Ever kissed a Republican/ Democrat?

Disagreeing with your views is toxic… I see
Oh no, I am fine on disagreement. It's the views themselves I find toxic.

Something tells me we’re not missing out on much
LOL. Pretty much how I feel, and as you can't say what you think, best to just not interact.

Which is why this board is so entertaining. You CAN say what you think. LOL

Have you ever kissed someone who supports the other side?
And just knowing a guy supports the other side - well, first thing I see is a beta male and a cuck. LOL. Nothing remotely interesting in that.
Oh no, I am fine on disagreement. It's the views themselves I find toxic.

LOL. Pretty much how I feel, and as you can't say what you think, best to just not interact.

Which is why this board is so entertaining. You CAN say what you think. LOL

And just knowing a guy supports the other side - well, first thing I see is a beta male and a cuck. LOL. Nothing remotely interesting in that.

* sigh *
I explain my views plenty on the Politics Board.

This is for a bit of fun, as well as exchange of perspectives, and hopefully everyone feeling amused or good

Seems you don’t want to be part of that, I’m sure you’ll feel more at home back over on PB
* sigh *
This is for a bit of fun, as well as exchange of perspectives, and hopefully everyone feeling amused or good

Seems you don’t want to be part of that, I’m sure you’ll feel more at home back over on PB
LOL. Never mind me. I do know what you mean about having a bit of fun. That was why I started that meme thread, and okay, I can appreciate what you were doing. I can delete my earlier posts if you like, so as not to detract from the fun. And I could certainly do this as comedy....

"The First Time I Kissed a Democrat."

It was a nerve-wracking moment. My first date with a Democrat. I'd never kissed one before. How did you kiss a Democrat? In the interests of equality, were you expected to take the initiative? Would he regard him taking the initiative as patriarchal? How should I check? Would he ask me a sign a waiver? Record a consent agreement? Did we need consent agreements for whatever came next? Written? Verbal obviously wasn't going to cut it unless there were witnesses. Okay, a witness to verbal consent to a kiss was acceptable, but I didn't think I was going to go with witnesses for whatever came next because that was usually screamed, and I wasn't sure how "Yes yes yes" and "harder...harder" would qualify without witnesses.

I mean, okay, we could record everything, but hey, I had no intention of ending up starring on Pornhub. My mom might see me and then she'd be criticizing my technique like that time she'd walked in on my boyfriend and me back when I lived at home. I mean, how embarrassing is that, when your mom walks in and kind of looks, and you're expecting the wrath of Khan to descend or something, and instead she just shakes her head and "be careful not to puncture the waterbed with those stilettos, Chloe."

Oh God? Did he have a waterbed? Did I have to check if he had insurance that covered flood damage? Was their a liability disclaimer? What about if I bit him? Or, you know, clawed his back or something? Would he sue? I knew Democrats liked to sue and do all that lawfare stuff. Maybe I should ask for a few waivers myself?

"Is everything alright, Chloe?" he asked.

His hand held mine across the restaurant table. It felt normal. Like a real human's hand, which was a bit unexpected. I'd thought it might be cold and clammy, sort of the way you expected Democrats to be, because most of them seemed to be soy-boys and vegans and, you know, gay, but he seemed perfectly normal on the surface. Should I? I mean, he was a Democrat, and I knew I was taking a risk here. He wasn't my normal type at all. I mean, he didn't even own a gun. Did he even shoot? I wasn't sure if I should ask. If he knew I was packing, would he get all scared and burst into tears? Oh shit! What about the check?

When he'd asked me out on a date, I'd kind of said yes, but that was before I'd found out he was a Democrat. Would he want to split the check? If he paid the full check, would be expect me to kiss him? I mean, some guys were so patriarchal like that. Even Democrats. And I mean, they associated with all those Muslim people, and everyone knew Muslims were rapists and abusive to women and stuff like that. I mean, was I going to have to shoot him afterwards, if he we kissed and then he wouldn't take no, because, you know, rapists didn't take no, that's why they were rapists and you know, a gun was a girl's best friend when it came to shit like that, and he was a Democrat, and there were all those Democrats rioting with all those Muslims, and Muslims were rapists, which meant...

"Do you have any Muslim friends?" I blurted out.

"Uh, no, not really," he said, looking puzzled. "Why? I mean, I'm not prejudiced or anything, I just don't know any."

