Erotic cliches

As for being unable to dream up new ideas... I apologise but to tell the truth, I'm smothered in story ideas. I have so much to write that at times i can't see the woods for the trees. Every way I turn, ideas just seem to fling themselves at me.

For example, i'm still thinking about the 'Burgler has sex with his victim'... You wouldn't believe the stuff swimming round in my head eh. (I so wish I hadn't looked twice at that lol)

Yeah, I have that "problem" too. What I do is write the idea down on an index card and put it in my writing ideas file box. Sometimes I'll look in that box and read the ideas and think, "WHAT was I THINKING?" There are a lot of dumb ideas in there that I once thought were bordering on genius. LOL. But at least I have them written and I won't forget them. (My memory is seriously impaired lately. I find myself forgetting appointments, etc. even when they're in my PDA!)

Your comment 'Read what's been done' is an extremely pertinent one. That is the key to avoid writing the cliche storylines. Once you've read what another author has written, there is NO point to writing the same story.

There you go. With me, it's a matter of pride. I have no desire whatsoever to do what everyone else is doing. It's like this genetic compulsion I have to be different.

However, like Star of P. said, if your style/voice is significantly unique, you can probably tell exactly the same story as someone else and no one will recognize it, or even if they recognize it, they'll enjoy it anyway. I mean, look how many times the Cinderella idea has been done. (And yes, coincidentally I have a Cinderella-with-a-twist story started. LOL.)

Having said all that lot, aren't there 'x' amount of plots it's possible to write? There's only so many different ways one can have sex, right? ;)

I suppose, technically, yes. But, come on, even if you write one hundred stories all about a basic, missionary style fuck, if you're a good writer you can still make it seem fresh.

If a writer creates unique, three-dimensional characters, the story is bound to be different. Also, if you describe the sex from those characters' points of view, the sex is going to be different too.

Those sex stories that all seem exactly like one another probably:
--describe the sex as purely physical, i.e. 9" tab A goes into sopping wet slot B.
--have cardboard characters
--are written with little style
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Yeah, I have that "problem" too. What I do is write the idea down on an index card and put it in my writing ideas file box. Sometimes I'll look in that box and read the ideas and think, "WHAT was I THINKING?" There are a lot of dumb ideas in there that I once thought were bordering on genius. LOL. But at least I have them written and I won't forget them. (My memory is seriously impaired lately. I find myself forgetting appointments, etc. even when they're in my PDA!)

i haven't really used an index card system in this way before... it sounds as if it has merit, thanks dear i'll try it.

in my house, i'm known as THE LIST PERSON... my braincells went dead on me a few years ago and I no longer rely on my memory, everything gets written down on 'lists'... makes sense to keep a file box with ideas. :)

There are very few original ideas left. Even though I do my damnedest to keep my writing original, there are still stories out there that are similar.

when i'm nearing the end of a story and i have a flash of understanding as to what the end is going to be, i find myself purposely changing tack. it happens in a quick flash. i think if i can predict how it will end, then so can the reader and i loathe being predictable rofl but it all happens while i'm typing at 95 words per minute... and it's almost always over before it begins.

i think to get a story which is not 'run of the mill' then it's an idea to try adding in things not tried before.

for example:
-have a list of 3-5 unrelated objects which must be included in the story,
-look along the lines of a completely different category, try mystery, or crime for a change, even (dare i say it here) non-erotic.
Just a Question?

Have both sexes ever shared a voyage in a bathysphere?

I'm thinking about a "Mile-Deep Club" or has technology already passed my by? :confused:
I believe well developed characters will overcome the problem of using any cliche or overworked plot. I have read stories where the only difference between them seem to be the names of the characters.

Developing characters that come to life in the mind of the reader is the key. Being able to give enough in your story that allows the reader to develop a mental image and also feel the character's personality makes that story unique in itself. Just as every mother's child is unique, so should every author's character. These characters are children of our imaginations. If you don't give me a good description of who they are as a person, they will seem bland or like any other child I barely know.

