FAQ's - Read Before Posting Help Questions

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Just a reminder

In light of some recent "activity," I thought it prudent to C&P the Forum Guidelines here.

Forum Guidelines

1. You must be 18 years or older to read or participate at Literotica.

2. You may not post sexually explicit pictures or stories featuring anyone under 18 years old. Literotica does not allow the posting of underage or animal sex pictures - or links to such - on the forum. Please Click Here for our full photo posting guidelines.

3. Do not post /hotlink copyrighted images or articles in their entirety. Fair use laws allow some posting of copyrighted material, such as excerpts from articles and screen captures from movies, under certain circumstances. Please do a Google search under "Fair Use" if you want to understand this issue better.

4. You may not post personal information of other members or, for that matter, anyone else. We do not allow phone numbers, email addresses, private messages or quotes from private emails to be posted on the forum. This rule also covers real names, employment info, and any other personal information that we deem inappropriate.

5. Do not threaten other users.

6. Any posts made with the intent of promoting another site or a product will be removed. You may not send unsolicited PM's or emails to other users trying to promote other websites or products. Literotica is not a place to promote other websites, and we are very strict on this issue. If you abuse this policy, you will be banned.

7. Please do not blatantly "advertise" for other websites in your signature. We allow non-commercial links to other people's personal websites in sigs, but please do not beg people to click on your link, make it huge and/or flashing, or otherwise be obnoxious.

We do not allow links to any adult pay sites. We also reserve the right to remove signatures which link to sites with numerous annoying pop-ups, viruses, or anything else potentially harmful to people's computers. If you turn your signature into an advertisement, we will ask you to change it. Do not start threads with the URL in the header.

8. You cannot use a URL/site address as your membername. If you do so, we will ask you to change your name.

9. Flooding the forum with posts, screen-breaking text, or images - or bumping old threads - and/or any non-substantive activity with the intent of disrupting the forum is prohibited.

10. Please do not post audio that automatically plays itself on the forum. There are people who access Lit from various locations, and in some locations they prefer to be discreet. We reserve the right to edit or remove any post or signature which automatically plays audio.

11. Please post content in the appropriate forum. We do not believe in censorship, but your posts will be moved or removed if you do not read the forum title before hitting "SUBMIT". Personal ads should be posted in the "Personals" forum, story ideas in the "Story Ideas" forum, BDSM issues in the BDSM forum, random nonsense on the General Board, and so on.

12. We will not remove your posts. You have the ability to edit out any text and remove any attachments on your own. The administrators will not delete your posts just because you changed your mind about what you said. You can edit your own posts as you see fit. Please do not contact us about removing your posts.

* * *

If you believe that someone is violating these rules in a specific post, please click on the "REPORT THIS POST" link in that post and submit a report to the Moderators.

Anything else goes. You may post whatever you like. Consequently, so can everyone else. The administrators here don't believe they are anyone's parents nor are they anyone's Jiminy Cricket. It's not their responsibility to make sure that everyone on the site uses free speech responsibly. It's up to individual users to be responsible for themselves. For those who are not, the programmers at Jelsoft have added an ignore function for your convenience. Just go here and add the user you don't want to deal with anymore.

In short, we believe in the First Amendment, and offensive content will not be removed unless it breaks one of the rules.
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RedVixen said:
thank you so very much ! !!!!!!

vixen :cathappy: :catroar: :cattail:

;) Lot's of info in here that can come in hand for a new person. Also check out the Blank Manual thread for tons of frequently asked "how to" questions!

Enjoy your stay!
The FAQ's FAQ.

There can be some confusion over which FAQ answers which questions, if you pick the wrong FAQ you will get no help at all.

This is the link to the index page of FAQs before posting, it contains answers to many questions about posting, avatars, signatures and navigating your way around How To, HT Cafe and Lit in general.

This is the link to the Literotica FAQ which is accessed via the main page and is listed under the About/Help category, it contains info on
Literotica membership issues.

Information on our story section.

How to submit your work to Literotica.

