erotic poetic challenge

Confession to My Online Love

I can no longer write erotic poems—
they only turn out lechery, as in
my dreams I stroke your hair,
run through the comb of fingers
that one part of you I would dare touch.

The next day, in a day's weak light
no longer dreamt, in wakefulness,
I find your dreamt-of thick red strands
caught in an unfamiliar brush
set very near near my bathroom sink. It's when

I stroke its bristles like your hair
that I know this poem should end: Enough.
The_Fool said:
So when she feels the need
and her special man is out of town,
she invites him out of hiding
from her lingerie drawer.
Fool, it's good!
And you never know what may be found in the lingerie drawer, a laundry room shelf, in the closet, at the bottom of the clothes hamper, inside a rarely used purse, under a pillow...

oh the deliciousness
anticipation and adrenalin
the leap of heart
at your approach
your first touch, kiss, word
the delicate way you undo me
oh how you undo me
later, naked feels so natural
whether bedded or outdoors
we lie, our limbs inalienable
rooted in desire, enriched by lips
open in passion
the swift slide of skin
on skin plunging together
spiralling inward
towards that moment
of supreme pleasure.
Erotiromantic with a BDSM twist

Untitled #79

the thunder
rolls through the sky
shaking the atmosphere with the
magnificence of its sound
and filling the
with the sharp smell and taste of

the heavens
with the brilliance of a summer’s day—
even though it is full night
burning itself into
the corneas
of the lovers whose
embrace is highlighted

the rain
sea water refined in the gentle cradle of the clouds
flowing from cloud to ground
washes away the traces of
from the Mother Goddess Earth
leaving only cleanliness
sweet fragrant loam
in its wake

all this is the summer storm

the crack of
leather on flesh
(and the soft gasps evoked,
rocking and
all involved
to heights hitherto
like the thunder

the aroma of
human arousal
(sharp as ozone
and ten times more intoxicating
into the steamy
air of the chamber—
the chamber with the windows through which
the storm can clearly be seen outside—)
flashes of
(explode in the mind
like fireworks above the water
like a thousand suns in supernova
blinding the senses
and causing all else in the world
to recede
into the nothingness
of utter banality)
like the lightning

sea water refined in the furnace of the human soul
(coursing down cheeks
reddened with handprints
dripping onto
breasts striped by
the leather
healing tears
washing away the
of all the days past
leaving a freshly born soul
like a shining new vessel
ready for
to Another)
Like the rain

all this is the Love under the storm
Holding the Bed

She straddles him across the bed.
Her dress hangs down in a loose fit.
He pulls her slowly to his head,
And on his face, she wants to sit.
She holds the headboards while her lips
Wait for his tongue to start the kiss.
She loves the way it probes and slips,
While she is charged, exploding bliss.
midnight snack

when stars hiccup
in curbed delight,
i browse the fridge
with you, creaking
its hinge to bathe
in the yellow glow,
till we're chilled
to the bone, and crisp
like lettuce. Then we kiss
like stalactites reaching
down, where pillars
are hot. Then we climb
and unscrew
the lightbulb.
sellthecookie said:
midnight snack

when stars hiccup
in curbed delight,
i browse the fridge
with you, creaking
its hinge to bathe
in the yellow glow,
till we're chilled
to the bone, and crisp
like lettuce. Then we kiss
like stalactites reaching
down, where pillars
are hot. Then we climb
and unscrew
the lightbulb.
Ooh, that was cool. Me likey.
to her his testes are a test.
she cups them in her palm,
swirls them, feeling the weight
building a rhythm, increasing speed

like Chinese medicinal balls,
her nimble fingers massage
as they move, until the chimes toll
and his clapper wilts

what happened in room 45

lets go back
to school
and its ruled
papers; be seated
on our armchairs, feet
together. this time
the blackboard
fades and teachers lose
their weight,
while our hands graze
on our misbehaving laps.
i will stab you
with my green-inked
pen, see
what spurts out.
let's chew gum
and spit A's.

his breath on my neck felt intimate, warm, safe
his hand stroking my hair
talking in hushed tones
making me dizzy, under a spell even.

suddenly pain,
searing through my neck
his teeth sink into my innocence

I grow limp beneath his clenched jaw
he promises I'll awaken remembering the pain I take for him

lying in his arms
the sun streams through his window
I feel the newness of his energy mixing with mine.

my body remembers his bite,
his pain,
the tender pale flesh of my throat,
the three blend seamlessly together.

I sigh.
I think he's worthy.
Thinking of You

It is long and quick.
It rises thick,
And slides between her lips.

You are strong. You trick
Her eyes and lick
Her sides. Unseen she drips.