Favorite video game?

Sim Tower
World of Warcraft
Peggle (If that counts lol)

Hey! I see it!! World of Warcraft! I mean... with gals like this running around the place... why play anything else?!?!?!?!?!

I thought you guys might like a link to this thread too - http://forum.literotica.com/showthread.php?t=722520

I have too many to pick a fave but my most played list would be,

The sims, The sims 2 and The sims 3 and most expansions of all, as well as The Sims Online.
Heroes of Might and Magic
Ultima Online

we own laptops, pc's, playstation 2, wii, nitendo x box, nintendo ds......so we are a pretty big gaming house so as I said just too may to list.

I second Ultima Online. The best mmorpg there ever was. I would still play it if most players hadn't abandoned it for WoW. Most came back after a few months when they got bored though. I loved the interaction in Ultima. The roleplaying community no other game have been able to copy. I miss the wars, the intrigue and the love stories. I played on the Europa server, first in ERPA and then in CoRE. The good old days that never will return :(

Other favorites are.

Dragon age origins + The expansion
Mass Effect 1+2
Resident Evil, The first one (Playstation)
The Halo series
Favorate game of all time? For me it would have to be either TES3: Morrowind or Megaman Legends. The former I still play nowdays, and the latter I played so much back then that the games internal clock broke by the time I finished one of the playthroughs.
Shadow of the Colossus

Heavy Rain

God of War 1, 2 and 3

Ratchet and Clank