Volunteer Editor Program
A program to help you improve your writing.

Multimedia Submissions
How to submit audio or video to Literotica.

Literotica Contests
Submit your work for fun & prizes.

Bulletin Board
Literotica's discussion forum.

Literotica's live online chat system.

Literotica Newsletter
What is it, and how do I get one?

Legal & Other
FAQs about other aspects of Literotica.

This is the link to the FAQ which is at the top of each page, it is a generic V Bulletin FAQ it contains information relevant to how the V Bulletin system works, including
User Maintenance
General Forum Usage
Reading and Posting Messages
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I was recently given some what sounds like good advice but in my ignorance don't know what was meant by the following:
"watch out for the Alts"
"don't feed the trolls"
Can someone help?
Blushing Bottom said:
I was recently given some what sounds like good advice but in my ignorance don't know what was meant by the following:
"watch out for the Alts"
"don't feed the trolls"
Can someone help?
Well, an alt can be a troll, but a troll isn't necessarily an alt. Sometimes it's hard to tell who's who. Here's the Cliff's Notes version:

An alt is an alternative username that some members create, usually to say things that they don't want to say under their regular usernames. Alts are more prevalent on the General Board than they are here (as far as I know). Unless you spend a lot of time here, it's difficult to distinguish an alt from a genuine newbie.

A troll is someone who flames or otherwise causes trouble. It's a good idea to ignore them (as opposed to "feeding" them), but sometimes it's easier said than done.

Hope that helps.

Welcome to Lit. Be sure to introduce yourself on EJFan's newbie thread, if you haven't already. :)
1) Do many trolls (?) deliberately post "0" scores just to torpedo another author or an author whom they have a "beef" with?

2) Are any records kept of anonymous post who post to the same author with low scores?

3) If so, can anything be done?
to attach images to posts...

SweetErika said:
To attach images to posts:
1) At the bottom of the post, click on "Manage Attachments"
2) A new window will pop up
3) Click "Browse" and find the image on your computer
4) Click "Upload"
*A window will tell you if the dimensions or file size of the attachment(s) exceed the limit

okay so when i do that i get the clickable attachment as in my post in "how do i...." in the "how to" forum... how do i make the image itself show in the post body? or can i not? thanks for any input :)
voyeuresse said:
okay so when i do that i get the clickable attachment as in my post in "how do i...." in the "how to" forum... how do i make the image itself show in the post body? or can i not? thanks for any input :)

Instructions for inserting images directly into posts

There are some sites that don't allow hotlinking though, so even if you get the code right, the image may not appear if it's from certain sites. You can check to see if the site allows it first here ... just scroll down to the field under "Where can I test...?" :)
SweetErika said:
Instructions for inserting images directly into posts

There are some sites that don't allow hotlinking though, so even if you get the code right, the image may not appear if it's from certain sites. You can check to see if the site allows it first here ... just scroll down to the field under "Where can I test...?" :)
im sorry im not inserting from an internet site im ATTACHING... :)
so do attachments ever show the actual image or are they always just the clickable link to my attachment bin? also... can i use the same attachment in more than one post? i tried and it wouldnt let me. if i can... how? thank you so much for this help! :)
voyeuresse said:
im sorry im not inserting from an internet site im ATTACHING... :)
so do attachments ever show the actual image or are they always just the clickable link to my attachment bin? also... can i use the same attachment in more than one post? i tried and it wouldnt let me. if i can... how? thank you so much for this help! :)
You read the link I posted for you carefully? Well, perhaps it wasn't clear enough.

If the image is just on your computer, your ONLY option is to do what you've been doing...attach it.

For the image to show in your message, instead of showing up as a link/attachment, it MUST be hosted on a website that permits hotlinking. If it's not hosted on one of those sites, your ONLY option is to attach it.

Can you use the same attachment more than once? NO. However, you can (a)rename and resave the file, or (b)post a link to the attachment.
To post the link to the attachment:
1) Simply go to the original post
2) Click on the attachment
3) When it opens, copy the URL in the address bar
4) Then, go to your second post (the one you want the attachment copied to)
5) Press the little globe/chain icon at the top of the text box
6) Write in the text, press OK,
7) Insert/Paste the URL you just copied, and click OK again.

