Facials and BDSM? opinions?

I love when my dominant partner cums on me; my face, my ass, anywhere! It makes me feel so luscious and submissive.
bunny bondage said:
i had a very fun adventure this afternoon that i think belongs here. He was on top of me, making love to me, very sensual - nothing out of the ordinary. but then He pulls out of me and mounts my chest, rubbing His cock right in front of my face. "lie back and open your mouth" He says, so i naturally oblige. next thing i know, my mouth is full and my face is covered. then for the really great part - He leans down and passionatly kisses me, tasting His own cum. it was VERY sensual. AND i got it ALL on video tape! if only my dad knew how i was using the video camera he got me for my birthday! :p

I vote we take up a collection to help BB buy any and all necessary hardware and software to bring her adventures to the net!! :D
BB, I enjoy the same thing with my partner, she loves the fact that I kiss her after cumming in her mouth and face. I think it is the acceptance and passion that she loves the most. Many guys get a little "weird" about their own fluids (read that homo-phobic), so when I kiss her, she knows how much I love and want and appreciate her. Plus the scent of our combined fluids and the slickness of her lips is very erotic to me. Hope you have many more great experiences like that afternoon! Tianlong
RoughPlay said:
Care to out gross me ?

You will have to try harder! That did not gross me out :)

Here is a question for the men, how do they feel having their cum on their face?
> You will have to try harder! That did not gross me out

Desturmur its taking me a while to realise just how good this
discussion board is.

Lets see. Do you like pets at all? Perhaps a large dog?

> Here is a question for the men, how do they feel having their
> cum on their face?

I do not mine my cum being on my face or on any other part of my
body. However it does not particularly turn me on. If it turned my
partner on then I would be happy to spray/place it anywhere she liked.

I once ate my own cum as a dare to myself. I quite like this idea as
I approach orgasm and I'm highly aroused however two seconds after I
orgasm it rather loses its appeal together with everything else relating
to sex. I would probably like to eat my cum if it was available before I
came but I would need a time machine for this.

I certainly would not eat anyone else's cum (a man has his standards).
Stored and re-warmed does not appeal much either though storing in a
woman's mouth for ten minutes might work providing I was aroused again
by the end of the ten minutes.
RoughPlay said:
Lets see. Do you like pets at all? Perhaps a large dog?

I do not mine my cum being on my face or on any other part of my
body. However it does not particularly turn me on. If it turned my
partner on then I would be happy to spray/place it anywhere she liked.

Yes, I love puppy dogs, not neccesarily in a sexual nature, but I am intriged...

Most of the men I have interacted with, have been willing to taste their own cum, but are not fond of it being on their face.

I personally love 'sharing' cum; licking it from my mans cock, then kissing him, placing it on his lips with my finger ect. and find it very arousing when he will pass his cum into my mouth off his tongue.
> Yes, I love puppy dogs, not neccesarily in a sexual nature, but I am
> intriged...

I think puppy dogs would be to young and innocent. Do you like riding
horses at all? Perhaps a large stallion.

I definitely like watching girls share cum and passing it from one mouth to
another. I think its really hot. I am fairly certain I would enjoy passing
my own cum between my own mouth and my partners mouth if I was aroused but
maybe not after just cumming (catch 22). If she is very aroused by this and
tells me so then I would do it anyway just to please her.

I definitely like the idea of my cum being appreciated and respected. A girl
should definitely swallow and not spit (except onto another girl of course).
RoughPlay said:
I think puppy dogs would be to young and innocent. Do you like riding horses at all? Perhaps a large stallion.

I definitely like watching girls share cum and passing it from one mouth to
another. I think its really hot. I am fairly certain I would enjoy passing
my own cum between my own mouth and my partners mouth if I was aroused but
maybe not after just cumming (catch 22). If she is very aroused by this and
tells me so then I would do it anyway just to please her.

I definitely like the idea of my cum being appreciated and respected. A girl
should definitely swallow and not spit (except onto another girl of course).

