Exquisite Corpse

Lauren Hynde said:
Send it, Boo.

Ange, you're here now, damn it. We can't tap into our group personality unconscious reality if you don't participate. :mad:

6 words. Now. It will take you less time than it did writing that post. (which had 16!)

feel free to use any of them. bye. (that's 8 more.)
Angeline said:
feel free to use any of them. bye. (that's 8 more.)
1. an adjective
2. a noun
3. an adverb
4. a verb (one that takes a direct object)
5. an adjective
6. a noun

1. more
2. bye
3. free
4. feel
5. any
6. use

a lil bit stretched, I know, but you didn't allow for articles and conjunctions
I have the lists sent by ten people, which means there are already five completed 'corpses' with another five waiting to be completed. Some are just nonsense, as it would be to expect, but one or two have a lot of poetic potential. :D
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where angeline fears to tread...

I'm a newbie, but interested. Kind of a highbrow MAD libs.

:rose: b
okay okay

I'm sending some, too. But only because Lauren asked so nicely.


champagne1982 said:
1. an adjective
2. a noun
3. an adverb
4. a verb (one that takes a direct object)
5. an adjective
6. a noun

1. more
2. bye
3. free
4. feel
5. any
6. use

a lil bit stretched, I know, but you didn't allow for articles and conjunctions


me thinks you may not wanna go there-

*lays a huge bet on the table*

aint this fun Ange? :rolleyes: :heart:
The body count is presently at 16, but Lin mentioned in another thread she might come over too, so I'll wait for another day or two before posting the results. ;)
Lauren Hynde said:
The body count is presently at 16, but Lin mentioned in another thread she might come over too, so I'll wait for another day or two before posting the results. ;)

S'like Christmas all over again. :) Can't wait!
omg.. look at the black shirt on lauren's av and the black silhouettes on tristesse's... mmm a nip there.. a tuck here..
champagne1982 said:
omg.. look at the black shirt on lauren's av and the black silhouettes on tristesse's... mmm a nip there.. a tuck here..

Isn't that amazing? Always the spaces.....draw the spaces.
Lauren Hynde said:
The body count is presently at 16, but Lin mentioned in another thread she might come over too, so I'll wait for another day or two before posting the results. ;)
Oh the pressure...

Ok, PM'ed and over with. ;)
Better take me off the list...

Got some bad news today and not sure when I will be back.

My apologies :rose:
Re: Better take me off the list...

echoes_s said:
Got some bad news today and not sure when I will be back.

My apologies :rose:
I hope all will be well with you and yours. May the day when you are able to return come soon.
Brought to you by the combined efforts of *Catbabe*, BooMerengue, bridgetkeeney, champagne1982, Cordelia, eagleyez, echoes_s, Icingsugar, jthserra, Lauren Hynde, Linbido, Maria2394, neonurotic, OT, Rybka, Senna Jawa and Tristesse (in politically correct alphabetic order) here are our first poetic cadavers. More to come very soon, but for now, feel free to dissect. ;)

I noticed the adverbs made most sentences completely unpoetical, so that was probably a bad call. I ended up keeping them, but moved most to the end of the sentences.

  • Demented ice tramples undemanded blades, closely.
  • The opaque ember distributes faulty creatures, superbly.
  • The complacent prodigy walks the brave trapeze, silently.
  • The young arch eschews archaic doors, sadly.
  • Ancient bowls fanaticize sullen mothers, constantly.
  • The ancient spraint broke the dark angst, merrily.
  • The fugoidal ring inflated the unfamiliar poison, daily.
  • Calm turnips lasciviously consume the noisy lash.
  • Blessed pie, purring at the matted largesse. Really!
  • The hungry cat flies nearly cyclonic sentences.
  • The precocious suede pinched the magenta breath, slowly.
  • Swift miasma, daringly fries the bespectacled pervert.
  • Oh, surreptitious extravagance: to excavate green damsels, daily.
  • Unintentional door dreams about the delusional road, intently.
  • The solar fountain disco dances under careless lights, decisively.
  • The slippery double agent slyly fakes a clear truce.
  • The dashing hound sips the elevated pogo sticks, distinctly.
Lauren! Couldn't post last night cuz I was laughing too hard! XXX Rated Mad Libs, indeed! Are we going to do it again?
bumped found this waaaazyyyyy bsack

and I thought the Franken poem was at least semi original lol, turns out all I did was reinvent the wheel and call it a rolley polley
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bumped found this waaaazyyyyy bsack

and I thought the Franken poem was at least semi original lol, turns out all I did was reinvent the wheel and call it a rolley polley

Wizard! been thinking about this since Angeline mentioned it.