Some of the stories I have enjoyed the most are those that allow me to "mentally" sit in the same room with the characters and visualize everything that is happening. Being able to feel what the characters are feeling. This can be done without complicated descriptions and phrases as well.

A good story can become tiresome to read if an author is obviously trying to show off their vocabulary or their ability to dream up new phrases. The differences in the characters will make the story unique for the reader. But they have to be able to visualize the characters. They have to seem realistic as well (unless the story is intended not to be realistic).

Yea, they may be loosing their virginity, cheating with the boss, or any number of plots that have been written about thousands of times. The uniqueness is almost always the characters as developed by the author.

I think it is amazing that very simple sex scenes can be very "hot" with characters that are well developed. "Overworked" plots can also be very entertaining with well developed characters from the author's mind.

Just my thoughts.
Whispersecret said:
A burglar has sex with his victim.

A cop mis-uses his power and fucks a woman that he pulled over.

A daughter lusts for her father and gives herself to him as a birthday present.

Got any others that you're tired of seeing?

Interesting... the last one is clichéd to me, but the other two, I have only seen once or twice and could see a few more times. I will admit to writing a burglar/victim story and planning a cop/woman story. I think they ways I wrote/was going to write them are very original, though.

It really all depends on the specifics and the set up. God is in the details.
By the way, everyone, I have a 21" cock. :)

I've killed everyone I've slept with. :(
The Erotic Cliche Driven Story

What is a cliche? It is something that is so familiar that it leaves no doubt to the reader what you are talking about. What is a plot? It is what the story revolves around. Never confuse plot with cliche, as all plots are cliche in nature, and is especially true of the erotic, romantic, and every other genre that you can think of. LOL After all, how many different ways can you write about a girl doing her own father, or a police officer putting the make on the woman he's about to give a ticket to. The thing is, for the most part these things are fictional, and meant to titilate the reader who has a certain preconceived concept of how this all should take place. To improperly quote an old cliche; "There is nothing new under the sun, only the way one lines up the words that they chose to use," to SHOW their readers a good time. For instance, I write a lot of stories on request over at the Dark Wanderer site, which is mostly about black men, and white women, with the occasional wimp husband thrown in for good luck. The trick is, I make the stories personal to those requesting them, and ask a lot of questions about their personal likes, and dislikes before getting started. Even minute such as a dimpled cheek, or a long forgotten scar bring life to the stories, and one can do the same, and actually should when writing any story. For instance I often see; "she wrapped her dainty hand around his cock for the first time..." now that's not to say the wording is bad, but what if we just perked that up a tad and said: "She slid the tips of the fingers on her dainty right hand along the full length of his cock for the first time..." The reader suddenly knows that this woman is right handed, and it pulls them right into the story. With the little details such is a story built.

As Always
I Am the
Dirt Man
What is a cliche? The definitions I use are: a trite or overused expression or idea; a person or character whose behavior is predictable or superficial

What is a plot? The pattern of events or main story in a narrative or drama.

“After all, how many different ways can you write about a girl doing her own father, or a police officer putting the make on the woman he's about to give a ticket to.”

There are an infinite number of ways to write each of the things you mentioned. As long as there are authors with an imagination, there will be plenty of different ways to write about things.

“All plots are cliche in nature”

If written with no imagination or creativity, they may well contain a number of clichés. If it gets bad enough, the whole story may seem like one big cliché. I disagree that all plots are cliché in nature. I think that stretches the meaning of cliché alittle too far.

“The thing is, for the most part these things are fictional, and meant to titilate the reader who has a certain preconceived concept of how this all should take place.”

An author with little imagination may write this way. The key to writing fresh stories is to take a reader where they have never been before. It’s like going to Disney World every year for a vacation. After a while, it gets old and stale. Take me to a new place, if you want to keep me reading your stories in the future.

