Favorite Poetic Form?

Angeline said:
We could make the villesonnet (or just the sonnet) part of the July challenge thread.

If you do that, everyone is going to hate me for starting this thread! LOL
LadynStFreknBed said:
If you do that, everyone is going to hate me for starting this thread! LOL

No they won't. They always blame me for the form poem threads. I think it's sort of a tradition. :D
Angeline said:
No they won't. They always blame me for the form poem threads. I think it's sort of a tradition. :D


sorry had a fiddler on the roof moment
Okay, I will give you a taste of something different. Part Angeline Villanelle, part Wicked Eve Terzanelle and all plagarized Fool Terza...

Chance Encounter

Love do we know which way to go or be? 1
With passions shared but sharing not allowed,
We knew our fate, no chance to flee. 2

Shared loneliness while standing in a crowd,
The reason for the two of us to care,
With passions shared but sharing not allowed.

The minutes stolen, only time to share
A seeming chance encounter once a week.
The reason for the two of us to care.

A time away of which we cannot speak.
The pleasure shared together and the pain,
A seeming chance encounter once a week.

The rightness of our love I can’t explain,
Since we have obligations from the past.
The pleasure shared together and the pain.

Beyond this morning can we make this last?
Since we have obligations from the past.
Love do we know which way to go or be?
We knew our fate, no chance to flee.

1 in "Anew III", by Angeline ©2004.
2 in "Sue Ling", by Wicked Eve ©2004.
Angeline said:
No they won't. They always blame me for the form poem threads. I think it's sort of a tradition. :D

Absolutely, baby...... :kiss:
The_Fool said:
Okay, I will give you a taste of something different. Part Angeline Villanelle, part Wicked Eve Terzanelle and all plagarized Fool Terza...

Chance Encounter

Love do we know which way to go or be? 1
With passions shared but sharing not allowed,
We knew our fate, no chance to flee. 2

Shared loneliness while standing in a crowd,
The reason for the two of us to care,
With passions shared but sharing not allowed.

The minutes stolen, only time to share
A seeming chance encounter once a week.
The reason for the two of us to care.

A time away of which we cannot speak.
The pleasure shared together and the pain,
A seeming chance encounter once a week.

The rightness of our love I can’t explain,
Since we have obligations from the past.
The pleasure shared together and the pain.

Beyond this morning can we make this last?
Since we have obligations from the past.
Love do we know which way to go or be?
We knew our fate, no chance to flee.

1 in "Anew III", by Angeline ©2004.
2 in "Sue Ling", by Wicked Eve ©2004.
Where in the hell did you find sue ling? I think 2004 was the date I resubmitted it, but that poem is really old. My first terz and no longer online... is it?
WickedEve said:
Where in the hell did you find sue ling? I think 2004 was the date I resubmitted it, but that poem is really old. My first terz and no longer online... is it?

Remember so long ago when we did that challenge where you take the first line from one persons poem and the last line from another persons poem and make something new? That was when I used it. I may have to find the challenge thread.
The_Fool said:
Remember so long ago when we did that challenge where you take the first line from one persons poem and the last line from another persons poem and make something new? That was when I used it. I may have to find the challenge thread.

I remember that. I wrote a poem using a line from an Evie poem and another from a darkmaas poem. I called it On Morna's Boulevard.

Great challenge!
Angeline said:
I remember that. I wrote a poem using a line from an Evie poem and another from a darkmaas poem. I called it On Morna's Boulevard.

Great challenge!

You should, it was your challenge..... :p
The_Fool said:
Remember so long ago when we did that challenge where you take the first line from one persons poem and the last line from another persons poem and make something new? That was when I used it. I may have to find the challenge thread.
Oh, right. I used a line from one of tath's poems and one from maria.
Angeline said:
I remember that. I wrote a poem using a line from an Evie poem and another from a darkmaas poem. I called it On Morna's Boulevard.

Great challenge!
I don't remember that poem.
Have a copy?
WickedEve said:
I don't remember that poem.
Have a copy?

Yes. Give me a few minutes to track it down. I know it's on my crowded hard drive somewhere. :)
WickedEve said:
I don't remember that poem.
Have a copy?

On Morna’s Boulevard

I watched us flicker then ignite
as if the moon fell from the sky
into our arms, held like a new born
love full of squall and need, bright
with loony hope. We bloomed that day.
Time unfolded flowers, petal palms
cupped warmth, but growing heavy
with the reign of deeds and hours
drooped to a drowse of afternoon,
curled wiser at the edge of gloom
with no less love, but gardens full
of knowing, fell beneath twilight,
where she fades like sun, dimmer.

Line 1: darkmaas, Boulevard
Line 13: Wicked Eve, Morna's Last Room
My favourite form atm is Ghazels because they are so free and image rich. And lots of fun to read aloud and listen too.

I also think sonnets are beautiful. They are a lot of hard work, but I feel like I accomplished something once done. :)
Watching Him Watch Someone

What I enjoy writing and reading are what Lewis Turco calls Long Hymnal Octave in The Book of Forms. It is a variation on Common Measure that has a rhyme scheme ababcdcd where each line is iambic tetrameter rather than alternating between tetrameter and trimeter.

I also like the subject to be about sex. Here's an example:

She loves to sense his penis grow.
Those teasers posing on the beach
Show more than she would dare to show.
She's shocked how his gaze covers each.
She wonders: did he ever cheat?
Or would he now were he alone,
Without her mouth to wet his meat,
Without her cunt to ride his bone?
FifthFlower said:
What I enjoy writing and reading are what Lewis Turco calls Long Hymnal Octave in The Book of Forms. It is a variation on Common Measure that has a rhyme scheme ababcdcd where each line is iambic tetrameter rather than alternating between tetrameter and trimeter.

I also like the subject to be about sex. Here's an example:

She loves to sense his penis grow.
Those teasers posing on the beach
Show more than she would dare to show.
She's shocked how his gaze covers each.
She wonders: did he ever cheat?
Or would he now were he alone,
Without her mouth to wet his meat,
Without her cunt to ride his bone?

I'm glad you mentioned the Turco book. I actually have a copy of it on my beside table. I read it all the time. :)