"Oh, nothing," I said. "Just curious." Maybe I could risk kissing him after all. I could always taser him if he, you know, got too frisky. 50,000,000 volts to the testicles would probably keep him calm, but still, a Democrat. I wasn't at all sure....

Still, he seemed almost normal and by the time we left, okay, I was a little more reassured. He'd ordered steak, so he wasn't vegan. He'd asked me out on a date, so he wasn't gay. He didn't have any Muslim friends, so he probably wasn't a rapist, and he'd paid the check himself, so he was nicely patriarchal, and he didn't make a move until we were outside my apartment door, and no consent forms had made an appearance.

He did that guy thing, which was perfectly normal and completely appropriate and, you know, one thing led to another and we kissed, and he was rather good at it. Completely good at it, to be honest and even if he was a Democrat, I was rather enjoying myself and from the feel of what was pressing against me rather firmly, so was he, so I was absolutely sure he wasn't gay.

"Uh," he said, when we came up for air after, like, fifteen minutes of tonsil hockey. "I was, uh, wondering what you'd say if I invited you round to my place tomorrow for dinner, and, maybe we could..."

"Make out?" I said, sucking on his earlobe.

"Oh god yes," he said. "So would you like to? I mean, I know you, uh, you don't like Democrats and everything, but we seem to get on so well..."

"I think I'd like that," I said, "but, you know, I'll be honest, I've never dated a Democrat before, so you have to be prepared...."

"Prepared?" he said.

"Psychologically," I said.

"How?" he asked.

I smiled.

"Harder," I moaned, clinging to him, gazing soulfully into his eyes. "Harder...fuck me harder....fuck me like I'm the USA and you're Joe Biden...fuck me harder...."

Five minutes later, he'd stopped laughing. "This could be the beginning of a beautiful friendship," he said, and then he kissed me.

Yes, it was just like kissing a normal person, and wow, I'd been kissed by my first Democrat.

Soon, I was going to be fucked like I was the USA and he was Joe Biden.

The big difference was, I was going to enjoy it.
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LOL. Never mind me. I do know what you mean about having a bit of fun. That was why I started that meme thread, and okay, I can appreciate what you were doing. I can delete my earlier posts if you like, so as not to detract from the fun. And I could certainly do this as comedy....

"The First Time I Kissed a Democrat."

It was a nerve-wracking moment. My first date with a Democrat. I'd never kissed one before. How did you kiss a Democrat? In the interests of equality, were you expected to take the initiative? Would he regard him taking the initiative as patriarchal? How should I check? Would he ask me a sign a waiver? Record a consent agreement? Did we need consent agreements for whatever came next? Written? Verbal obviously wasn't going to cut it unless there were witnesses. Okay, a witness to verbal consent to a kiss was acceptable, but I didn't think I was going to go with witnesses for whatever came next because that was usually screamed, and I wasn't sure how "Yes yes yes" and "harder...harder" would qualify without witnesses.

I mean, okay, we could record everything, but hey, I had no intention of ending up starring on Pornhub. My mom might see me and then she'd be criticizing my technique like that time she'd walked in on my boyfriend and me back when I lived at home. I mean, how embarrassing is that, when your mom walks in and kind of looks, and you're expecting the wrath of Khan to descend or something, and instead she just shakes her head and "be careful not to puncture the waterbed with those stilettos, Chloe."

Oh God? Did he have a waterbed? Did I have to check if he had insurance that covered flood damage? Was their a liability disclaimer? What about if I bit him? Or, you know, clawed his back or something? Would he sue? I knew Democrats liked to sue and do all that lawfare stuff. Maybe I should ask for a few waivers myself?

"Is everything alright, Chloe?" he asked.

His hand held mine across the restaurant table. It felt normal. Like a real human's hand, which was a bit unexpected. I'd thought it might be cold and clammy, sort of the way you expected Democrats to be, because most of them seemed to be soy-boys and vegans and, you know, gay, but he seemed perfectly normal on the surface. Should I? I mean, he was a Democrat, and I knew I was taking a risk here. He wasn't my normal type at all. I mean, he didn't even own a gun. Did he even shoot? I wasn't sure if I should ask. If he knew I was packing, would he get all scared and burst into tears? Oh shit! What about the check?

