Feminism and Submission

WriterDom said:
Historically, the feminists have been very anti-bdsm. Until the lesbian Dommes in the organizations started bitch slapping the complainers. I think most people can separate what goes on behind closed doors and the outside world. There are plenty of excecutive/professional women who are subs.

Point on.

If one can't seperate a sexual preference from a political/professional belief system, then yes. I would agree that there are problems.

In some cases Feminism is just a form of religion masquerading itself.

Siren said:
no self assured and confident Dom wants a clingy...sub.

A little cling is nice sometimes to lock in moisture and preserve freshness.
Lancecastor said:
Not one I've touched upon...I was thinking of Saran Wrap.

Good mumification wrap actually. I prefer outdoors though.

Siren said:
What do you prefer outdoors Mister Ish-mael?

The creation of the backdrop upon which I will create my picture (scene).

Each sub has an inner persona that is enhanced by the setting. It is not only about sexual pleasure, but about the beauty and symetry that is created in the mutual giving. The preservation of balance. The balance between the power given with the beauty that is created. One can't exist without the other.

The sub is the 'enabler' of this creation process. The extra strenght that the Dom draws upon to make the picture complete. One cannot exist without the other.

Ishmael said:
Point on.

If one can't seperate a sexual preference from a political/professional belief system, then yes. I would agree that there are problems.

In some cases Feminism is just a form of religion masquerading itself.


Great post Ishmael! I think you boiled down this whole discussion to that one statement.

A sexual preference shouldn't be connected to a political/professional belief system. People have done it and will continue to do it, but it seems to me that they are using their political beliefs to justify or repress the sexuality of themselves and of others.
Ishmael said:
Good mumification wrap actually. I prefer outdoors though.


Sure is. I knew it had arrived, when I saw it (saran wrap) being auctioned on Ebay! LOL

zipman7 said:
People have done it and will continue to do it, but it seems to me that they are using their political beliefs to justify or repress the sexuality of themselves and of others.

Case in point, when I discuss having male submissives, it seems the conversation always degenerates into a discussion of the masculinity of male submissives.

It they want a woman in charge, then they must be wimps, closet homosexuals, and weaklings.

Usually it is women who are the worse, until they see what my subs look like. Then they all want to know where to get one. LOL

I will be honest here and say I had never thought about this at all. I have seen BDSM protrayed in a evil light on TV and in movies and even in books. Lurking here and in one other place has opened my eyes to the reality of BDSM and it is a more....loving and giving lifestyle than I had ever thought it was.

My growing up and going to movies showed that the Dom or Master was a bad or evil man usually and not someone to want to be like. A sub or slave was an unlucky indiviual who was trapped or forced into this wihtout consent.

I am glad that my curiousity was aroused to check it out. I have a new found respect and interest in this lifestyle now than I ever had before.:)
curious2c said:
I am glad that my curiousity was aroused to check it out. I have a new found respect and interest in this lifestyle now than I ever had before.:)

Just wait until you try it!

Gotta figure out what I lean towards first, then the hard part starts. Finding that partner for trying it out.:)
curious2c said:
Gotta figure out what I lean towards first, then the hard part starts. Finding that partner for trying it out.:)

I know which way you lean..... LOL. Can't wait for you to discover it too. ~smile~ I don't invite *just* anybody over here, hon.
A Desert Rose posted:

I know which way you lean..... LOL. Can't wait for you to discover it too. ~smile~ I don't invite *just* anybody over here, hon.

Now I have two questions that need answers.

Which way do you think I lean and...What happens when I discover myself? You make it sound so-oo-o...well, great!

Btw, thank you for the invite.:rose:
curious2c said:
A Desert Rose posted:

I know which way you lean..... LOL. Can't wait for you to discover it too. ~smile~ I don't invite *just* anybody over here, hon.

Now I have two questions that need answers.

Which way do you think I lean and...What happens when I discover myself? You make it sound so-oo-o...well, great!

Btw, thank you for the invite.:rose:

Try each way and see which is the more satisfying.

sounds like good advice. I will lurk for a bit first though, and think of where to start.:cool: