Erotic Horror

ogg > I read "Donna," and I think I see the problem with you not getting the low votes to which you aspire.

It's too well-written, you see. While I found it not particularly erotic (though it had sexual content, the content wasn't ... well, sexy <g>), it was extremely horrifying. And the quality, the skill of the writing -- very good. When I vote, I always vote as much (or even more) for the author's ability to craft prose as I do for the content of the tale.

So, basically, you've got a creepy story there that gave me the shivers. Not the turned-on shivers, but the wincing-flinching-this-is-real-HORROR shivers. It broke the boundaries of my comfort zone.

If you really want those 1's, you'd better tone down your skill and riddle it with typos and precise, unlikely measurements ;)

Sabledrake said:
ogg > I read "Donna," and I think I see the problem with you not getting the low votes to which you aspire.

It's too well-written, you see. While I found it not particularly erotic (though it had sexual content, the content wasn't ... well, sexy <g>), it was extremely horrifying. And the quality, the skill of the writing -- very good. When I vote, I always vote as much (or even more) for the author's ability to craft prose as I do for the content of the tale.

So, basically, you've got a creepy story there that gave me the shivers. Not the turned-on shivers, but the wincing-flinching-this-is-real-HORROR shivers. It broke the boundaries of my comfort zone.

If you really want those 1's, you'd better tone down your skill and riddle it with typos and precise, unlikely measurements ;)


Thank you for the vote of confidence. Donna is meant to be horror. It isn't erotic horror except for those who love degrading other people.
Originally posted by Sabledrake If you really want those 1's, you'd better tone down your skill and riddle it with typos and precise, unlikely measurements ;)

You must be careful with that, though. My protege DurtGurl is a master of the homophone, typo, faulty syntax, etc. and her stories get rejected.

Yes, well written. Very well written. I didn't vote high on it, I don't think, but it's easily the best of the stories I've read from there so far. (as of today, 4 down, 2 to go, though the last two are seeming more like work to move through) It seems like the "snuff" factor we were talking about earlier is already taking effect. I figured it would, but still, I'm disappointed to see it.
DurtGurl is the best

MathGirl said:
You must be careful with that, though. My protege DurtGurl is a master of the homophone, typo, faulty syntax, etc. and her stories get rejected.

In her genre, DurtGurl is the greatest. If there was a category for her style, she would be the highest rated. She is a hard act to follow.

I'm still hoping for a DurtGurl masterpiece of erotic horror - please?

crysede said:
Oh my - erotic horror, I like! :D
I heartily recommend the following story to other depraved souls: Downward Spiral, by ennui
I think this is the perfect example of written erotic horror, and it's the sort of thing I hope the new category is used for. It does something that no film can do because it hints at the horror to come without actually showing what it is.
I'm very impressed.

Re: DurtGurl is the best

oggbashan said:
I'm still hoping for a DurtGurl masterpiece of erotic horror - please?

Since DG can't even get posted here, one would be well advised not to hold one's breath.
Three stories

I now have three stories in Erotic Horror.

Donna is depressing.

White Scut is furry horror. I decided not to include Marmots.

Loving Hannah is more like my normal output.

Have I met the rules of the category?

Next story is a sequel to Loving Hannah. I'm finding the horror parts difficult to write but eventually it will be completed.

At present it should be easy to write the best story in this category. Anyone else prepared to try?

White Scut isn't horror. Horror is synonymous with fear. There was nothing scary or even remotely fear-driven in the story. Well-written, but it's not horror. Bottom line, here. No fear, no horror.

I was utterly unable to suspend my disbelief, by the way. A fox killing a rabbit with her vagina? It was too ridiculous to get past the "yeah, right" that kept going through my head. If you're going to introduce a story line based on something so utterly far fetched as a fox "unbirthing" a rabbit--let alone using this to hunt with however accidentally--it should have something to make it plausible enough to the reader within the story.

Tacking on an explanatory paragraph does not work because it's too late. I'm already through the entire story thinking "sure, this'll happen" while you're losing credibility points. The afterthought didn't really help there, anyway. I find it less difficult to believe that a rabbit would want to fuck a vixen--you made that part plausible--than I did to believe that a vixen would stick him into her vagina instead of flipping around and killing him with her teeth. Why would she do something contrary to her nature?

Well. That all sounds very abrupt and rude, but I can't think of a way to make this more polite.
KillerMuffin said:
White Scut isn't horror. Horror is synonymous with fear. There was nothing scary or even remotely fear-driven in the story. Well-written, but it's not horror. Bottom line, here. No fear, no horror.

I was utterly unable to suspend my disbelief, by the way.

Why would she do something contrary to her nature?

Well. That all sounds very abrupt and rude, but I can't think of a way to make this more polite.

Curses! Found out, and by the first to comment. I wrote it for the Yahoo "unbirth" group. Their belief in their fetish is almost absolute. I shouldn't have tried it on Literotica. I expected it to be rejected. It was - for being too short. I lengthened it by fifty words or so. I should have taken the hint and withheld it.

And no, you don't sound abrupt and rude. All you have written is fair comment and deserved. I wish some of my feedback was as helpful. Thank you.

Re: DurtGurl is the best

oggbashan said:
I'm still hoping for a DurtGurl masterpiece of erotic horror - please?