When he'd asked me out on a date, I'd kind of said yes, but that was before I'd found out he was a Democrat. Would he want to split the check? If he paid the full check, would be expect me to kiss him? I mean, some guys were so patriarchal like that. Even Democrats. And I mean, they associated with all those Muslim people, and everyone knew Muslims were rapists and abusive to women and stuff like that. I mean, was I going to have to shoot him afterwards, if he we kissed and then he wouldn't take no, because, you know, rapists didn't take no, that's why they were rapists and you know, a gun was a girl's best friend when it came to shit like that, and he was a Democrat, and there were all those Democrats rioting with all those Muslims, and Muslims were rapists, which meant...

"Do you have any Muslim friends?" I blurted out.

"Uh, no, not really," he said, looking puzzled. "Why? I mean, I'm not prejudiced or anything, I just don't know any."

"Oh, nothing," I said. "Just curious." Maybe I could risk kissing him after all. I could always taser him if he, you know, got too frisky. 50,000,000 volts to the testicles would probably keep him calm, but still, a Democrat. I wasn't at all sure....

Still, he seemed almost normal and by the time we left, okay, I was a little more reassured. He'd ordered steak, so he wasn't vegan. He'd asked me out on a date, so he wasn't gay. He didn't have any Muslim friends, so he probably wasn't a rapist, and he'd paid the check himself, so he was nicely patriarchal, and he didn't make a move until we were outside my apartment door, and no consent forms had made an appearance.

He did that guy thing, which was perfectly normal and completely appropriate and, you know, one thing led to another and we kissed, and he was rather good at it. Completely good at it, to be honest and even if he was a Democrat, I was rather enjoying myself and from the feel of what was pressing against me rather firmly, so was he, so I was absolutely sure he wasn't gay.

"Uh," he said, when we came up for air after, like, fifteen minutes of tonsil hockey. "I was, uh, wondering what you'd say if I invited you round to my place tomorrow for dinner, and, maybe we could..."

"Make out?" I said, sucking on his earlobe.

"Oh god yes," he said. "So would you like to? I mean, I know you, uh, you don't like Democrats and everything, but we seem to get on so well..."

"I think I'd like that," I said, "but, you know, I'll be honest, I've never dated a Democrat before, so you have to be prepared...."

"Prepared?" he said.

"Psychologically," I said.

"How?" he asked.

I smiled.

"Harder," I moaned, clinging to him, gazing soulfully into his eyes. "Harder...fuck me harder....fuck me like I'm the USA and you're Joe Biden...fuck me harder...."

Five minutes later, he'd stopped laughing. "This could be the beginning of a beautiful friendship," he said, and then he kissed me.

Yes, it was just like kissing a normal person, and wow, I'd been kissed by my first Democrat.

Soon, I was going to be fucked like I was the USA and he was Joe Biden.

The big difference was, I was going to enjoy it.
You really shouldn’t try to write women.
So obviously things can get fraught and are getting fraught, and no doubt will get more fraught.
So sometimes it’s worth remembering that behind that sexy smile, there may be views that seem infuriating, incredulous, insane - but would you let that stop you fucking them?
Have you ever kissed someone who supports the other side?
I typically dot let politics get in the way of my fuckery. Usually the subject doesn’t come up.

These days most people associate themselves with likeminded people anyway. That’s either by choice or just circumstance so the odds of having the opportunity to fool around with someone from the other side is not what they used to be.

That said it wouldn’t stop me so long as the person isn’t a lunatic for their cause. Whatever cause that is.

Unless the cause is giving a mind blowing blow job. That’s a cause I’ll always be up for.
LOL. Never mind me. I do know what you mean about having a bit of fun. That was why I started that meme thread, and okay, I can appreciate what you were doing. I can delete my earlier posts if you like, so as not to detract from the fun. And I could certainly do this as comedy....

"The First Time I Kissed a Democrat."

It was a nerve-wracking moment. My first date with a Democrat. I'd never kissed one before. How did you kiss a Democrat? In the interests of equality, were you expected to take the initiative? Would he regard him taking the initiative as patriarchal? How should I check? Would he ask me a sign a waiver? Record a consent agreement? Did we need consent agreements for whatever came next? Written? Verbal obviously wasn't going to cut it unless there were witnesses. Okay, a witness to verbal consent to a kiss was acceptable, but I didn't think I was going to go with witnesses for whatever came next because that was usually screamed, and I wasn't sure how "Yes yes yes" and "harder...harder" would qualify without witnesses.