Your code should look like (without the asterisks):
[*URL=http*://www.literotica.com:81/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=539251]Here's Your Attachment from Your Other Post[/URL*]

The result: Here's Your Attachment from Your Other Post

Image on your computer= ATTACH (Provided (a)The image meets the dimension requirement; (b) the image meets the file size requirement; (c) the image meets the file type requirement; and (d) the image hasn't been attached on lit already.

Image on another website = SHOWS UP IN POST (Provided (a) that site allows hotlinking; and (b) you use the yellow and gray button or

If you want to try stuff out, use the 'Preview Post' button under the text box. Alternately, look for the "Test your posting here" thread in How To. :)
You know FAQ is an acronym, and has been shown in upper case letters thruout this thread, but it is in lower case on the post title.

With the font used I keep reading it as "Fag's Before Posting"

Just my obsessive/compulsive observation.
How does one get an obnoxious user removed?

In one of the threads that I'm subscribed to (https://forum.literotica.com/showthread.php?p=14445759#post14445759) we have a user (JaxPantyGuy) who persists in posting pictures of himself. None of the other forum users want to see this guy's self-pix and have told him so, but he persists in posting his pix and making a nuisance of himself.....what can we do to get rid of this loon?

Thanks, Dave
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dave31558 said:
In one of the threads that I'm subscribed to (https://forum.literotica.com/showthread.php?p=14445759#post14445759) we have a user (JaxPantyGuy) who persists in posting pictures of himself. None of the other forum users want to see this guy's self-pix and have told him so, but he persists in posting his pix and making a nuisance of himself.....what can we do to get rid of this loon?

Thanks, Dave
Dave, if you don't want to see a user's posts, the easiest action is to simply put him or her on your IGNORE list by left-clicking on their name on any post, and selecting 'Add this user to your ignore list.'

However, if you feel it's a major problem and violation, check out the Forum Rules, and you can probably get this guy on something like:

9. Flooding the forum with posts - or bumping old threads - with the intent of disrupting the forum is prohibited.
11. Please post content in the appropriate forum. We do not believe in censorship, but your posts will be moved or removed if you do not read the forum title before hitting "SUBMIT". Personal ads should be posted in the "Personals" forum, story ideas in the "Story Ideas" forum, BDSM issues in the BDSM forum, random nonsense on the General Board, and so on.

Because The Playground (and every other board apart from the GB) is moderated, you can report rule violations by clicking the "Report this post to moderator" link/icon (an exclamation point in the bottom left corner of each post) offensive posts. That'll take you to a page where you can briefly describe the problem/rules violated, and a Mod will take action as they see fit. If you have other questions or problems, you could also PM Bluespoke (the PG mod) from this page, though I'm assuming when it deals with a specific user and posts, the mods prefer to be contacted through the Report link.

I hope that helps! :)
Shale said:
You know FAQ is an acronym, and has been shown in upper case letters thruout this thread, but it is in lower case on the post title.

With the font used I keep reading it as "Fag's Before Posting"

Just my obsessive/compulsive observation.
This has been brought up before, and I believe that it was said at that time that something in all caps (like FAQ) won't show up that way in the thread title, even if it was typed properly.
Scalywag said:
That's interesting, because there are some MFM threads that show all caps in the thread title, and some others with multiple occurences of caps in the same word.
Dunno. That's just what I heard. :)

That's still no excuse for not reading the sticky.
Eilan said:
This has been brought up before, and I believe that it was said at that time that something in all caps (like FAQ) won't show up that way in the thread title, even if it was typed properly.
It was in caps originally, but the title was modded to what it is now. *shrug*
Thanks Lady G for the title change. :D

No go on the big flashing lights huh!
Such is life.
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How to Search Literotica Using Google

