Erotic or not ........... who wrote what?

50. Lyricalli

Your Disturbance in My Atmosphere

And there it is
the static charge
that crackles the air
causes hair to stand on end

It fascinates
the way my chemistry shifts
to the sound of your voice
this piquant tension
that grips me like a vice
when your words sensitise my skin
and shiver down my spine

Wish I could recapture
that moment I realised
I'd never been so aware of the insides
of my elbows

The accelerated pulse of desire
throbs in my ears
pushes through my veins
in waves
that crest and crash
arch my back
cause my hips to rise
and fall

Your lips find it in my wrist
teeth nip
send another shock through me

Ah, and there it is again
that satisfied grin
to let me know you know

Hands glide over
my shameless terrain
and I watch your eyes darken
with the coming storm
until you compromise my vision
your head between my thighs

Pressure builds
weighting the air
like mid-summer humidity
your muffled growls
roll over me like thunder
amidst the shower of
moans and yes



in a rising tide
of need

Till you roll me over
complete our circuit
the rhythmic
clap of skin

Drenched in a torrent
of words and sound
where even my name
becomes obscenity
we surge toward
the exquisite discharge
of electricity.
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51. Magnetron

Erotica Demonica

Satan plays
"The Devil Went Down To Georgia"
using my cock
as his harmonica
behind the chicken coop
in a hoe down on me
hillbilly hoot'n'nanny
skin flute tribute
You can tell
He just can't wait to penetrate
the ninth hell gate of my fanny's
cute poop chute.
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52. Piscator

craigslist (w4m) soon to be deleted

Anyone wanna buy a heart ?
can I be straight forward ?
The title $ays it all.
and it’s not really
a heart that’s
on offer.
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53. champagne1982


There is a sweet pressure
in a push forward.
Almost painful squeeze
with penetration.
Such tight heat, swampy
humidity swallows
the unwary and drowns
them in sensation.

An admiring groan of great
appreciation, punctuated
with a sharp swat,
followed with gentle hands
soothing. Now, the serious
fucking begins. Rock your hips.
Roll your pelvis. Like that.
I know you want it, I do too.

Drown me in my unwary
surge into you.
Watch your body with mine.
I want to taste
human exhaustion, after
those cries of lust
finish with my body and mind,
only to leave me spent.
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54. legerdemer

Past Participle (an acrostic)

Pervasive you are in my thoughts
lingering, like scent in a garden
under gray skies
palms sweated, remembering the time
erect, you touched my tongue
runes read along your length
feeling the velour parchment
evoking moisture, sliding south
caressed surfaces
touch-typing, tipping the velvet rim

Past tenses meander, like rivulets
eschewing capture
roamed free, like your fingers
frolicked, feeling their way; I
exhaled slowly, wanting no end
craving more, losing myself
touch and taste seduced me
innervated skin and muscle, electrified
Ooooh... there, just like that.
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55. Tzara

Poem Written on a Flattened Grocery Sack
to My Favorite Check-Out Clerk

I notice even how you scan things.
That deft little wrist flip
you have perfected through the years

that swipes up $3.95 for asparagus
or that copy of Us magazine.
It has me wondering how your fingers

might flick over my un-barcoded
body. searching, perhaps, for a price
as if conjugal bliss were an item

in your store's database, along
with Bud Light and Doritos
and those organic cocoanuts

on special this week. Snap them up.
I wonder about the breasts
under your uniform or team shirt

(NFL Sundays) and whether you like
men to talk to you first
about how much you love dogs

before they lay you back
onto your unmade bed and do
what men and women do from time

to time. And if we were to do that,
finally, afterwards I might ask you
if you would like to get a Slurpee

at 7-11 or maybe a beer at Rocco's
and also would you consider moving in
with me. My place, y'know, isn't all that bad.
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56. UnderYourSpell

Randy Rondeau

In noisy rows the swingers lie
to suck and fuck for places vie
with pendulous tits and dangling cocks
they try to prove they're not old crocks,
still worthy spreading of the thigh.

Much use of lube, where now is dry
can still produce a languid sigh
and trying positions unorthodox.
In noisy rows.

Take up the challenge every guy,
for those who need it pass KY,
some feeling kinky now unlock
and fuck her pee hole, what a shock.
Let no-one dare now to decry,
In noisy rows.
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57. Todski28


I approach with
confident apprehension
laid out before me this puzzle
of shapes and shadows
hiding in ivory

smoothed-supple awaiting
memories to be etched
tools prepped and ready
I bend to the task of
bringing life to bone
the brilliant white
holds depth as I bring fourth
the blush of a darker hue

engrossed in the emboss and polish
transfixed in all the delicate details
the pictures bourne
with tender strokes
small drops of sweat drip
their labour onto the table

as we are transformed
preserved in scrimshawed memories
my name forever
inscribed in delicate fine-line
hidden amidst the beauty
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58. Todski28


As if the burn
the sting
the dire need for fire
could ever be satisfied
by you writhing naked at my feet
our eyes meet
we surrender the bonds of humanity
of clothing
to our inner demon-things that
are talons and fangs

where the sear of lust adheres
to my caramelised sin
under the heat of you

I want to lick poetry onto you skin
blow gently till your goosebumped flesh
can recite a litany of fuck me
or fuck you,

I want to read my poetry in your ear
my fingers buried deep in your
throb and pulse
the slickness of you pools in my hand

boiling point is a hundred degrees and you
are starting to scald my skin

I want you on me
I want to be in you
pushing for that extra depth
even though we are crushed
pelvis to pelvis
I want one last thrust
to meld us together
in the depth of our forged passions

your screams pierce me
make me shudder
make me hard as fucking stone
you echo in surround sound
as the scent of us blooms
in ritualistic red amidst the
howls and clawing sounds
of talons

the squeeze of your wet
the burn of your fever
is enough to drive a man insane
as I gasp for air