I mean, okay, we could record everything, but hey, I had no intention of ending up starring on Pornhub. My mom might see me and then she'd be criticizing my technique like that time she'd walked in on my boyfriend and me back when I lived at home. I mean, how embarrassing is that, when your mom walks in and kind of looks, and you're expecting the wrath of Khan to descend or something, and instead she just shakes her head and "be careful not to puncture the waterbed with those stilettos, Chloe."

Oh God? Did he have a waterbed? Did I have to check if he had insurance that covered flood damage? Was their a liability disclaimer? What about if I bit him? Or, you know, clawed his back or something? Would he sue? I knew Democrats liked to sue and do all that lawfare stuff. Maybe I should ask for a few waivers myself?

"Is everything alright, Chloe?" he asked.

His hand held mine across the restaurant table. It felt normal. Like a real human's hand, which was a bit unexpected. I'd thought it might be cold and clammy, sort of the way you expected Democrats to be, because most of them seemed to be soy-boys and vegans and, you know, gay, but he seemed perfectly normal on the surface. Should I? I mean, he was a Democrat, and I knew I was taking a risk here. He wasn't my normal type at all. I mean, he didn't even own a gun. Did he even shoot? I wasn't sure if I should ask. If he knew I was packing, would he get all scared and burst into tears? Oh shit! What about the check?

When he'd asked me out on a date, I'd kind of said yes, but that was before I'd found out he was a Democrat. Would he want to split the check? If he paid the full check, would be expect me to kiss him? I mean, some guys were so patriarchal like that. Even Democrats. And I mean, they associated with all those Muslim people, and everyone knew Muslims were rapists and abusive to women and stuff like that. I mean, was I going to have to shoot him afterwards, if he we kissed and then he wouldn't take no, because, you know, rapists didn't take no, that's why they were rapists and you know, a gun was a girl's best friend when it came to shit like that, and he was a Democrat, and there were all those Democrats rioting with all those Muslims, and Muslims were rapists, which meant...

"Do you have any Muslim friends?" I blurted out.

"Uh, no, not really," he said, looking puzzled. "Why? I mean, I'm not prejudiced or anything, I just don't know any."

"Oh, nothing," I said. "Just curious." Maybe I could risk kissing him after all. I could always taser him if he, you know, got too frisky. 50,000,000 volts to the testicles would probably keep him calm, but still, a Democrat. I wasn't at all sure....

Still, he seemed almost normal and by the time we left, okay, I was a little more reassured. He'd ordered steak, so he wasn't vegan. He'd asked me out on a date, so he wasn't gay. He didn't have any Muslim friends, so he probably wasn't a rapist, and he'd paid the check himself, so he was nicely patriarchal, and he didn't make a move until we were outside my apartment door, and no consent forms had made an appearance.

He did that guy thing, which was perfectly normal and completely appropriate and, you know, one thing led to another and we kissed, and he was rather good at it. Completely good at it, to be honest and even if he was a Democrat, I was rather enjoying myself and from the feel of what was pressing against me rather firmly, so was he, so I was absolutely sure he wasn't gay.

"Uh," he said, when we came up for air after, like, fifteen minutes of tonsil hockey. "I was, uh, wondering what you'd say if I invited you round to my place tomorrow for dinner, and, maybe we could..."

"Make out?" I said, sucking on his earlobe.

"Oh god yes," he said. "So would you like to? I mean, I know you, uh, you don't like Democrats and everything, but we seem to get on so well..."

"I think I'd like that," I said, "but, you know, I'll be honest, I've never dated a Democrat before, so you have to be prepared...."

"Prepared?" he said.

"Psychologically," I said.

"How?" he asked.

I smiled.

"Harder," I moaned, clinging to him, gazing soulfully into his eyes. "Harder...fuck me harder....fuck me like I'm the USA and you're Joe Biden...fuck me harder...."

Five minutes later, he'd stopped laughing. "This could be the beginning of a beautiful friendship," he said, and then he kissed me.

Yes, it was just like kissing a normal person, and wow, I'd been kissed by my first Democrat.

Soon, I was going to be fucked like I was the USA and he was Joe Biden.

The big difference was, I was going to enjoy it.

I was about to comment and then glanced back and saw all the anti-Muslim rhetoric…
Is that like some kinda meta postmodern irony, where you say Democrats have toxic views, then, big reveal - the MAGAt is the one being toxic?
Okay, yeah, novel approach
You really shouldn’t try to write women.
LOL. Oh, I dunno. Seem to be doing okay. Your ratings aren't too bad either. Keep at it and you might eventually get one or two little blue W's too.