"She slid the tips of the fingers on her dainty right hand along the full length of his cock for the first time..." The reader suddenly knows that this woman is right handed, and it pulls them right into the story. With the little details such is a story built.”

IMO that is not how a story is built at all. That is information overload to me. How do I know she is right handed? Maybe her right hand was closer than her left? Does it really matter to the story that she is right handed? That type of statement in a story is not what will pull a reader into it at all. In fact, you take away from the imagination of the reader with a lot of statements like that.

Show it, don't tell it. Respect your readers. They have imaginations to fill in the little details if they desire to. If you bring the story to life for them, they will see the dainty hand in their imagination without you ever having to specifically describe it, unless you are writing a story about dainty hands.
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Re Pookie_grrl

Your points are well taken, and I agree for the most part, but in as much as freshness is usually in the author's hands, and in the author's writing cliche can and should be avoided at all costs, though in plot it is the twists, and turns that move a story along that interest, and captivate most readers, not the actual plot itself. And while I don't believe that there is a plot that hasn't been over used, a plot is a plot is a plot. Making it interesting, and intriguing is the author's mandate, and yes without using cliche. A mind that isn't inventive is dead anyway.

As Always
I Am the
Dirt Man
I certainly agree with the emotion--I'm tired of stories that develop so predictably that the only surprises will be in the numbers--will his cock be 8, 9, or 10 inches long? Will her boobs be C cups, D cups, or larger? Who will come more than five times? How many exclamation marks will be used during those orgasms?

So yes, there are an awful lot of stories that are trite or predictable. Sometimes, as someone else pointed out, that's because the act being described is powerful enough for the author. There are certain positions in which I like to see pretty women, and they retain their oomph for me. Still, that's not the only pose I like to see.

Assuming you're past the point where the fact that a burglar is an easy excuse for a violent domination, that blackmail around sex is easily linked to sex, that cops are in a position of power and we can understand that some of them take advantage of it--if you're past that point, you can think about why.

Why often makes the cliche fresh again.

The man comes into his house and discovers a young woman, a burglar. It's not until after they have sex--maybe even consensually!--that we discover he's a burglar too, he just doesn't dress in black with a dark cap.

The cop has never abused his power before; what is special about this woman that he does it with her? Is it because of a previous encounter? Does she recognize him after all these years out of high school--does she even remember what she did to him? And how is he going to deal with the repercussions, now that his partner knows he isn't straight and pure any more? How does she feel about it?

At what point does the blackmailer get blackmailed? Sure, it was bad that Larry was caught looking at porn in computer class, but even Larry's going to figure out that the teacher's not supposed to make him crawl on all fours and suck his cock. What does he do when he realizes this? And how does the teacher respond?

Situations that I would need to see an exceptional treatment for (and I've written some of these, so the guilt is partly mine
:) --

Email lovers get together for the first time.

Gosh, the babysitter is hot. And she wants to fuck, too.

No names, thanks, let's just have immediate hot sex.

Tom has telepathy and it inconveniences him not at all--he uses it to get sex.

She's a virgin and she can't seem to find anyone to sleep with, though she's over the age of majority and not in a convent.

Situations I don't recall seeing (though I'm sure they're out there):

Sex on a schedule, trying to have a baby, and trying to keep the interest up in month 23.

Picking a fight with partner because the sex is better then. What if partner figures that out?

Sex in zero-gee; there's a thing called action-reaction. How fast would his ejaculation push him across the room?

If people can change bodies (bust size, cock size, height, etc) easily, what are you in lust with about your partner?

He's got cancer bad and can't get it up, so she sits beside him at the hospital every day and pleases herself, sharing that with him. When he thinks he's going to die, he arranges for a man to walk in, hoping they'll get along.

If you want to do a big cock story, she has searched out the largest one anyone she knows has heard of and is going to have sex with him because her husband had an affair with someone with big tits. And to make the story interesting, the guy wants to know why she's there.

Teenage boys want sex so they decide to film a porn movie. Of course, they still have the problem of getting women to have sex with them...
