story, it is still in its infancy, but its about the future with no frogs, no toads, and how that came to be, and I will use those poems as a way to make the child in the story understand the value of nature. And everry time the little girl learns a poem, her plain white jamas magically get a frog, it just happens. ( hey, its a story, anything can happen ;)

The idea might sound silly, but I giggle everytime I read what Ive done so far. Just waiting on the warmth to wake up my amphibian inspiration from beneath a foot of black pond water.
. . .
I love your frogs too! Put me on the list for an autographed 1st edition! . . . Even if I don't wear pajamas. :p:

I still don't understand why some poets object so vociferously to being compared in praise to other poets.
Now if someone said, "GAWD! You write crap almost as bad as Reltne!" Then I could see why you might complain. ;)
Reltne said:
I love your frogs too! Put me on the list for an autographed 1st edition! . . . Even if I don't wear pajamas. :p:

I still don't understand why some poets object so vociferously to being compared in praise to other poets.
Now if someone said, "GAWD! You write crap almost as bad as Reltne!" Then I could see why you might complain. ;)

I wasnt really complaining. I just couldnt understand the FB I got, it was anonymous and made it sound like I had stolen it or something. I think that how I feel would entail several thousand dollars worth of psychotherapy that I cannot afford. Im insecure, and you do not write crap. You know how I feel about your work, and your past work ;)

and if that book ever comes to fruition, Im aiming high, Im gonna enter it in the Paris review thingie :D and you can have a copy, I 'll send it to you myself. :)
Maria2394 said:
You, my Dear 1201, are adorable. So thoughtful!! :heart:

I am starting a list. Adding to that list is Marianne Moore. Dangit, I thought I was the only one writing toad poems!!! lol, plus I havent read enough, in this life, obviously :D

the thing is, a couple of people here thought those poems woudl make a good childrens book. I wasnt sure, hmmm, then Anna left a comment on my poem, Prediction. said she wants froggy pajamas. I do too. :)

So I started a story, it is still in its infancy, but its about the future with no frogs, no toads, and how that came to be, and I will use those poems as a way to make the child in the story understand the value of nature. And everry time the little girl learns a poem, her plain white jamas magically get a frog, it just happens. ( hey, its a story, anything can happen ;)

The idea might sound silly, but I giggle everytime I read what Ive done so far. Just waiting on the warmth to wake up my amphibian inspiration from beneath a foot of black pond water.

thanks 1201, hehe :heart:

omg I want the story.

Will this be a childrens story?

Frogs are an indicator species, their disappearance is one of the first signs that there is something wrong in the environment-- acid rain releases minerals that were once safe in compounds into their elemental state (mercury for example) and the poor little froggies have such permeable skin (they get dissolved oxygen right through their skin!) that they absorb the elements into their blood and croak

okay I had to say that

will you name your little girl anna? or jennifer? Katie?


oh please please please

you have inspired many amphibian poems out of me too.

I really relate to frogs. Mostly frogs, because of their thin skin.

I hope you share it! I will tell you if I find froggie pj's

oop sorry for the environmental science lecture back there, it is one of my favorite stories I used to teach the kids.

those poor baby froggies

we used to bring up frozen frog eggs from the creek and thaw them out.... little tadpoles swimmin around our kitchen in various containers.... little froggies hoppin around, I would give them to friends, who raised them as their own babies and we would let them go when they got big.

oh and we would rescue them from the pool too.

maybe the frog is my totem animal instead of the turtle.

I dont think slowing down is in my destiny
annaswirls said:
oop sorry for the environmental science lecture back there, it is one of my favorite stories I used to teach the kids.

those poor baby froggies

we used to bring up frozen frog eggs from the creek and thaw them out.... little tadpoles swimmin around our kitchen in various containers.... little froggies hoppin around, I would give them to friends, who raised them as their own babies and we would let them go when they got big.

oh and we would rescue them from the pool too.

maybe the frog is my totem animal instead of the turtle.

I dont think slowing down is in my destiny

:) no problem, I know about the indicator species, would have mentioned but I didnt want to leave anything out. If I had tried to explain, it would have been 9 pages long :D

and... in the story, her name is Anna.

oh, and the turtle being a slow creature is sort of wrong. My daughter has 2 red-eared sliders. Sometimes she takes Binky and speedy out of their tank and she lets them race in the living room. They are super fast!! and speedy bites, he is a meanie. they are about 5 years old. I adore them.

you know I live in SC, right? right in the area known as the Midlands. we are on the edge of the sandhills and near the piedmont, where the soils change from sand to clay. We have a National Park now, Congaree Swamp Monument. It is the largest remaining part of an ancient deciduous forest and there are some truly ancient trees out there. This area was once an ancient seashore and when the oceans receded, fresh water filled some areas, now we have some lovely swampland. dont laff, I love swamp land. Its really interesting, huge variety of animals, and the birds, it woudl freak you out to see all the wood peckers that live there and theres this old hollow tree filled with bats.

Congare Swamp Monument

Sometimes they have tours and even a sleep over and night tour to check out the nocturnal species. I hope that place is never destroyed, and even though it is a park now, and supposedly protected, just the draining of nearby areas for construction will probably hurt the swamp. That infuriates me to no end. Iw orry about my critters.. :(

What I hope to do is relate the old swamps and their destruction to the decline in the amphibians in the area where the story is located. I dont want it to be preachy, but I want it to relay the points that you mentioned in your mini lesson.

so, yes, it is a child's story, but perhaps in the age range of 9-12. and hey, if and when, ( hubby says never say IF) when I get it finished, there will be a cool dedication page for the one who gave me the idea :rose:
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The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want
He makes me down to lie
Through pastures green he leadeth me the silent waters by
With bright knifes he releaseth my soul
He maketh me to hang on hooks in high places
He converteth me to lamb cutlets
For lo, he hath great power, and great hunger
When cometh the day we lowly ones
Though quiet reflection, and great dedication
master the art of karate
Lo, we shall rise up
And then we'll make the buggers eyes water

Sounds like, what two things? True it was a deliberate play.

sounds like the Lords Prayer and the background voice in the song, Shheep by Pink floyd

It is "Sheep" large part of the theme of "Animals" is from Orwell's Animal Farm.
Hey did anybody "hear" about the frogs in Hawaii? They are making such a racket and are an ecological disaster, the state is trying to figure out how to control them, news item had such a funny, poetic sounding title, I almost stole it.
twelveoone said:
The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want
He makes me down to lie
Through pastures green he leadeth me the silent waters by
With bright knifes he releaseth my soul
He maketh me to hang on hooks in high places
He converteth me to lamb cutlets
For lo, he hath great power, and great hunger
When cometh the day we lowly ones
Though quiet reflection, and great dedication
master the art of karate
Lo, we shall rise up
And then we'll make the buggers eyes water

Sounds like, what two things? True it was a deliberate play.

sounds like the Lords Prayer and the background voice in the song, Shheep by Pink floyd

It is "Sheep" large part of the theme of "Animals" is from Orwell's Animal Farm.
Hey did anybody "hear" about the frogs in Hawaii? They are making such a racket and are an ecological disaster, the state is trying to figure out how to control them, news item had such a funny, poetic sounding title, I almost stole it.

ah Ha! I just didnt take the degrees of separation far enough ;)

and as for the over abundance of froggies. they could always introduce a non native species to cull the population and breed more "fun" for the future:rolleyes:

More foehn for the future? ...We doubts it ...

q.v. John B.