Putting politics aside, as one writer to another, PM me if you ever need an editor or want to bounce a few ideas on stories around - you have a couple of good ones there that I rather enjoyed.
I was about to comment and then glanced back and saw all the anti-Muslim rhetoric…
Is that like some kinda meta postmodern irony, where you say Democrats have toxic views, then, big reveal - the MAGAt is the one being toxic?
Okay, yeah, novel approach
LOL. It was fun....and Muslims? Hardly toxic. I was in Riyadh for a while and experienced the joy.... as a woman, NEVER go anywhere without a man in a Muslim country or area. Even going thru customs and immigration....and THAT is personal experience from Saudi. Indonesia was more forgiving, but when I was there my dad had a bodyguard for me, so can't really say.
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LOL. Oh, I dunno. Seem to be doing okay. Your ratings aren't too bad either

LOL. It was fun....and Muslims? Hardly toxic. Been to Riyadh for a while

What was that movie line about writing women? Think of a man and then remove reason and accountability? I may have pissed off everyone in the theater when I laughed noisily at that.

Of course, I laughed at the chainsaw scene from Scarface, so there's that.

Guess you hadda be there . . . at both of them . . . .

Republicans or Trumplikans?
One of those is absolutely Unamerican
We are not the monarchy.. manarchy.. they hope to create
They want Trumplika.
Long Live The Orange King!
Less Cute

Me? I’m not kissing Christopher Walken
I was never in my ex's partisan crowd, but we were close enough for a while. While she stayed in that crowd, I drifted to a slightly different position, and that crowd marched much farther away. We split for nonpolitical reasons, but her developing tendencies I couldn't abide also came out in political disscussions.
LOL. Oh, I dunno. Seem to be doing okay. Your ratings aren't too bad either. Keep at it and you might eventually get one or two little blue W's too.

Putting politics aside, as one writer to another, PM me if you ever need an editor or want to bounce a few ideas on stories around - you have a couple of good ones there that I rather enjoyed.

LOL. It was fun....and Muslims? Hardly toxic. I was in Riyadh for a while and experienced the joy.... as a woman, NEVER go anywhere without a man in a Muslim country or area. Even going thru customs and immigration....and THAT is personal experience from Saudi. Indonesia was more forgiving, but when I was there my dad had a bodyguard for me, so can't really say.

True, confusing a religion and those who practice it with the way some states are run could get confusing, yeah

Have to have a look at Bright’s writing meanwhile, sounds good
No, I couldn't get intimate with a Trumper--or an enabling Republican, for that matter. My extended family includes a lot of the latter, but I never did get intimate with them.
LOL. Oh, I dunno. Seem to be doing okay. Your ratings aren't too bad either. Keep at it and you might eventually get one or two little blue W's too.

Putting politics aside, as one writer to another, PM me if you ever need an editor or want to bounce a few ideas on stories around - you have a couple of good ones there that I rather enjoyed.
I accidentally won a blue W with my first story here 10 years ago, but I guess that was before your time … .

Writing smut is just a hobby, so I don’t want an editor. That would make it seem too much like my job.
I accidentally won a blue W with my first story here 10 years ago, but I guess that was before your time … .

Writing smut is just a hobby, so I don’t want an editor. That would make it seem too much like my job.
Wow, well done and congrats. I didn't realize that and yes, just a bit before my time here. I started in 2015. Took me about a year and 26 stories before I got my first W.

Actually, having read a few of your stories, I'm not surprised you hit it out of the ballpark. I really enjoyed them.
What was that movie line about writing women? Think of a man and then remove reason and accountability? I may have pissed off everyone in the theater when I laughed noisily at that.
Of course, the whole point of that line was to establish that character as a misanthropic jerk (and it did its job brilliantly).

I have been with one Republican (and made damn sure she was pro-choice beforehand), and I have three W's on my stories if we're going to roll out that measuring stick.
So obviously things can get fraught and are getting fraught, and no doubt will get more fraught.
So sometimes it’s worth remembering that behind that sexy smile, there may be views that seem infuriating, incredulous, insane - but would you let that stop you fucking them?
Have you ever kissed someone who supports the other side?
Would have no problem with a Democrat or Republican…however the Red Hat might be where I would draw the line. (But since they aren’t Republicans… we are all covered)