Yes, I love to ride a strong, large stallion.

yes, I agree, a girl should never spit, but savour each drop of her mans sweet juices.
Doggies? *weg*

i've heard that it is a sign of being the ultimate pet when your Master chooses to breed you ...
I've known about the idea of breeding your pet if and when it suits you
for as long as I can remember. However for a Master to apply this idea to
a slave places it in a delicious new light.

Do you have any more gems like this Meria_serves?
Hi Roughplay and gang!
Yeah!!! I'm back again! Was having some real computer problems...damn Verizon DSL and damn that old modem of mine! Comp is working now, just no sound :(
Anyway, that's my booty in the pic :D
And yes, I'd like to be both of those women in the scenarios~
Lately, whenever I masturbate (which happens to be A LOT), I fantasize about being tied down and forced to suck cock while being cum upon, and in my mouth as well.

And in the South, its considered impolite to spit ;)
Hi Hexiegirl

> Anyway, that's my booty in the pic
Oh, so I picked the wrong end. I hate it when I do that.

> And yes, I'd like to be both of those women in the scenarios~

> Lately, whenever I masturbate (which happens to be A LOT),
Yes I'm getting a little worried about repetitive strain injury.

> I fantasize about being tied down and forced to suck cock while being
> cum upon, and in my mouth as well.
What more could a girl ask for.

> And in the South, its considered impolite to spit
I can see you are a lady of great refinement.

Do you know how many posts I have to do before I can put up my own
avatar picture ?
Thanks bunny

Yikes another 74 posts to go. I wish I had a room full of monkeys
then they would be done in a flash. They might lose their edge a
bit though (jdllvfkfgnhjwdsxprtghlk).

I've already selected a picture. Can't wait to show it. Its
"Ford, there's an infinate number of monkeys outside who want to talk to us about this script for Hamlet they've worked out."
I love Hitch Hiker's. I thought Marvin the robot was brilliant (I won't
enjoy it). Its nice to know that we can all be summarised to 'Mostly
Harmless'. Do you like Vogon poetry ?
Last edited:
Hexiegirl said:
Yup, I was happy to get to one hundred so I could use my pic~

I remember my 100th post
:: wistful sigh ::
Back in my days of halycon youth & innocence now so long gone :rolleyes:
bunny bondage said:
sanguine innocence? you? never! i won't believe it.

I was a child once!
a long LONG time ago
I think everything was pretty much OK up until the time I was about 6 or 7 & got caught tying up the little girl next door with a pair of her mom's panty hose
i was never caught "experimenting" but i was in fact blown up once. yep, a little accident involving a gas can and a lighter resulted in the explosion of a metal shed that was once in the yard of my childhood neighbor. so out i ran, knees on fire. just my knees. the boy i was playing with ran out with his hair literally standing on end. it was an experience....
LOL @ Bunny glad to hear you survived alright~

heh James, you are a bit of a post whore ;) :p
Hexiegirl said:

And in the South, its considered impolite to spit ;)

Indeed it is.

That's why I have so much trouble with cumming on her face.
bunny bondage said:
i'm still fidgeting with this damned software that's SUPPOSED to easily pull images from my camera to my comp, but i'm pretty freakin' stuck. anybody have some free software that can do this? i'll post fun videos!

What kind of camera are you using? Or what software is it?
James G 5 said:
I remember my 100th post
:: wistful sigh ::
Back in my days of halycon youth & innocence now so long gone :rolleyes:

Somehow, I can't imagine you and innocent. ;)
bunny bondage said:
i was never caught "experimenting" but i was in fact blown up once. yep, a little accident involving a gas can and a lighter resulted in the explosion of a metal shed that was once in the yard of my childhood neighbor. so out i ran, knees on fire. just my knees. the boy i was playing with ran out with his hair literally standing on end. it was an experience....

Heh. :)
Right after I got off punishment for tying the little girl up I got a chemistry set, It was reccomended for older kids but I was davanced. So advanced I managed to use it to set the whole front yard on fire :rolleyes:
Now I just set subbies on fire, so I guess some things never change LOL