If you've ever tried to look for a specific story using Literotica's Story Search function, you've probably found the experience fairly lacking. The major shortcoming of Story Search is that it only scans through the keywords that the author has provided, not the entire text of the story. However, you can simply use Google as a very capable and powerful search tool. The key is to use the site: operator to restrict the search to only those pages that are a part of Literotica. For example:
If you want to search only in a particular category, include the string "index : category name" (make sure you include the surrounding quote marks, and there's one space on either side of the colon). For example, to search in the Mature category, you might use:
site:literotica.com "index : mature"
Why does this work? If you take a look at the upper left hand corner of any story, you'll see a string starting with "index : " and the name of the category. If you think the story might be in more than one category, you can use the OR operator (Google's Help page says OR must be uppercase):
site:literotica.com ("index : mature" OR "index : incest")
For searching forum messages, include the string "Literotica Discussion Board" instead of "index : category name":
site:literotica.com "Literotica Discussion Board"
If you know one or more words in the title, you can use the intitle: operator. For example, if you think Happy Birthday is in the title, you can use:
site:literotica.com intitle:happy intitle:birthday

The more unique and exact words or phrases you can include in your search, the more refined your search will be. The names of characters, places or things will give you the best results.

If you're finding that your search is returning too many hits, you can exclude the ones which have a certain word or phrase by putting a minus sign (hyphen) in front of it. For example, a search in the Incest category with the name Jake returns 88 hits. You remember that the story didn't have the word "sisters" in it, so you can refine the search by using:
site:literotica.com "index : incest" Jake -sisters
Here are some sample searches:
Search for stories in the Incest category where the name Heather appears.
Search for a story with a babysitter and New York in the story
Find a story in either the Group Sex or Interracial categories where the word Japanese and girlfriend appears
Search the forums for messages containing Japanese and girlfriend
Look for a story in the Lesbian Sex category where a character is a widow

Google only looks for single pages that contain all of the search phrases. This can be a problem with some of the longer stories on Literotica that span several pages. For example, if you're looking for an Incest story where the main character has sex with his mom and his Aunt Jenny, Google won't return a hit on that story if the scene with mom is on page 1 and the one with the aunt is on page 3. Likewise with multi-part/multi-chapter stories.

Sometimes when you click on a link to a story, you'll get redirected to the Literotica story index instead of the actual story. Usually that's due to the story no longer being posted (possibly the author has asked Literotica to take the story down). You can sometimes see at least one cached page of the story by clicking the Cached link.

Try synonyms if you can't remember the exact word used in the story. For example, if you can't remember if the story took place on a boat, ship or yacht, you should try all three:
Search for stories where margaritas are served. The story takes place on a boat, ship or yacht.

Along the same line, be careful to avoid generic descriptions. For example, suppose you vaguely remember that the story involved a woman giving the main character a blowjob. You could try searching on the phrase "she gave him a blowjob," but if that's not the exact phrase used in the story, you won't get a hit on it. It could have been written "she sucked on his cock" or "she took me in her mouth" (if it's a story told in the first person), so you may need to try many different variations of the phrase.

Happy hunting!
public groups

I have tis message on my pofile, "kaboom3d is not a member of any public groups" under "Group Memberships".

What are public groups?

Might I find them interesting?

thank you,
kaboom3d said:
I have tis message on my pofile, "kaboom3d is not a member of any public groups" under "Group Memberships".

What are public groups?

Might I find them interesting?

thank you,
I think groups are just an option on the vBulletin software, but Lit doesn't employ it. In other words, it doesn't mean anything to us because there aren't actually groups using that feature. :)
Shale said:
You know FAQ is an acronym, and has been shown in upper case letters thruout this thread, but it is in lower case on the post title.

With the font used I keep reading it as "Fag's Before Posting"

Just my obsessive/compulsive observation.

I came in here with the same problem today. I have created a thread using an acronym which I typed in capitals (AN SMS) but is showing in both upper and lower case (An Sms) - Is there a way to turn off the auto 'correction' for titles?

I also have another question: is it possible to delete a thread you started but no longer want showing?
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