Now that DG has lost her virginity (story posting-wise) there's no telling what she might come up with.

Ps. Her stuff is already quite horrid, though.
sniffles, and in this category I have the story that flopped. LOL. It was a fun first try but I have a better submission just waiting to post.
Hi, I'm ennui, author of the story previously linked to. Thank you for the nice comments and emails I have received. :)

I haven't written anything for a couple of years, so I just live with whatever horrible reputation I have from the stories I wrote when I was in college.

I thought I'd join up and see what's going on. I've been kind of bored lately, hehheh :)

oggbashan said:
Curses! Found out, and by the first to comment. I wrote it for the Yahoo "unbirth" group. Their belief in their fetish is almost absolute. I shouldn't have tried it on Literotica. I expected it to be rejected. It was - for being too short. I lengthened it by fifty words or so. I should have taken the hint and withheld it.

And no, you don't sound abrupt and rude. All you have written is fair comment and deserved. I wish some of my feedback was as helpful. Thank you.


Quite frankly, I don't see why you couldn't write such a story for an audience where belief is not quite so unshakeable. If nothing else, it'd be good practice turning the unbelievable into the plausible

Just change the vixen character a bit. Make her something other than an ordinary fox. Think Cujo without the rabies. Introduce the element of evil. Evil usually explains why people and or critters do horrible things. Heck, they even made Freddy Krueger halfway believable. Sure, a nun raped by a group do psychopathic murders, rapists, and whatnot would turn into a supernatural demon.
Master_Vassago said:
sniffles, and in this category I have the story that flopped. LOL. It was a fun first try but I have a better submission just waiting to post.

My lowest rated story is slightly below the equivalent in that category, so i have high hopes of propping everyone up from sometime next month onwards.

:( :rolleyes:
Sabledrake said:
If you really want those 1's, you'd better tone down your skill and riddle it with typos and precise, unlikely measurements ;)


Believe me, that doesn't work. DurtGurls stories have liberal doses of those things plus homophones, dangling particulars, run on sentences, misspellings, ballistic apostrophes, and other atrocities.

The damn things are as horrible as we can make them, but the three stories are all 4.3-4.5.

Go figger.
My second offering in this category is doing much better.:D . I am very pleased with it although it has been pointed out that certain things need worked on lol.
White Scut

KillerMuffin said:
Quite frankly, I don't see why you couldn't write such a story for an audience where belief is not quite so unshakeable. If nothing else, it'd be good practice turning the unbelievable into the plausible

Just change the vixen character a bit. Make her something other than an ordinary fox. Think Cujo without the rabies. Introduce the element of evil.

Thank you for your help. I think I'll leave erotic horror alone. Three stories vaguely fitting the category is enough from me.

I'll take your advice and write a story to practise turning the unbelievable into the plausible.

I tried with "The Virgin Unbirth". My first version ran into criticism about conservation of mass. I wrote my way out of that but then was criticised because those unbirthed "forgave" the unbirther too easily. I have a revision that could make their forgiveness more reasonable but that would damage the plot for the part written sequel where their initial forgiveness turns into a desire to humiliate the unbirther.

Why do plot changes have consequences?

Because writing is an evil habit, og.

I read the Donna story and I think you succeeded mightily with that one, even though I found it highly disturbing. Which is good, that's what you meant to do. I haven't read the other.
KillerMuffin said:
Because writing is an evil habit, og.

I read the Donna story and I think you succeeded mightily with that one, even though I found it highly disturbing. Which is good, that's what you meant to do. I haven't read the other.

Donna was exorcising a demon. I have been aware of several women who were in part of a Donna scenario. What was frustrating was my inability to help. Some people (not just young women) seem to attract abusers and will not take even the smallest step towards help. They are addicted.

So I wrote out my frustration. It helped me.

Og > I empathize completely. I get so teeth-gnashingly infuriated sometimes when I see the binds people get into and can't/won't get out. Not only in abusive situations but other seemingly hopeless life circumstances. And sometimes there's nothing to do to help. I hate seeing people I care about in such situations.

I'm going to read a few of the stories from this category, all this talk has got me curious. The thing that keeps popping into my head though is; can't a lot of non-human stuff go into this category? Of course it depends on the plot though...
Welcome to Lit ennui!

Lit's a good cure for boredom, it's an amusement park for the mind : Amature Pics is our Hall of Mirrors. For those who find relentless warmth and fuzziness difficult to cope with, the House of Horrors is the Playground (for those who find dedication to serious discussion more of a challenge, it's the BDSM). And the General Board is the Big Top, with its collection of clowns, contortionists, and freaks :D

bipolarbitch said:
Hi, I'm ennui, author of the story previously linked to. Thank you for the nice comments and emails I have received. :)

I haven't written anything for a couple of years, so I just live with whatever horrible reputation I have from the stories I wrote when I was in college.

I thought I'd join up and see what's going on. I've been kind of bored lately, hehheh :)

Top ratings for Erotic Horror

My dour tale "Donna" is number 13 in the top lists for erotic horror with a mind blowing high rating of 2.69.

There is even a number 14 with a lower rating.

So - if you want to feature in Literotica's hall of fame, Erotic Horror is what you should be writing.

A score of 3.00 could get you in the top ten.