My beasts recede
and you still
want more...
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59. Magnetron


Minus any joint in his hand
he was still smoking
with the boys toking rope
behind the school's metal shop
Such a dope
I had to stop, turn and stare
becoming all wet
down you know where

So goddam hot
I just wanted to melt on the spot
Never felt this way before

Couldn't put my finger on what I was feeling
difficult to describe without the proper metaphor

until later that evening
when I put my finger on it
and found myself squealing
for more of him

more beautiful than Seraphim
Won't you please
ask me to the sock hop?
Don't you dare do it on a whim
We can dance the night away
'till we drop

Afterwards, park in an empty lot
You being yourself is quite enough
to make my panties drop
and I'll try to make your temperature rise
more if that's even possible

Lick my slickened cherry
I'm feeling ... Luciferous
I hope to be the one you marry
but for now
don't stop!
don't you ever stop fucking me

in the ass
It's my first time
so try to make it last
but don't be afraid
to do it hard and fast
and when we're finally married
you can take my virginity
all the way to the bank

Fuck me in the ass
with a spank or two
be gentle, but don't be
afraid to be crude
and when we're finally married
you can come
bust down the wall of my
crimson palace of poetitude
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60. Todski28

Bowing To The sun

Feel the desire
fire through pixels
if I could
touch the depth and breadth
of your passion
daylights sun-burst would pale
to nothing
as your cries spark the light
of morning

take me into you
taste coarse passion from my soft lips
as I enter
and withdraw
to the clinging rise of
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61. Magnetron

No Holes Barred




that which you desire
hope to come and treasure

waits for you inside my strongbox
secured with the most indestructible of locks
and as for the key

you'll have to wrestle me for it

Take me down from behind
drive my face into the mat
pull my hair
yank my head back

Don't you let me go
lose your grip
let me slip away
Continue pounding my flesh
don't let up in the attack

Work those muscles
Keep'em flexed
Rigid, loose
but firm
Piledriving my frame into submission

If anything
make it your mission
make me groan and squirm
'cause the name of the game
is No Pain, No Gain

Smack me down
slam me hard
lift me up
do it again
and again
Never will I give in
to your penetration of my defenses

And when I come to my senses
I'll be dethroning you
as the reigning champion

Turning the tables

I'll get on top

and relentlessly

begin to grind

Your shoulders pinned

I'll have you begging for mercy

and for some damn reason

I don't think you will mind.
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62. UnderYourSpell

Do you know me?

I'm the throb in your clit
as you cross your legs,
the twitch in your
pelvic floor muscles
out of nowhere
eliciting a small gasp
wanting more.

I'm the sweet, so sweet
sleeping orgasm,
far more intense than
any waking one, but gone
in a millisecond.

I am your woman.
Your essence of sexuality.
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63. greenmountaineer

Under the Bridge of Sighs

Legend has it lovers will be granted
eternal love and bliss together
should they kiss upon the bridge
as the bells of St. Campanile toll,

but Lucretia could think only this:
She would not know la dolce vita
as the sun melts atop the lagoon
without her father's consiglieri,

Alberto, who ostensibly
accompanies her in the gondola
to Lucretia's weakly confession

under the Bridge of Sighs
where he can't conceal his affection
nor she with her hand in his pantaloons.
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64. Lyricalli

From Your Lips to...

My thoughts lost
the way I want to be
with you
in you

Fingertips traveling
your textures
infatuated by vibrations
from the lusty
that have only rumbled
through my eager ears

Oh yes, read me poetry
the words less important
than their sounds
in your mouth
that keep me craving
the inflection of your desire

How well I know
the places you want
to take me to
play me to the beat
of our songs
until we're trembling
to the rhythm
of us and yes

fuckin' yes

good god


I feel you throb
deep inside
with every pulse of life
palpitations of yearning
so strong
your breath caresses my neck
and I know the power of your arms

in fleeting moments
before the quickening subsides.
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65. Lyricalli

Beginning with #10

You stroked me
with skillful words
crafted to tempt

Bound me to my chair
titillated with slow, playful phrases
smirked with satisfaction
(and triumph)
as your verses trickled down my thighs

Laid me bare
with artless affection
tattooed your poetry over every inch of me
with ink that only we can see

Clearly, we fucked the metre
but, oh how we flowed
with internal rhyme
your hands leaving prints
forever on my assonance.
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66. Ashesh9


Buddha : if a Flower you love
then that Flower you don't pluck
me : if a Bottom you love
then that Bottom you don't fuck
Buddha : water that Flower daily
me : spank that Bottom gaily.
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Bump for Simon doom illustrations of a challenge we did in the past re erotica and porn
a boob-ku


_ his eyes closed
his hand on her breast
_ _ her knowing smile



_ his eyes closed
his hand on her breast
_ _ her knowing smile



Thanks for reviving this thread - so many names I haven't seem for a good while and I worry. Flickers on the internet, angels passing in the night.
wh, 1985

Thanks for reviving this thread - so many names I haven't seen for a good while and I worry. Flickers on the internet, angels passing in the night.

It was natural to add erotic/porno poems here. Then, after my post, I wondered though, about the rules for this thread, I was about to remove/move the above poem to another thread. I'll take another chance. This one I am reproducing by heart, and I am not sure about the title (was there one?).


you did go wild
I closed my eyes
let the rhythm take over

the boiling blood
replaced the dice
and brought the order​


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